
CICY BIAN is a smart and sweet girl. She likes to watch movies both Chinese and English. You can talk to her whole day around movies. She is good at math, science, and she is a history expert that she can get almost full points no metter AP or honor classes. Wow..so I hope she can get into a good UC after graduate.

PRISCILLA CHAN is a hard working and nice girl. I know her in my senior year in high school. She is so nice that always help me in English 67 class and scan all the pictures for me. I can say without her help, I can't set up this nice homepage..thanks..Pricslla.. She is now a senior, and I hope she will have fun in her college life.

RICHARD CHEN is a rich and nice guy. His car is a BMW M28(What!), and he always drive when we are going out..very nice. We call him "chicken" because he alway dance like it...ha.ha. really funny. Also, we always make fun on him by the way he speak cantonese. he is going to UCR next fall, and i hope he will have fun there.

SARAH CHOI is one of my best friends in WHS. She is very nice and funny. You always see her smile, and she will make everyone happy if stay around her. Also, she always try to do anything to help everyone even she doesn't know that person that much...wow...good person. I can talk to her many things like family, friends, teachers, and more. We are studying at the same college now, and I have some classes with her. I hope she can transfer to UCI next year.

CLIFFORD CHUN is a smart and funny boy. He is good at math, and he is now a president of the Math club in WHS. Good job!!! Also, he sang really really good specially for GIRLS song...ha.ha... I hope he can get into a good UC after graduate.

SUSAN JUNG is a sweet and responsable girl. I really happy making movie with her. She done a great job, and she is the most important character in our movie...wonderful Susan.. She is now studying in Mt.sac(How come I didn't see her), and I hope she can have fun in her life.

ANGUS LEE is a funny guy that always say he likes me(it is a joke). You never saw him mad at anyone, and he always smile. He is now living in Austria. I hope he can met more friends, and have fun in his college life.

CHRSITY LEE is a nice girl and also a racer. She can drive fast but safety. She is the only girl i know that drive stick shif. Wow. She is very nice that teach me how to drive stick by using her car..thank a lots chrsity. She is now studying in PCC, I hope she can have fun there.

DAVID LIN is one of my best friends in WHS. He is a smart boy that i thought he never study for any tests. We became closer on our senior year, and we are now studying in the same college. He helps me a lot on my math, and i have to say thank to him. I hope we can transfer to UCLA two years later, and contuie to have fun with Brian as well as our English 4 class in WHS.

PONG LO is one of my best friends in WHS. He is a nice and smart boy. He can work and study at the same time but still can get over 3.6 GPA...Wow..how smart he is. Also, I can talk to him many things, cars, friends, school, or more. He helps me a lot on how to chose a good teacher in college..thanks alot Pong. He is now studying the same college as mine, too. I hope he can transfer to UCLA next year and have a successfully life.

KELVIN LIU is a smart and nice boy. Also, he is a good singer. He can sing in front of the class. He is one of the important singer in WHS. He likes to play TV games, and we always play it together. He is now a senior, I hope he can get into a good UC or college.

FARRIDA LUI is a nice and smart girl. She helps me a lot on math. I have to say thank you to her. She is now living in Hong Kong, and i have not talk to her for long time. But we are still firends because friendship will last forever!!! I hope she can have fun in her life.

ALAN MAI is one of my best frinds in WHS. He is a talkive and smart boy that always get higher grades than me(not that much). Also, We can talk anything around our school. Although he is smart, he has a weak point. That is you never can make fun of him but I do..ha.ha..sorry Alan. He is now studying in UCI, and I hope he can have more fun there.

UNA NG is a nice and quite girl. We know each other by our mothers because they are "dry swimming" parter. I still remember we both take the driving written exam together, but only she past the first exam..ha..ha..I was so poor. She is going to UCSD next fall, and I hope she will have a wonderful life.

VINCENT NG is one of my best frinds in WHS. He is a smart and a nice boy. He is nice that always helps his friend. Also, he helps me alot on my homepage by teaching me how to use the formula. Although he is smart, but he still more study. So Work hard Vincent. He is now studying in my college, and I hope we both can transfer to UCLA two yeras later.

TRISHA PIYARAT is a clever and beautiful girl. I know her in my senior English class in WHS. She is a good actress that helps me a lot of my English movie project. It was really funny making movie with her and Susan bucause they are funny. I hope she can have a successful life , and may be I"ll see her five years from now..haha(no one know it).

MICHELLE SHI is one of my best friends in WHS. She is a nice and talkive gril. We can talk anything around our school. I always make fun of her and Richard, but she is nice that never get mad at me..sorry Michelle. She is not studying in Cal state Fullerton, and I hope she can have fun there. Also, always be Richard wife.

JOYCE TSUI is one of my friends that when i first came to this strange school. She is good at math ,and she is taking Calculus BC in her senior year. She is also nice that help me a lot on my English classes(copy answer)...thanks joyce. I hope she can get into a good UC or college.

MING (AMY) WU is a sweet and nice girl. I know her over 3 years but we just bacome closer in my senior year. She is nice that always smile and always be happy. Also, She knew lot of stuff about cars. We can talk all day long about any kind of cars. She is now a senior in WHS, and I hope she will have fun in her life.

GRACE YANG is one of my best friends in WHS. She is nice and funny. She always wanted to learn cantonese, but the way she speak is really funny. I always make fun to her by saying TAK is his husband..sorry Grace. She is now living in New York, and I hope she can met more friends and have a new life in NY.

BRIAN YU is one of my best friends in WHS, too. I met him when I first came to this strange school. He help me a lot on my homework. I have to say Thank You to him. We can talk for so long about our friends, and who drive the nice car to school. Also, watch girls around the campus together..ha.ha.. He is going to UCLA next fall. I hope he can have fun there.

MARCELLA YU is a smart girl that many UC's accepted her appication. She is kind of popular in WHS because many young men are always around her(except me)..ha.ha. She is student of the year in Ecomonics AP and Calculus AB AP classes, and she decided to go to UCLA next fall. I hope she can have a successful life.

I will add more friends as soon as possible. ^_^