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You’re The Only One

  • Album Title (English): You’re The Only One
  • Album Title (Romanized Cantonese): none
  • Record Label: Cinepoly (Polygram)
  • Released: December 1990
  • Album Type: Cantonese
  • Album ID: CP-5-0051
  • Track Listing:

  • Josh's $0.02: The Karyn White cover ("Super Woman") "Because Of Him", the Diana Ross cover ("I’m Still Waiting") "Still Waiting Again", and "Clarinet In A Quiet Night" are the hit songs. "Beautiful Vibration" is an Expose cover ("When I Looked At Him").
  • Buy this album now at YesAsia.
  • Buy the Universal Golden Music series reissued version of this album now at YesAsia, released August 2004.

    Help Needed:

  • Please submit your English, Romanized, and Pinyin translated lyrics to me and I will post them here. Also, if anyone knows of any Faye cover versions of English songs that I have not credited, please email me with the English song(s) and artist(s). - Thanks, Josh

  • Note: For any other CDs that are sold out or not available for sale online, just email me with your requests and I'll check around town for you.

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