Go directly to options and ignore the skit.

Welcome, my followers, to the promised land of Tenchi Muyo!

Yosho, it seems this site has fallen to pieces in my abscence. So, it looks like we'll have to rebuild. I now deem this site abandoned and closed. We'll reopen at our new home at Xoom.com.

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By the way, when you're done gorging yourselves in sinful delight, remember to sign our guestbook, or Misaki will come after you and give you a big hug. While you're at it, why not take a look at the list of those who have already saved themselves from the pits of despair.

By the way, Yosho, how's Funaho? Does it need more plant food? Because, if it does, I can vaporize the unfaithful that didn't sign the guest book.

Getting hugged by Misaki is bad enough.

This site is owned and operated by Lord Kagato Hakubi and Lord Yosho Masaki

All Images are copyright AIC

The Lord Kagato Hakubi and Lord Yosho Masaki's Kiyone Makibi Worshipers Ring
site is owned by Lord Kagato Hakubi.

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