Osaka Naru

Okay, yeah, Naru isn't a senshi. It's doubtful as to whether she even lived on the moon during the Silver Millenium (yes, she could have, if you want to debate it, e-mail me, I'll be more than happy ^_^). However, as Usagi's best friend (until the R series, anyway) I feel she deserves a bio. Naru and Usagi-chan go to the same school, have the same hobbies (shopping!) and are even crushed over by the same guy, Umino! The only difference between the two, really, is that Naru-chan does her homework. Oh, and Usagi is a real princess, not just a rich girl. ^_^ In the animé, Naru falls in love with Nephrite, and brings him over to the side of good, but only briefly as he's killed very soon after. On the bright side, this leaves Naru wide open for Umino (is it really a bright side?), but she's still the official battery of the Dark Kingdom!

Name:Osaka Naru
DiC name:Molly Baker
Greatest strength:Her ability to cheer up Usagi
Greatest weakness:The Dark Kingdom has a radar-lock on her energy signal
Dream:??? Her character is practically dropped once Chibi Usa enters the scene

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