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Faye Wong / Wong Fei (1997)

  • Album Title (English): Faye Wong (1997)
  • Album Title (Romanized Cantonese): Wong Fei
  • Record Label: EMI
  • Released: September 1997
  • Album Type: Mandarin
  • Album ID: 7243 8 2144625
  • UPC: 7 24382 14462 5
  • Track Listing:

  • Josh's $0.02: This self-titled album is Faye's EMI debut and also for her new production company "A Production House". "Amusement Park" is a new Cocteau Twins track composed especially for Faye. "Reminiscence" is a cover of the Cocteau Twins' "Rilkean Heart" (from "Milk & Kisses"). After just one listen to this album, I think that this is one of Faye's best ever. My Fayevourite songs include "You're Happy, So I'm Happy", a fun song with child-like Faye vocals, "Bored", a fun, fast alterna-rock song, and "I Don't Want To Be This Way Either", a beautiful ballad. Hits include: "You're Happy, So I'm Happy", "Bored", "I Don't Want To Be This Way Either", and "Mortal World". There are 5 different covers to this album: (1) the "limited edition 3D" lenticular cover, (2) the "Caucasian lady" magazine cover, (3) the close up "leaning forward" cover, (4) the close up "butterfly" cover, and (5) the "checkered blanket" cover.
  • Note: Click here to go to my special review page for "Faye Wong".
  • Buy this album now at YesAsia.

    Help Needed:

  • Please submit your English, Romanized, and Pinyin translated lyrics to me and I will post them here. Also, if anyone knows of any Faye cover versions of English songs that I have not credited, please email me with the English song(s) and artist(s). - Thanks, Josh

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