
Sailormercury is without a doubt the most intelligent of the inner senshi. Always cool and collected, she stops to think about a situation before rushing in like Mars and Jupiter, or putting her head in the sand like Sailormoon. Ami is a dependable friend, and always a great person to sit next to during an exam! Her one major problem: she breaks out in hives whenever she receives a love letter!

Name:Mizuno Ami (Friend of water)
DiC name:Amy Anderson
Birthday:September 10
Zodiac Sign:Virgo
Blood type:A
Hobbies:Reading, playing chess
Attacks (Japanese):Shabon Spray, Shabon Spray Freezing, Shine Aqua Illusion, Mercury Aqua Mirage, Mercury Aqua Rhapsody
Attacks (DiC):Mercury Bubbles Blast, Mercury Icestorm Blast, Shine Aqua Illusion
Greatest strength:Her patience and intelligence
Greatest weakness:Relationships, especially with boys
Dream:To become a doctor

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