As you approach the building, you read a sign: Welcome to TEO:DF Ada, good guys will be shot. and think "Wow... Glad I'm not a good guy..."

Stepping through the door leads you to a world of madness and insanity. On one side are the drone mechs that are completely pilotless, across from them is a ring where many servents of evil duke it out to see who's the best. Under the mech's is the shooting range where most people really suck at, shooting the mechs as well as each other occasionally, luckily for them, they're mostly using paintballs. Now, you're probably thinking "What the f*** do these losers think they're going to conquor? The world?"

The answer? No. The goal of TEO:DF Ada is not to conquore the world, yet. Their first goal is to conquore Tokonatsu High School in Japan. Why would anyone want to conqour a highschool? Good question, and one that no one knows, aside from Hideki Yamakiko.

Stepping through a small door on the right marked "Ada" leads you to a seemingly different place. The room is full of students at a meeting preaching peace and anti-warfare. "That doesn't make any sense.. Ada means revenge.." You think to yourself, knowing rudamentary Japanese as you do, you know Ada has nothing to do with peace.
Ada is part of The Evil Organization: Devil Force. Duh.
So now You're thinking "Where do I sign up?" As if they where reading your thoughts, a strangely dress atractive woman who looks like she'd step on you and eat your spleen for thrills, points out a booth in the back. Apon entering the booth, you see three buttons with labels above them: I'm evil as sin! Sign me up!" "Hell no, I'm pure! I'll protect the school!" "I like cheese.." Carefull examination of the buttons reveals one is pressed much more then the others. Blood smeers on one, and the walls as well as a trap door.

What is the goal of TEO: DF Ada? Well, simply to bring an action oriented RP to Tokonatsu, something that can involve every char in the room. The goal of the players is the same for either side: Victory. This RP is not ment to take over Toko, nor is it run by any mod or host of Toko, or any other room for that matter.

Are there any rules? Yes, only a few. I have no desire to rule anyone or thing though, so they're not to strict.

1: Obey all Tokonatsu rules.
2: Do not play two chars on each side of any single battle, you can play a member or TEO DF Ada, or a student/teacher at Toko, just not in the same battle. It makes them become stale and look poor.
3: No killing other people's chars with out their permission. This is going to more then likely be harder to get then it once was.
4: You play to win. Which ever side you're on, the ultimate goal is victory!

Who is TEO DF Ada?

Right now, it is
Hideki Yamakiko: Leader and mech pilot. (Played by Rick st.Cloude) Hideki founded TEO DF Ada for the purpose of conquoring Tokonatsu High School and has yet to reveal his purpose.
Lionlord, King of Beasts: General and master warrior. (Played by the Greatest Knight)
General and master gunsmith. (Played by Sakura 8)
(Played by Devourer of Time)
(Played by Darius Darkmoon)
(Played by Barb)

If you wish to contact me for any reason, don't. And certianly don't look for me on aim at Rikou the Dragon or use to email me.