Jacinth's Story
Disclaimer: Bishoujou Senshi Sailor Moon is copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha Comics, Toei Animation, DiC Animation, and Mixxzine. Alexandrite and Jacinth are copyrighted by me and my friend.

Warning!! This is a very Hentai chapter! Those under 18 are not allowed to read any farther! The Final chapter will have a slight recap of any major plot turns.

Authors note:This chapter was actually writen by Alex cause, she can pull it off, and I couldn't. It's not real important, but kinda fun. ^_^

        Alex sighed and grimaced as Zoisite gave her "the look". She'd been sitting there in her room with Jacinth while Zoisite scolded them for going to Earth and most of all for being caught by the Prince's guards. Actually, scolding was a minor term, he was bitching them out.
        "Of all the stupid things to do... Alex I told you not to go to Earth!!! What if you hadn't escaped, or what if Malachite or Beryl had found out you were gone before I had??"
        "I'm sorry, Zoisite. I didn't think." Alex said and looked down.
        "You never think, Alexandrite. I thought Demando had taken you until I noticed Jacinth was gone too." Zoisite said and frowned. "You're lucky I remembered you could sneak into the throne room, or someone else would have gone after you!"
        Alex got a guilty look and folded her hands in her lap. Jacinth just bit his lip and looked at the wooden floor. "I was taking care of her."
        "Not very well from the sound of the guards down at the castle..." Zoisite said harshly. "She's a very important Youma and she shouldn't be going anywhere. Especially Earth."
        "I'm sorry, Zoi-chan... I was curious." Alex sighed.
        "Curiousity killed the cat and you're very cat-like." Zoisite replied.
        "That reminds me, we saw a moon cat running around there." Jacinth told him.
        "Then the Moon Kingdom will know about Alex now... and at least three other planets do too."
        "I'm sorry, Zoisite, I didn't think anything bad would happen. The castle only had two guards at the door." Jacinth said and frowned.
        "Don't be sorry, just don't take her out of the Kingdom again." Zoisite said. "Both of you stay in here and think about your foolish actions for the rest of the day." he started to walk out the door.
        "Both of us in one room???" Alex asked with a look of shock. "Why?"
        "Nevermind, just do it. If either of you leaves then you'll be put in another room for a week." Zoisite said and shut the door behind him.
        "Great. Now what? There's hours until even dinner." Alex sighed and kicked a boot under her bed.
        "Well we can sit and talk."
        Alex sighed. "I don't feel like talking." She frowned and turned her head off to one side to look in her mirror, not noticing the look Jacinth gave her as she took a deep breath, "I hate being stuck in a room with nothing to do."
        Jacinth swallowed and sat next to her. "Why are you so cold lately?"
        "We used to talk a bit more than this."
        "So?" Alex frowned and laid back over the width of her bed, letting her head and arms fall over the other side. Jacinth swallowed again at the view. "What's wrong?" Alex asked, arching her back up to sit again.
        "Um, nothing..." his voice cracked.
        Alex laughed, "Jacey, what's wrong, I can tell something is..."
        "Well, um... actually..."
        Alex turned and looked him dead in the eye, her nose almost touching his. "Spill it, Jace."
        He'd probably meant to edge back, but instead Jacinth accidentally leaned his head closer and kissed Alex lightly. She gasped but didn't pull back. It didn't seem like much of a threat. Jacinth obviously thought it was because he jumped back.
        "For what?"
        "Didn't that upset you?
        "Not really..." Alex said flatly, "Hey it surprises me as much as you. I probably wouldn't even mind it again." she smiled and he smiled back.
        "You sure?"
        "Pretty sure, but just to test it..." he kissed her again before she could finish.
        The kiss was just as light, but this time neither one pulled back. Instead they came closer and held each other, almost as an instinct. Eventually, as Jacinth ran his hands through Alex's hair, the kiss became stronger and she held him tighter, almost moaning under it.
        Jacinth gently pulled away, still holding Alex. "We should stop."
