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Bonsai Tools their care and use

Hi, My name is John Ainsworth. Over 30 years ago I founded one of the first bonsai nurseries in the UK. Called Tokonoma Bonsai it eventually became the largest bonsai nursery in Gt. Britain. Unfortunately what started as a hobby became a serious business and I found myself totally wrapped up in an office and not working with trees - subsequently I sold the business 5 years ago. Anyway one of the problems we had was that it was very difficult to get people to look after their bonsai tools properly - hence the reason for these web pages. If you would like to improve the life and efficiency of your tools then read on. Enjoy your Bonsai!

Links to other sites on the Web

How to use and care for your tools
Bonsai Tools from Mystral

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Mystral 14 London Road Shenley. Radlett. Herts. WD7 9EN UK Tele/Fax:- Int+(0)1923 853507

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