
A Scorpion Martial Art for use in Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game

By Jorge Rodriguez Jr.


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Kagejutsu is an art created by Shosuro Kanedo almost 400 years ago. Kanedo was a member of the Shosuro acting troupe, whose stage presence was astounding, but as well known for his other more concealed skills. In Kabuki theatre, combat scenes are complex and demanding routines that had to be constantly practiced. Some actors had rudimentary skills in martial arts, but lacked the real training of true martial arts. Sometimes actors were seriously wounded during these routines. Kanedo developed Kagejutsu as a response to the need of martial arts training for actors. When learned, Kagejutsu helps the practicioner simulate combat. The actor appears to be truly wounded, knows kenjutsu stances and maneuvers.
Kagejutsu does not have any styles or techniques per se, as do other martial arts, but the skill allows the practicioner through experience to predict blows, simulate techniques from the clans and to "fake" damage from combat.
This skill is almost always taught exclusively to the Shosuro family actors, although Scorpion clan players who initially buy Acting or Dancing may buy this skill only at rank one in the charater creation process for two character points. The character may continue to raise the rank level of this skill normally during game play.


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Rank 1: Dance of Swords- Contorting his/her body to prevent any weapons from landing, the Kagejutsu practicioner moves about in an impressive display of agilty and reflexes. The kagejutsu practicioner rolls a contested Kagejutsu + Reflexes vs. his / her opponents Kenjutsu + Agility x 5 or weapon / combat style + Agility x 5. If the roll is successful, then the practitioner's Target Number increases to 5 for every point in Reflexes.

Rank 2: Wounded Dove- In addition to being able to act out the plays and dances of the Kabuki theatre, the actor must dramatize sword fights from these plays. More often than not these sword fights are highly choreographed and thoroughly practiced. Sometimes these fights require than actor feigns to be wounded. The practicioner rolls a contested Kagejutsu + Earth vs. the opponent's damage roll, keeping his/ her Earth. If the Kagejutsu practicioner's roll is higher than the total damage sustained, then the practicioner subtracts one level of damage, plus one aditional level for each raise. The Kagejutsu practicioner "fakes" the excess damage (that is, the original amount of damage the opponent rolled) to decieve his / her opponent.
Ex: Shosuro Takiko is fighting a Lion bushi. The Lion Bushi attacks and hits Takiko. Let's assume that the Lion has Strength 3 and he is using an Average quality Katana (3K2). So the Lion rolls 5K2 of damage, potentially doing from 2 to infinite points of damage The Lion decides not to raise the difficulty. Again let's assume that his result was 20 wounnd levels of damage, a very nasty wound. Takiko then rolls her Kagejutsu (she is Rank 3) and her Earth, which totals five dice ,keeping her Earth. Takiko must roll a 21 or higher for any damage to be subtracted. She will not raise her difficult and rolls a 10 +4, 9, 3, 7 and 6 giving her a total of 30 (She kept the 10+4, 9 and the 7). She negates the damage. Takiko's Earth Rank is at 2, so she has 4 wounds per level , so insteas of being at -4 wound levels, she is really at -3 a bad wound but not as bad as being at -4. Takiko must now fake the original amount of damage so she approriately slumps to the floor...

Rank 3: Leaf in the Wind- Using his/her training in Kajegutsu, the practicioner negates any thrown or falling damage he/she might have sustained by going with the momentum of the fall, rolling and slapping the floor to absorb the impact. The practicioner rolls a contested Kagejutsu + Reflexes vs. the opponents technique + appropriate Trait.

Rank 4: Moving the Shadow- The Kagejutsu practicioner is an expert student of percieving the body language of others; this allows him or her to emulate anyone, from the lowest Eta to the most honorable Samurai. The Kagejutsu practicioner applies this also to the martial arts by memorizing the techniques and body stances of other martial arts.
The Kagejutsu practitioner watches his/her subject for a number of turns equal to his/her Kagejutsu + Perception. After the alloted time has passed, the practicioner rolls his Kagejutsu + Intelligence, plus any raises. TN is the difficulty of executing the technique or a default TN of 25. If the roll is successful, the practicioner has permanently memorized that move, maneuver, stance, technique, body movement or proceedure, even though the practicioner does not know what it is. The practicioner can emulate the body movements of a Shugenja, BUT CAN NOT CREATE THE SPELL EFFECTS. For example, a practicioner can copy a bushi's rank technique, including any bonuses if they apply.

Created by Jorge Rodriguez Jr. E-mail me at bayushi_hidari@Iname.com
Last Modified December 30, 1998 Ver. 1.02