
This is a Charity Project which MSS is taking part in... It is organised by the Medical Society for all the other MSS and SSA to get together and bring joy during Christmas to under-privileged children. Basically, we'd like you to donate a shoebox with some goodies inside which children would like... if you want to personalise it, you may include a nice letter and wrap the box, if not, we'll help you wrap it... please include a £2 postal fee... again if you cannot do this, give us £2 and we'll get the fee for you. We know you girls have been shopping for shoes and would have collected lots of boxes... so if you can, donate some extra boxes, and get together with some friends and buy stuff to put inside. We suggest some useful stuff as well, like gloves, scarfs, socks.... which could keep these children warm...or toothpaste etc... instead of giving only chocolates... Please also try not to just give money, but to get together, put some effort and buy some stuff with other ppl.... IF you are unable to get the box to Contact SIngapore, or would like directions to get there, contact the society and we will help you out... For our administrative and logistical purposes, we would like those who are not intending to go down to the centre to get in touch with us before the 2nd of November... Thank you.

Audrey Ng

___________________________ Operation Christmas Child ___________________________

Operation Christmas Child is an annual project organised by the Samaritan's Purse. The objective of the project is to pack and collect shoeboxes of presents for children in the war-torn and underprivileged countries in Eastern Europe. The Singapore Medical Society has registered with Samaritan's Purse as a collection centre for this project. This is the second year we have done so. Ms Linda De Mello, Centre Director of Contact Singapore London has kindly allowed us the use of CS Office as the collection centre. You can help in this project in the following ways: 1)Prepare a shoebox of presents. The shoebox should be targeted at either a boy or a girl of the following age groups,2-4, 5-9, 10-14.

The following are some suggestions for the presents : small toys (not war related pls), cuddly toys, stationary, colouring books, crayons, chocolate, sweets, toothbrush, toothpaste, scarf, hats, gloves, socks etc. You can include a letter and a photo if you want to. The shoebox should then be wrapped in gift wraps and secured with an elastic band. (Not sealed) Each shoebox should also be accompanied by the postage fee of £2. (Either coins or cheque made payable to Samaritan's Purse) Bring the shoebox down to Contact Singapore Office anytime between now and 9 Nov. You will be given a copy of the project leaflet for use in the labelling of the shoebox. OR 2) Bring the presents you want to give down to CS Office on the main collection day (7 Nov, 11am-4pm) and join us in the packing of the shoeboxes for the kids. On this day, shoeboxes, gift wraps will be provided complements of Singapore Medical Society. The details of the collection are as follows:

Collection Dates : Now till 9/11/98(Monday) During this period of time, the shoe can be dropped off at CS Office during office hours.

Main Collection Day : 7/11/98 Sat

Time : 11am till 4pm

Venue: Contact Singapore, Charles House, Lower Ground Floor 5-11 Regent St, London SW1Y 4LR (Tube : Piccadilly Circus, South Side Exit)

Any queries should can directed to Timothy Yap (t.yap@ic.ac.uk) or Yih Harn (y.siaw@ucl.ac.uk) . We hope you can help us make this project a success. **************************************************************************** ***** ---------------------- Audrey Ng audrey.ng@kcl.ac.uk