Dragon Ball Z Logo

This is my Dragon Ball Z page.
It is under construction, so please bear with me for now.
I will be putting up a bunch of pictures and they will have captions with them telling you who they are.
I would tell you what part of DBZ they show up in but I haven't seen all that much of DBZ.

This is my second favorite Anime/Manga of all time.
(Robotech being my first)

I love all the action in it and hope that they start with some new shows soon.

What is Dragon Ball Z about?

I have decided to put the Heroes and Villains on 2 different
pages because they will take up alot of space on this page and
they would be mixed together but I will leave all the people that
don't belong on either page and some of the other stuff on this
page. So...

To see the Heroes of Dragon Ball Z go to the Heroes Page

To see the Villains of Dragon Ball Z go to the Villains Page

Jewels is this ones name and for only 1 episode is he seen.
He is a ladies man and has some fighting skills.
He tries to flatter #18 into letting him beat her in a fighting
match, but #18 does not go for it and with only 1 or 2 hits he is
out of the match for good.

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