The Vestry,

Of The Temple of Kodachi

An image of the sacred black roses

Black mean not darkness,
Green mean not envy,
Craving mean not obsession,
Loving mean not sin.

These images are not full-size; click on the picture to view it.

I take no credit for any of these scans; most of these images have been pilfered, nicked, borrowed, half-inched, stolen, appropriated, and liberated from various sources around the net.

A big thanks to Sutut for many (most? all? I forget) of the TV scans, they're much appreciated.

If you know the source, or are one, send me the proper credits and I will add them, or remove a picture because of copyright violations.)

Group 1: Various Sources

The look Her hypnotic stare

So kawaii... A glance right Twirling a ribbon Crying for Ranma's help

Group 2: Television Images

Grace and style Beauty in her anger

Guess an all girls school is the wrong place to look for Mr. Right...
In her lover's arms The surprise gift

This one sweet kiss...
Now, now, girls... ...If I weren't a lady...
...I'd have to teach you a lesson... ...And then you'd really be in trouble!

It's a starfish
Those are bad for you, Ranma-dear! You'll find these are much tastier

Beautification: 150%
Whether it be by starlight... ...Or the God of the sun shines upon her...
...It is not a matter of trickery, but that... ...Beauty is in the guy that beholds her

Group 3: Manga Scans

She beckons Praying for love A woman's fantasy

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