Welcome to The Wants Outweighing the Means. What exactly is the point you ask? Simple, there exist on this planet literally tons of just stuff that I wish to own. The problem is that I lack the means to get all the things that my heart desires. That is where this site, and you (the viewer) come into play.

This website is not pretty, its not fun to look at or flashy, it has but one purpose, for you to buy me stuff. This goes out to all my family members and friends...ever at a loss for what to get Dave for his b-day, or christmas, or any other gift giving occasion such as Earth Day, Secretary's Day, or even Mother's Day, well look no further, all the answers are here in easy to follow tables.

The following is an example of what a standard table on this page is going to look like:

Product Location/Website Release Date Level Of Necessity
This is the name of the product Where to buy or a link to the products site. When the product hits the market. How Badly I want the product.

I would like to just make a special note that the Level of necessity will be represented by . Five is the maximum. If you see five that means it is something that I want the most in its respective category.