The Samurai

Samurai were members of the warrior class of Feudal Japan. They are considered some of the most skilled warriors of any culture. Many of the precepts of the samurai codes of battle and behavior, appear in various cultures throughout the world. The European code of chivalry is a good example of this. However, most other culture's codes of battle are not as unwavering as that of Bushido, the Way of the Warrior. Followers of Bushido had no fear of death. This allowed samurai to carry out their duties no matter the costs. In fact death in the line of duty was considered the most honorable death one could attain.

However, samurai were not cold emotionless robots who did their tasks waiting for the day of their deaths. Samurai held a passion for life and the beauty it possessed. Many composed Haiku, nonrhyming rhythmic poetry (usually concerning some aspect of nature ). Others were skilled painters who often wrote haiku which accompanied their paintings.

If you are interested in more information on samurai, here are a few links.

One cannot have the samurai without
their dichotimal opposite, the ninja.

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