Jacinth's Story

Disclaimer: Demando and Zoisite where created by Naoko and copyrighted by her, DiC, Toei Animation, Kodansha Comics and Mixxzine. Not me. Jacinth is though.

    Jacinth rounded the corner and saw them. Demando and Alexandrite. "ALEX!" He yelled. Then before he knew it he was running at Demando and yelling at him too. "LET HER GO!"
    Demando looked up from his latest victim and saw his nephew, only it wasn't him. He'd age 5 or 6 years, and that wasn't right, but he was unmistakable. The black hair with blue and green streaks along with the silver-blue, the golden brown eyes and the Blackmoon family crescent on the head. If not for that he'd have thought someone simply looked like him, but there he was, with Zoisite.
    "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Jacinth yelled at him.
    "What happened to you?" Demando asked stunned by the fact that Jacinth had aged.
    "I'm asking the questions here Demando. Zoisite, is she ok?"
    "I think so... But she's unconscious." Zoisite said worriedly.
    "What are you doing? What happened?" Demando asked again, not knowing what happened to the situation he had total control over a second ago.
    Jacinth looked down at Alexandrite with concern and Demando looked at his eyes and realized what it was. Jacinth turned back to Demando and glared at him coldly. "If she's not ok, you're not going to be." Then Zoisite teleported with Alexandrite and Jacinth teleported glaring at Demando.

     "If only we got there sooner..." Jacinth was saying obviously aggravated with himself.
     "Don't start blaming yourself. You said he was like this with a lot of girls, which means he knows how to work fast. He probably had the whole thing planned out. He knew someone would find her and he wouldn't have her completely today." Zoisite said softly then smirked. "I just don't think he was expecting  you."
       Jacinth laughed then looked down at Alex as she writhed from another nightmare. "Is she gonna be okay?"
      "She should be. She's had worse fits before." Zoisite sighed and put a cold compress on her forehead. She stopped moving soon after and relaxed in a more peaceful sleep. "I just wish I knew what he did."
      "What did he have planned for her?" Jacinth asked.
      "He never told Malachite, just that he wanted her. Don't you know what he does with his girls?"
      "Only a few of them." Jacinth shuddered.
      "I take it he's not very gentle?"
      "He's gentle, but overly so... the girls fall before they know what's hit them." Jacinth sighed and brushed Alex's wild hair to a gathered mass.
      "Poor kid... she's been through so much... and she's only supposed to be about four years old."
      "Four? They've really been keeping her in that thing haven't they?" Jacinth looked shocked and a little angry.
      "She was three, then seven, then ten, and now she's fifteen... She never had a childhood, she'd never be able to enjoy one anyway." Zoisite sighed. "It was practically a necessity... children wouldn't last long here."
      "She seems strong."
      "I told you: She's been through a lot. And I doubt that time with Demando helped her much."
        Jacinth cursed silently and watched Alex sleep. She looked as young as she should have been. They'd had no right to do that to her, not Malachite, not Demando, or anyone else who'd hurt her...
        Alex shifted jaggedly, like someone awakening, then lay still for a few moments. Then her eyes fluttered and opened. They looked blind for a moment, then with a deliberate blink returned to the shattered burning crystals they'd been since her last growth.
        "Are you okay, princess?" Jacinth at her bedside asked.
        Alex blinked again then answered slowly. "I'm fine... why do you ask?"
        "You were blacked out for hours, Alex..." Zoisite told her.
        "I was? I thought I fell asleep."
        "You did... kinda." Jacinth answered softly.
        Alex gave him an odd look. "Who are you anyway?" For half a second Jacinth looked shocked.
        "Zoi-chan, who is this guy?" Alex asked him
        Jacinth smiled and took her hand. "You don't remember me?" he kissed it gently.
        Alex smiled sweetly, "Now I do. You've changed." she frowned
.       "It didn't hurt." Jacinth said bravely
        "Men, always have to be so strong. Oh well. You never told me what happened..." Alex began.
        "And I'm not going to." Jacinth said curtly. "It's best you don't know."
        "Come on Jacinth, she needs her rest after that." Zoisite said and led the boy out of Alex's room.

        A week went by with Jacinth training in his new body, and mastering attacks faster then before. He tried to visit Alex, but she didn't want anyone in her room, including Zoisite. Another thing he did was try to think of a way to keep Zoisite from getting into trouble for what he did. The only answer was to hide and for that, he'd have to change his name... and break ties with his family.

     After another few days of training and failed attempts at talking to Alex, Jacinth talked to Zoisite.
        "Have you talked to Alex?" Jacinth asked the older man.
        "Not much.. She wont let anyone in her room." Zoisite responded.
        "Are you going to get introuble for aging me?"
        "I haven't yet, and wont unless your uncle tells Malachite or Beryl."
        "How are you explaining me?"
        "I'm not." Zoisite smirked.
        Jacinth look at Zoisite with obvious surprise. "What do you mean?? Aren't questions being asked??"
        "Noone would dare question a king, aside from Beryl."
        "Wont she find out eventually?"
        "Maybe, but she has enough to deal with plotting to take over the Moon Kingdom, she wont really pay much attention."
        "Are you sure?"
        "Demando might try to convince her other wise."
        Zoisite laughed loudly. "Good, let him try. It'd solve our problem. If he annoys her, she'll probably kill him."
        "I think you're underestimating him."
        "Really? I don't. Do you have a better idea?"
        "Maybe but I'd need to change my name."
        "I don't know yet."

        Another day, another training spar. Jacinth thinks to himself while sparing another nameless Youma. Let's try something new....
        "Are you going to attack yet?" Jacinth asked the fallen Youma impatiently.
        "grrrrrrrrrrrr" The Youma growled and got up and threw some energy blasts which Jacinth easily dodged and then creates a black energy ball. Grinning, Jacinth makes it suck in the light. "Omega Darkness" He says calmly when it absorbs most of the light then throws it at the Youma, who gets blasted through the wall.
        "Hmmp... I'll have to try that on Demando next time...." Jacinth said quietly then left. Outside the training room, he saw Alex running down the hall and decided to follow her.
        "Alex! Wait up!" Jacinth was chasing her down the hall and failing miserably at trying to keep her in sight. He stopped to catch his breath and when he looked up, she'd vanished. "Aw great..." he sighed and rolled his gold eyes.
        "Miss me?" Alexandrite said suddenly and tapped his shoulder.
        "ACK! Alex don't do that!"
        "Why not?" she smiled sweetly and turned it into a smirk, "Can't keep up with me?"
        "I could if I knew how to snatch energy out of everything and turn it to power, but I don't so chill and wait for me." Jacinth huffed.
        Alex's frown was genuine. "Sorry. I forgot. I figured you could keep up with me by now. It's been a month."
        "Yeah well some people don't have the perkiness of a four year old when they're fifteen..." he smiled. She crossed her arms and scowled.
        "Call me perky one more time and your gonna be smiling through your toes!" Alex snarled and turned on her heel.
        "Alex, wait, I didn't mean--" she was gone in a mist of crystals before Jacinth could finish. "Damn!"

To be continued......