
So you want to write for Marvel Visions? Well to be a writer here you will need to follow the list of requirements below. We are not looking for the best of the best here, just people dedicated to the series and to creating the best work they can. BUT to be a writer here, you MUST follow the rules below....

1) I will need to know is this a prop for a Ongoing Series, a Limited Series, or for a One Shot issue?

2) If the prop is for an ongoing I will need you to present to me;

A) A 12 issue overview. Not highly detailed, but a good overview.

B) General details on any new villains you will have, and a dibs list of characters, or villains you would like for your 12 issues.

C) A highly detailed overview of the first FIVE issues of the Ongoing Prop.

3) If for a Limited Series, or One Shot a COMPLETE and DETAILED overview of the issues involved.

4) Also, sum up your story in a short paragraph. IE What is this story about. If it takes more than a paragraph to sum up, you most likly need to rethink your character.

5) Keep in mind that while harsh language and adult situations ARE ALLOWED, I would suggest you try to keep it in the spirit of a Saturday Morning cartoon.

6) Keep in mind that highly detailed backstories leave little room for growth. In other words...agian if it takes more than a SHORT paragraph to explain your character's background, rethink it. Simple is better in my eyes. Get to the CORE of the character. Why do they pick up the mantle of this hero? Why do they fight for Justice? These reasons need to be sound, or they won't be a good character.

7) Please respect the domain of the other witers. For example if you are writing a story and wish to use a character from say Spider-Man MV, or any of the core Spider-Man characters (IE Peter, MJ, Aunt May, JJ Jameson etc.) it is common courtisy and the policy of this group to get permission form the other writer before using them.

Okay, now get cracking!!

Send your Submissions to"Puck" Sessions


If you get the go ahead, you will have 20 days (from the day you are notified that you have the series) to produce the first issue. Each issue afterwards will have it's own deadline dictated by the Editor In Chief.

Thank you for your time.

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