The Raven Clan

An alternate Minor Clan for use in the
Legend of the Five Rings Logo
Role-Playing Game

"The bold make their own destiny." Raven clan motto

The Raven clan's beginnings go back 350 years when the Spider Clan (a minor clan) controlled the northwestern part of the mountains of the Heigen Kori (see Geography, pp. 230, LFR RPG entry #4). Since that place is barely habitable, there are very few villages in the area and most of the major clans do not bother with it. But the Spider clan taxed and starved the few villages that were within their reach from Kumo Noboru, their stronghold high in the mountains. At this time a Ronin, by the name of Karasu heard about the Spider clan's deeds and decided to help the villages. Since arming peasants was illegal, he appealed to the only two clans within distance of Kumo Noboru, the Dragon Clan and the Lion clan (the Unicorn had not yet arrived). Both clans denied him support and he wandered around the countryside, looking for help. One day while fording a river, a Kenku, challenged Karasu to a duel; the winner got to ask a favor from the loser. Both contestants eyed each other warily, but in the end the Kenku came out as the victor. The Kenku asked Karasu for a shinny bauble, and asked for his Wakizashi. Karasu had no choice but to give him what the Kenku demanded. Karasu asked the Kenku if he could teach him his technique. After some persuasion, the Kenku relented and promised to teach Karasu his technique. For some time the Kenku and Karasu wandered the countryside learning from each other. Karasu told the Kenku about the Spider clan's domination and his promise to the villagers. The Kenku agreed to join Karasu on his quest. They slowly made their way towards the Heigen Kori, but not before a samurai-ko named Hitoshii and a Shugenja named Fukuro joined them along with about 15 other minor bushi. When they arrived at Kumo Noboru the small force found that the Spider clan bushi were waiting for them. The Kenku left, promising some help would be on its way. Slowly, the beleaguered group fought their way to the ramparts of the small castle, only to have the Spider bushi destroy the bridge that spanned the gorge before them. Suddenly, the sky was filled with Kenku; some landed on the castle walls fighting with the Spider bushi, others carrying wooden planks to make a temporary bridge. Finally the force made its way over, scaled the walls and captured the castle. When it was all over most of the group was dead, but the reign of terror of the Spider clan had finally ended. Karasu occupied the castle, giving his companions tokens of rewards and especially to the Kenku. Karasu and the Kenku swore that if either of them or their descendants needed each other's help, the other would come and help. To seal this act, the Kenku gave Karasu a Katana, called Hayai-Kaze, which was to be the Raven Clan's Ancestral Sword. Before the kenku left,he taught Karasu two special techniques which were handed down only from father to son, a secret that to this day only the Daimyo and his heir know.

Character Creation
Step One
Choose A Family
Is your Raven Clan Character from theKarasu family, the Hitoshii family or the Fukuro family?

Choose A Profession
You are either a bushi or a Shugenja. Write down the Skills your School teaches you as well as your Rank 1 Technique (Bushi) or Spells (Shugenja).

Step Two
Customize your Character
Your character's Traits and Rings all begin at 2; his Glory is a 1. You may now spend 25 Character Points on your character. You may spend points on Traits (pg 54), Skills (pg 68), or Advantages (pg 72). You may gain additional Character Points by purchasing Disadvantages (pg 75).
Character Point Costs
Raise a Trait: 8 CP
Raise a Void Point: 12 CP
Raise a Skill: 1 CP
Raise Glory: 5 CP
Lowering and Raising Honor: It costs 3 CP to raise your Character's Honor. Lowering your Honor gains you 2 Character Points. Honor can only be raised or lowered one Rank.

Determining Wounds
Multiply your character's Earth by 2 and fill in each Wound box with that number. These are your character's wounds.

Your outfit (beginning equipment) is listed in Begining Equipment. List your possessions and money on the back of your character sheet. Choose your primary weapon and how many dice you'll roll and keep when using it, your Armor and its protection, amd your TN to be hit.

Step Three
Determining Insight
Find the sum of all your Rings. Multiply that total by 10. Then, find the sum of your Skills.

Finally, add the totals together. This is your Starting Insight. Whenever your Skills or Rings increase, re-adjust your Insight.

The Families
Back to the Families
Raven Clan bushi are known for their agile maneuvers and lightning fast attacks. Benefit: +1 Agility.

Back to the Families
Most of the Raven Clan bushi are from this family. Benefit: +1 Awareness.

Back to the Families
These are the Shugenja and court diplomats of the Raven Clan. Benefit +1 Intelligence.

Karasu Bushi School
Benefit: +1 Reflexes.
Back to Professions
Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes
Archery, Battle, Defense, Hand-to-hand, History, Kenjutsu, any High or Bugei Skill.
Rank 1: Way of the Raven
An opponent facing a Raven bushi with this technique subtracts the Raven bushi's Reflexes to his Initiative rolls.
Rank 2: Raven's Bluff
The bushi may reroll one of his dice, but must keep the new roll, regardless of whether it is lower than the first roll. This can be done once per turn.
Rank 3: Cry of the Raven
By entering combat or a duel with a fierce Kiai, the Raven bushi temporarily raises his Kenjutsu or his Iaijutsu skill to 2, up to a maximum of Rank 5 in either skill. This effect lasts for 1 turn.

The following two techniques are handed down from Karasu to his heirs and their heirs. Only the Raven Clan Daimyo and his heir may have this technique.

Rank 4: Fatal Flaw
The Raven bushi can discern an opponent's weakness, allowing the bushi extra damage in combat. The bushi must concentrate for one round and roll a contested Meditation + Void Vs. Meditation + Void or Earth (if an opponent does not have Void). Success allows the Raven bushi to keep an extra die of damage against that opponent. Failure signifies that the opponent is aware of the Raven bushi's intentions and gains the benefit instead.
Rank 5: Death From Above
The Raven bushi studies his opponent, seeking the best place to land a blow, then proceeds to launch a devastating attack the next turn. The bushi spends a Void point and rolls a contested Meditation + Void Vs. Meditation + Void or Earth (if an opponent does not have Void). If successful, the bushi doubles the damage dice on his next blow, assuming it hits.

Fukuro Shugenja School
Back to Professions
Benefit: +1 Perception Beginning Honor: 2, plus 5 boxes Fukuro shugenja get a free raise for all Air spells
Calligraphy, History, Meditation, Shintao, Theology, and any 2 High or Bugei Skills.
Beginning Spells
Sense, Commune, and Summon, plus 3 Air, 2 Water and 1 Fire.
Your Outfit
Back to Equipment
(All Considered Average Quality): Katana, Wakizashi, Bow, 20 Arrows of any type(s), Light Armor, Traveling Pack, Kimono, any 1 weapon, 3 Koku.
(All Considered Average Quality): Kimono, Traveling Pack, Scroll Satchel, Wakizashi, Tanto, and 3 Koku.