Gem Stones

Wish Characters and Gem Stones

The FYI (for your information) is here to give you some brief ideas of the gem stones in case you don't really know what they are. I didn't intend to include much New Age stuff as I don't know much about them, and I don't care about them, but I think it would be helpful to compare the information of the gem stone to the character who bares the same name. 
Name of 
Wish Character
Gem Stone
Amber is a fossilized tree resin dating back millions of years ago. Insects and small animals were sometimes found to be fossilized within it. It gives a good scent when it is heated. Amber is believed to absorb negative energies. It aids the memory, heals wounds and attracts good fortune.
Red Garnet
Garnet is the stone of the "inner fire" and devotion, to others, to oneself or to one's aim. It is associated with creativity, regeneration and balance. Inspires love and passion. Attracts good luck. Protection from toxins, depression, anemia and disorder.
This stone's for relaxation. Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient Chinese used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. In fact, some Chinese still believe that wearing a piece of jade will help them to calm themselves down.
Black Obsidian
Obsidian forms from cooled lava from vocanic erruptions. Ancient people use it as knives and arrow heads, as it is brittle and its flakes give very sharp edges. It is a truthtelling stone which often doesn't soften its exposure of truths we would sometimes prefer to have left buried. Snowflake obsidian, while no less honest, transmits the truth in a more gentle manner. 
Crystal Quartz
Quartz helps a person to attune to his/her intuition and stimulates psychic perception. People have used it as a tool to focus and transform energies (such as the crystal ball). The name "God Stone" has also been given to crystal quartz because it is said to bear the divine light and attracts the soul toward the light. Blue quartz: healing and self expression plus creativity; pink: love, beauty, peace, forgiving.
Lapis Lazuli
Stone of Understanding. Literally meaning "Blue Stone" in Arabic, Lapis lazuli was a royal stone in ancient Near East. It has even been suggested that the Ten Commandments were carved on lapis lazuli. It is the stone of heavens and the goddess Venus, and it was thought to cure melancholy and fever. It helps with one's intuition. Although some might love it with shinning gold dusts, totally dark blue lapis is the most expensive.
The highly valued pink or red coral commonly seen in ornamentation is found in the seas of the Mediterranean. It was worn to cure various ailments, as well as to banish nightmares and demons of the night.
Stone of Sincerity. Of the sea, it has watery and lunar elements, thus balancing emotions, especially for water signs. It discourages boisterous behavior and enables us to see how we appear to others. Fire signs less compatible unless drawn to Pearl. White pearls: Pure, innocence, faith; gold and Black: also for prosperity; pink: works especially for the heart. In Asia, people use grinded pearl powder as medicine and beauty products.
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