        "Do we have to?" Alex asked earnestly, pleading with her eyes.
        "Not really." he pulled her close and kissed her again. As the kiss became deeper, Jacinth's hands slipped from Alex's hair to her shoulders, and slipped a little farther while holding her dress. He broke the kiss gently again, but instead of pulling away, he kissed down her neck, sending shivers through her. He nibbled her shoulders a bit the edged the dress down a bit more. It was already low cut, it didn't need to be urged much to drop lower.
        Neither did his lips. He kissed down to her breasts, the breasts his uncle had wanted to be so full, he remembered how much he hated him for that, but forgot it quickly as Alex's moans became noticable. He wanted to make her forget too, to forget everything that anyone had ever done to her. He suckled the soft nipples on her breasts until they became hard and her moaning grew louder. He glanced up to see her eyes were closed and her head was arched back. Unable to resist, he brought his head back up to suckle on her neck and rubbed her nipples lightly with his hands. Alex gasped and held him closer to her.
        After a few moments, Jacinth's hands came down from her breasts and took the dress down more. Her small waist was a farce, there was muscle there that hid under the soft folds of her dress. Power that a girl shouldn't have, but she needed to stand up to her opponents in the training room.
        "You're always such a cold warrior, almost hating everything and everyone. Well I don't like it, I'm going to warm you again, I'll turn you into the little giggling brat the others talk about. The three year old with more heart than any adult." Jacinth breathed as he moved his lips down to kiss all the way to her hips, where the dress still lay.
        If he'd known how warm he was making Alex, Jace would have been as shocked as she was. She felt as if she were on fire, especially between her legs, which surprisingly, felt wet at the same time. If this was part of being an adult, she wasn't sure if she wanted it...
        "Jace..." she started, shocked at her ragged voice.
        "Lay back." he said, his mouth still on one of her breasts.
        "But, Jace..." she said, audibly scared of how she felt.
        "I won't hurt you, that's the last thing I want." Jacinth said and looked up into her eyes. "Please, Alex..."
        Alex looked into his eyes and saw how much he cared for her, she smiled and laid back slowly. She kept her eyes locked on him, watching him smile, watching him slip her dress completely off, watching him move his hand down between her legs and spreading them a bit. She was curious. Why in the world would he want to do that?
        "Alex, do you know what this is for?" Jacinth asked, rubbing the area lightly.
        "Of course I do. It's for..." she blushed and murmured something that made Jacinth laugh.
        "Well, yes, that too." he admitted, "But there's something else, something only a man can do."
        Alex was extremely curious now. "What?"
        He smiled and spread her legs a litle more, then slid off the bed and placed his head where his hand once had been."This." He kissed her there, many times, then slipped his tongue within the hole Alex never knew she'd had use for. She gasped and a tiny moan escaped her lips. Maybe being an adult wouldn't suck after all...
        Alex writhed a little under the deep kiss to her secret place. She began to feel restless, wanting more than just his tongue. Soon she became even warmer and wetter down where Jacinth's mouth was sucking out the cum he'd brought from her body. He made her cum three more times, each time made her more and more restless.
        "Oh, Jace..." she moaned. He stood up and smiled, sitting next to her again as she sat up weakly. "What was that?"
        His smile grew. "Just the beginning..." He gently pushed her down with a kiss deeper than the one he'd given to the now soaked and burning place within her. She wrapped her arms around him and almost protested that he didn't hold her back, when he slipped a hand down between her legs again and instead of rubbing, pushed his longest finger in where his tongue had been. She gripped him hard and moaned just from that. He rubbed her inside gently, until he found the spot that made her writhe and moan. Then he rubbed a little faster, pressing down on it. Her moans grew wilder and so did the kiss. Jacinth didn't know how much longer he'd be able to stand not ripping off his own clothes, but her happiness came first.
