Welcome to Kaerumania

Last Updated: 8:36AM Saturday, Feb 28th, 1998

The word "Kaeru" means "to change" or "to modify", which is basically what this page is about.
Kaerumania is an image gallery ran by Lentium for modified anime, game, anime game, and just about any other type of anime images. You'll have to pardon the look of this site for now. This is a new page and I didn't have enough time to get out the really fancy stuff, so just be patient. All of the content will be here however. And if I can help it, there will never be java OR frames :( on this page because java is TOOO slow and frames are TOOO annoying. Anyways.... Please enjoy this sife for all it's worth for now.

I encourage you to send me any modified anime pictures that you have made to support the continuing growth of this site. But DO NOT sent me someone else's work, I would get very annoyed if someone just took it upon themselves to use my pictures without asking me first and I'm sure other people feel the same way. If you would like to use one of the pictures that are contained in this gallery, please contact the creator (of the image, not God) and ask for permission. If it is one of my pictures I will probably say yes anyways but it just shows that you restect the fact that it is someone else's work and not your own. When you get permission from the author, then please make sure you give credit to him/her...... Or there might be legal complications and then nobody would be happy so, just respect other's work. ALL the pictures on this page are modified by someone. If you have any suggestions, comments, images(your own), or just simple praises, send them to the webmaster, Lentium

Sorry if my pictures seem Dragon Ball Z and 'X' biased. I have easy access to images from these. I am going to use other series's images in the future

Tried and Tested in Netscape. MSIE Users, email me to report anything that looks odd(besides the images).

all images on this page are © their respective authors.


How to submit


This page and all others in Kaerumania Copyright © 1998 Lentium, All rights reserved. Nothing at Kaerumania may be copied without the explicit permission of the Author.

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