Sonnet VIII gallery King Endymion

With purple hair, elegant lilac suit and golden heart, King Endymion ruled together with Neo Queen Serenity the fair kingdom of Earth. He takes care of his kingdom (even though he might get "sick" together with the queen once in a while ^^)

Always mature, forever thinking of the best thing to do, he even sends terrible visions to his past self, knowingly of the pain he will cause himself and her beloved, in order to make them strong for the future fights.
Sonnet VIII

What can I give thee back, O liberal
and princely giver, who hast brought the gold
and purple of thine heart, unstained, untold,
and laid them on the outside of the wall
for such as I to take or leave withal,
in unexpected largesse? an I cold,
ungratful, that for thses most manifold
high gifts, I render nothing back at all?
Not so; not cold, - but very poor instead.
Ask God who knows. For frequent tears have run
the colors form my life, and left so dead
and pale a stuff, it were not fitly done
to give the same as pillow to thy head.
Go farther! let it serve to trample on.

Elizabeth Barret-Browning