        Alex cried out in ecstacy with every movement of his hand. Soon he slipped a second finger in, then a third a moment later. She gripped him hard and cried out his name with every orgasm he created. He moved his lips from hers to her neck and kissed it lightly in rythym with his moving hand. It made her arch her head back and moan even louder.
        "Oh god, Jace... stop before you kill me with this, it's too much!" Alex finally cried out and he pulled his hand out slowly.
        "Sorry, I guess I got carried away." he said and kissed her neck lightly again.
        "I didn't mind it, really. But... isn't there something, less wild?" she asked curiously.
        Jacinth nearly laughed. "The warrior wants it soft? All right, anything for you, Alex. You are my best friend." At that moment Jacinth realized they weren't friends anymore... they were lovers. He was giving her pleasure, and she wanted it, even was now begging for more. He hoped he wouldn't regret it, he knew one thing about her that she'd have no meaning for. Alex was a virgin, no one had ever done to her what he was about to... so it would hurt her like hell. Could Jacinth live with that?
        "Jace?" her voice broke his thought.
        Jacinth smiled at Alex and kissed her temple gently. He looked over her beautiful body, he'd already taken it twice, but could he take it completely? Jacinth looked into her eyes, the cold crystal shards that sliced up anyone she looked at weren't there, just a purely beautiful mixed color between silver, blue, green, and gold. They were brighter than stars, or maybe they had stars within them. This was the way she was meant to look. He had to keep her this way, never let her become the cold bitch again.
        "Jace, what is it?" Alex asked.
        He looked her right in the eyes, "There's one more thing I can do, do you want it? It can hurt."
        Alex smiled and her eyes shone with trust in her friend. "You won't let it."
        "I hope so. " he whispered and stood up off the bed. His trembling fingers almost didn't catch the first button of his uniform shirt, but Alex's trusting smile and the intoxicating scent of what he'd done already gave him strength. He unbuttoned and slipped off his shirt.
        "Jace, you're stronger than I remember." Alex remarked, gazing at his chest and arms. His ears burned, that strength might take over and hurt her.
        "Alex, I-"
        "Jace, I only meant it as a compliment." she interrupted and smiled, as if she'd read his thoughts. No, she read his eyes, Alex had always been expert at that. It was how she read through people's lies. He smiled and took off his boots. Then he slid off his pants and sat next to her. The pounding flesh that had been begging to come out into view since Alex had leaned over her bed finally got to.
        "Jace, what's that?" she asked, almost touching the long rod of flesh.
        He almost laughed at her innocence. She may have been 15, but she only really knew what a child knew about bodies and what they could do. "You'll see."
        He started with a soft kiss, simple and sweet, the way this whole thing had started out. She was immediately kissing back and within second the kiss deepened and their clinging became desperate.  Jacinth urged Alex onto her back again, this time with him right on top and used his knee to spread her willing legs. He never stopped kissing her as he positioned to enter the sensitive area that was even then getting wetter with instinctive anticipation. It knew what she didn't, that it had to be wet or it would hurt. It was going to hurt anyway. He kept kissing and slipped himself in her up to the thin flesh within that marked both curse and blessing. His uncle hadn't had a chance to break it, but he would have to, he'd have to hurt her.
        Alex had moaned when he went into her, and was starting to breathe a little faster. He deepened the kiss to take her mind off of what was about to happen, slipping his tongue into her mouth the way he'd done inside her. She reacted almost immediately, returning it. When he was sure that she'd forgotten about their half-joined bodies, he pushed farther, carefully. She whimpered as the skin inside started to tear against his urging. Jacinth held her and kept kissing.
        "It's okay, it'll only hurt for a second." he told her, still kissing. She didn't struggle after that and let him go farther without a complaint, though he could sense her pain. She was clinging to him as she'd once gripped his hand when she'd fallen as a ten year old and gotten splinters that had to be pulled out of her leg. She'd never yelled out in pain, but she'd whimpered and almost cried. "I won't let it hurt you, I promise." he gently pushed himself as far as he dared and then stopped there. "Do you want me to stop?"
