
*G* Well, Sailor C isn't really a senshi... so I'll tell you about the real me instead. I looooove animé, and I've had this infatuation with Sailormoon (no, not like that!) for about a year now. The first animé (not counting Speed Racer; gag!) I ever saw was a badly dubbed version of "Project: A-ko" on the Sci-fi channel, I can't remember when. My parents let me watch some of it, but I lost interest and went to go play with my Barbie dolls. Now, I dream of someday becoming an animator in Japan (Look for the animator with the katakana name on the SailorStars movie! ^_^) Well, with my luck, I'd probably end up doing a Pokémon clone. *sigh* Anyway, if you really want some vital stats, here ya go!

Birthday:December 3
Zodiac:Sagittarius (just like Sailorjupiter ^_^)
Chinese Zodiac:Dog (If you'd like the Chinese system explained, e-mail me and I'll find my Hao-Hao placemat!)
Blood type:O
Gemstone:Blue Zircon (a very pale blue semiprecious stone -- my birthstone)
Hobbies:Drawing animé and manga, working on this website, singing in my school choir
Favorite senshi:Toss-up between Moon and Jupiter, but I don't dislike any of them
Hours I've wasted on the internet:You don't want to know ^_^
Other websites I've been known to frequent:The Hero6 Project -- The official website of the Hero6 production team. When our next demo comes out, look for my artwork!
Elfwood -- A fantasy/sci-fi art website that hosts artists' drawings for free! Do a search for "Magic 101" to find my gallery.
Warrior Princesses -- A shrine to Sailormoon and Revolutionary Girl Utena, co-webmistressed by myself and my friend USAgirl. Still under construction, but go check it out anyway!
Made by me, from scratch!

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