<BGSOUND SRC="Serenity.mid">
Welcome to the official Zenkoku shisetsu isejin tameni boui page ( roughly translates into national institution for extraterrestrial defense or N.I.E.T. DEFENSE page)This is where you'll find most of the info on the N.I.E.T. pictures you find on various  pages all over the net.Or you can find the pictures through this page, All the art on this page will be origional, done by me , Risa or Teli. so, welcome to n.i.e.t. defense, enjoy...
clear your mind,expect the unexpected, and the unexplained.Enter into a world of love, mystey, beauty, misery and deceit
lsat updated : September 27th
Enter the world of the night...
note: the midi playing in the back ground is called "serenity" it came free on my computer.If you got it from a page claming it was sailormoon, that is because someone took it from my sailormoon page assumin that what it was, and now they have made a fool outta themself. i'm saying this because it makes sense to e-mail someone asking what something on their page is before you steal it...