        The pain was staring to go away, but Alex was still afraid of it, and the way her heart was beating and her breathing was getting so ragged... it wasn't right. Was it? She pressed her lips in a pout and nodded tightly. But as Jacinth slowly pulled his flesh from hers, something happened.
        The friction was minimal, because her body had cum so many times from his other touching, but it was enough to make her body react with alarming results. She arched her head back a little and moaned, it was different than his finger or his tongue had been. Her body coursed with heated hormones and begged her to let him do it again. She grabbed his shoulder before he was completely out and he looked into her eyes. They were burning with need.
        Jacinth brushed a hair from Alex's cheek and kept staring at her for a moment then he nodded and gave her a small smile. He slowly pushed himself back into her, not as deep this time. She moaned again and her body arched to meet his. She gasped his name in a voice so soft he thought he'd imagined it. Instead of leaving himself in that place, he kept moving, first drawing himself out again, then going back in. He hated to see Alex writhe in pain, but the way she was writhing under him now did something to Jacinth. She was moaning so deeply and holding him tightly, but her body was moving and physically begging for more of him.
        There was no pain now, only the sweet feeling of Jacinth's body in Alex's and the wild reaction in her it was building. Alex was shocked she could even breathe the way her lungs were heaving, but she wanted more from him, she wanted him farther, she wanted all of him. Her legs wrapped around his waist and slowly urged him deeper. He moaned from the tightness of her and gladly obeyed her nudging. He even went a little faster to make her feel him more. It almost drove her crazy with need and want. It was so good, she didn't want it to stop, but she still wanted more of him. He was driving her to an orgasm quickly and she felt like she was going to explode. She gripped him tightly, closed her eyes, and cried out loudly as waves of pleasure and a numbness of hormones washed through her body.
        "Jace, please..." she begged, "More..."
        Jacinth seized her mouth in a passionate kiss and pushed himself as deep as he could go, his hips touched hers and her body arched as she gripped him and moaned. He didn't waste time and kept moving, pushing himself in that deep everytime. She writhed and almost screamed with ecstacy, crying out for even more.
        He didn't disappoint, moving faster and pushing harder until she was cumming with almost every other movement. He felt himself about to explode within her, he didn't want it to end yet. He held it as long as he could, the friction in her body was almost too much for him. He pushed himself deeply and held her tightly as he finally spilled the liquid within him into her body.
        She almost sobbed in pleasure as she held him back, and he kissed her all over. His lips brushed her cheek, her temple, her forehead, her other temple, her other cheek, her neck, her shoulder, her breast, suckled a bit on her nipple, then came up and kissed her lips feverishly.
        They lay together, too exhausted to move. Zoisite peeked in to see if they were okay since he'd left them. When he saw them asleep, wrapped in the sheets with a peaceful glow on Alex's smiling face, he smiled and closed the door again.
        The next day, Alex and Jacinth were inseperable. If she went to the training room, he stood by the door and watched her beat the shit out someone, knowing she was pretending it was Demando. If she went to her garden, she let him come with her. And whenever they were alone in the hallways, they shared secret kisses. Alex was happy, for once in her tortured life. She wanted to tell Jacinth how she felt, but didn't know the words for it. If they'd only come to her lips she'd say them in an instant. Instead of going to his own room that night, Jacinth stayed in Alex's, repeating the ritual of ecstacy he'd shown her before. He kissed her and entered her many times that night, and they finally fell asleep hours later, entwined together and smiling with the secret knowledge of what they'd done.
        Alex only spent a few moments alone the day after that. She'd awoken before Jacinth and was restless. She opened her eyes and sat up in bed, stretching her lithe body and relishing the slight soreness in certain areas. A slight grin fell on her lips and she looked down at Jacinth. He looked even younger than she did when he was asleep, and just as handsome. She kissed his lips lightly and slipped her naked body out of bed, absently grabbing the dress that had been discarded the night before. She pulled the dress over her head and picked up a brush from her dresser.
To be continued...