Welcome To DragoN TangmaN'z Guestbook!
Oliver - 09/04/00 21:10:30
My Email:floppyoy@aol.com
U like miRC?: yup
Ur favorite drink?: Fruit Punch
Ur favorite food?: Pizza
Like this page?: Yes
U single?: Yes
Uh...gimme one improvement...: More Pics

Nice page, since i really like anime stuff i think this page is cool. you could get like some games or something or Mp3's to make this page better

Oliver - 09/04/00 21:06:43
My Email:floppyoy@aol.com
U like miRC?: ya


- 07/29/00 16:17:19
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/byoink85/
My Email:byoink@aol.com
U like miRC?: Yup.
Ur favorite drink?: Vodka, or course.
Ur favorite food?: Escargot. (Is that how you spell it?)
Like this page?: Yup
U single?: Gee...i wonder.
Uh...gimme one improvement...: Hmm, learn flash =)

Nice artwork from Bryce 4. i've gotta get that.

- 07/28/00 21:58:27
My URL:http://www.jgirls.com
My Email:ndrangheta_boi@hotmail.com
U like miRC?: NaW FoO
Ur favorite drink?: WoMeN's WeT Pu55y
Ur favorite food?: KiM cHi (NoT dA fOoD)
Like this page?: TaNg GoT cHiNo SkIlLz
U single?: No CoMmEnT FoO
Uh...gimme one improvement...: I wAnT KiM cHi ReCoGnItIoN

ThIs SiTe NeEdS mOrE kIm ChI pRiDe!!!!

- 07/28/00 21:27:54
My URL:I forgot it
My Email:i think you know it
U like miRC?: never used it
Ur favorite drink?: Sprite or 7 UP
Ur favorite food?: Pizza
Like this page?: Yea
U single?: No Comment
Uh...gimme one improvement...: Web page or Personal? Webpage is fine, personal, Shave, wait you did that. Work on your basketball game.

Hey man, nice page. Work on that game. Get taller so you can DUNK!

- 07/28/00 20:37:35
My Email:boonelover24@hotmail.com
U like miRC?: what is that?
Ur favorite drink?: tea
Ur favorite food?: um...i dont know
Like this page?: yea i love it stevie
U single?: as far as i know :)
Uh...gimme one improvement...: all you need is your picture on here and you got it made

i like it is cool...you have a lot of information about you and all the picture are nice...way to go stevie!!!

SarAh - 04/29/00 23:40:15
My URL:yu knoe my aa sn!hehe
My Email:axiangirl@hotmail.com
U like miRC?: wah?
Ur favorite drink?: mMmM mineral water,LoL
Ur favorite food?: mMmM frozen mineral water,haha
Like this page?: its ok
U single?: yeah
Uh...gimme one improvement...: put yur pic on it!!=)

UmMmMmM tyte paige...onlee 462 hits???hehehe..well bye bye n take care lotsa luv, me

SaRah - 02/26/00 00:27:42
My Email:axiangirl@hotmail.com
U like miRC?: wut
Ur favorite drink?: mmm water
Ur favorite food?: mmm frozen water
Like this page?: its okay
U single?: yeah
Uh...gimme one improvement...: put more stuph on it

hello.....kewl paige..i dont even have one,haha.=)wells ttyl

kristia - 11/28/99 09:07:09
My URL:i don't have one
My Email:skr3amqueen@chickmail.com
U like miRC?: not really
Ur favorite drink?: ummm...H20...i dunno
Ur favorite food?: berries....sushi....green tea ice cream
Like this page?: yeah, sure
U single?: yup, i believe so
Uh...gimme one improvement...: ???

I dunno what 2 say here:)....ummm...uh....well, its koo....i don't relaly have ne comments. c ya l8r. buhbye.

ashlee - 09/19/99 22:49:52
My Email:gettin a new 1
U like miRC?: ??
Ur favorite drink?: pepsi
Ur favorite food?: tastes like chicken
Like this page?: yea
U single?: yea : ) ( :
Uh...gimme one improvement...: none

call me

Michelle - 09/12/99 00:34:33
My Email:Tulips4me84@hotmail.com
Ur favorite drink?: peach drink
Ur favorite food?: burgers
Like this page?: yeah itz ok
U single?: yep! and loving it!
Uh...gimme one improvement...: talk about yourself

very good page and have a goodnight bye!

