
Villain from Chrono Trigger (SNES)

Magus is a sorcerer who lives in 600 Ad as the leader of the Mystics. He's not really a villain, he just wants his revenge on Lavos, the entity from outer space, who killed his sister Schala when he was a kid, and sent him into the future.
When he was a kid he lived in the Magic Kingdom with his cat Alphador, his sister Schala and his mother Queen Zeal. But the Queen turned evil and forced Schala to use her magic to summon Lavos. Magus (who were named Janus then) were sent into the future where the Mystics found him and took him in. When he grew up he lead them in their war against the humans, and tried to summon Lavos to get his revenge, but the hero and his friends showed up and messed up his plans.
Later you get to have Magus in your party! ^^

Go to Magus's Castle for more information, images and music.

Bishounen no Universe T.R.A.G.I.C.
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