Jusenkyo/Mousse's Information Desk

Mousse's Information Desk

Welcome to my desk! I am Mousse.

Here you will find all kinds of information and things to use. I hope you will enjoy them all!

First off, I have the Digital Doomsday Clock, shown below. Like the original Doomsday Clock is a countdown towards nuclear holocaust, this clock is a reminder that freedom on the Internet can come to an end. The closer it gets to 12:00, the more dangerous the situation is. If you disagree, click on the clock and argue it out at the Digital Doomsday Clock home page.

Digital Doomsday Clock
Digital Doomsday Clock

The actual date and time, according to American Eastern Standard Time, is

How long have you been online, anyway?

The end of the millenium is almost upon us. The countdown now stands at

until the year 2000.

Before you leave, be sure to try one of the search engines I've collected.

If you're looking for anime or manga links, try my new Carrier Duck engine below, provided by Anime Grove.

Find this subject:

I will be adding more items as time goes by. Be sure to return soon!
Jusenkyo Main Page I'll find the Spring of Drowned Man and become a whole man again for you, Shampoo! Oops, sorry, my mistake! Gotta stop taking my glasses off...

Ranma's Story Ranma's only going to make himself look good, as usual.

Genma's Ranma 1/2 Gallery Maybe if Mr. Saotome had spent more time parenting and less time taking pictures, his son wouldn't be so corrupted.

Ryoga's Directory Well, if you want to get lost that badly...

Shampoo's Guestbook Don't forget to sign my darling Shampoo's guestbook!

Soun's Anything-Goes Picture Gallery Mr. Tendo has pictures from several anime series, so make sure you take a look.

Akane's Fan Art Make sure that you send Akane Tendo some pictures. She's going to need it if she's going to fill up her page.

Nabiki's Diary I suggest that you be careful; this is probably one of her schemes to take your money!

Kasumi's Voice Stars Review An interesting idea, to be sure.

Kuno's Quote of the Week I'm surprised that he can stop drooling over Akane Tendo and Ranma Saotome long enough to come up with a quote every week.

Kodachi's Fan Fiction

Happosai's Bishojo Gallery A collection of pictures of girls... Why am I not surprised?


Hikaru's Photo Gallery