manki - 08/27/99 04:36:00
My Email:domega69xo@aol.com
Ur favorite drink?: h2O
Ur favorite food?: ne.. jess not indian
Like this page?: yeah...
U single?: um... yea... why u wanna noe?
Uh...gimme one improvement...: don't cuss as much?

your a cool friend ta talk ta... um... talk ta ya later...

april - 08/19/99 03:55:03
U single?: no


Josephine - 08/15/99 22:21:18
My Email:Jo_Jo_20@yahoo.com
U like miRC?: nope, lots of perverts
Ur favorite drink?: pepsi
Ur favorite food?: chinese
Like this page?: pretty much yeah
U single?: seeing someone
Uh...gimme one improvement...: put some pics of yourself in here

no comment =) hehehe

Kishana - 08/15/99 19:33:32
My Email:hula@dbzmail.com
U like miRC?: i dunno
Ur favorite drink?: either milk or coca cola!lol
Ur favorite food?: um...italian or junk food or fruit
Like this page?: yep i like tuxedo mask lol
U single?: no sorry not reallylol what a question to ask hehe :)
Uh...gimme one improvement...: um..u need to have like pics of u and friends and more info.

hey stephen, did i spell ur name right?lol neat lil web page well i better let ya go bye luv ya!

Ashley - 08/15/99 03:05:30
U like miRC?: didnt go in
Ur favorite drink?: Jolt
Ur favorite food?: Pizza
Like this page?: i dunno
U single?: kinda
Uh...gimme one improvement...: i cant


Cindy - 08/15/99 02:01:11
My Email:SvtBaby524
U like miRC?: kinda
Ur favorite drink?: pepsi
Ur favorite food?: sushi
Like this page?: kool
U single?: nah
Uh...gimme one improvement...: dunno

i don't have any comment.

Danielle - 08/14/99 19:20:13
My Email:manor.farm@rmplc.co.uk
U like miRC?: what?
Ur favorite drink?: fanta
Ur favorite food?: fish and chips
Like this page?: yep
U single?: no i am going out with u
Uh...gimme one improvement...: you can't

i love your webpage. it is a sexy as you

Danielle - 08/14/99 19:17:57
My Email:manor.farm@rmplc.co.uk
U like miRC?: what?
Ur favorite drink?: Fanta
Ur favorite food?: fish and chips
Like this page?: yep


Amy - 07/22/99 20:11:02
My Email:ginneal@cmpsource.com
U like miRC?: ???
Ur favorite drink?: pepsi
Ur favorite food?: pizza
Like this page?: yah
U single?: no
Uh...gimme one improvement...: ???


Melanie - 07/20/99 19:50:10
My Email:mmastry@hotmail.com
Ur favorite drink?: Mr. Pibb
Ur favorite food?: Fruit
Like this page?: Yes
U single?: Yes
Uh...gimme one improvement...: different questions

This is very creative but add more questions or change them. But over all very good. :)

Nancy - 07/18/99 00:15:13
My Email:pochako132@yahoo.com
Ur favorite drink?: CoLa
Ur favorite food?: JuNk FoOd
Like this page?: yea
U single?: NoT rEaLLy
Uh...gimme one improvement...: i ThInK ItZ FiNe

GrEaT PaGe SteV.. hehehe..

Laura - 07/17/99 18:22:15
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/Dandylieon/
My Email:beautifulwun@hotmail.com
Ur favorite drink?: sprite! and Dr. Pepper! oh yeah, sparkling cider is dang good!!
Ur favorite food?: chinese!!!
Like this page?: its kindof boring :)
U single?: uh duh!
Uh...gimme one improvement...: more pages!

this is a good start :)

Tiffany - 07/17/99 01:39:35
My Email:WldChild06@aol.com
Ur favorite drink?: Raspberry Daquiri~*
Ur favorite food?: Peppermint Ice Cream (if that's considered a food) & Chick-o-sticks!! hehe!!
Like this page?: Yeah
U single?: * At the moment *
Uh...gimme one improvement...: Can't think of one right now

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda - 07/16/99 04:02:42
My Email:QTGirl4evr@aol.com
Ur favorite drink?: Dr.Pepper
Ur favorite food?: Pizza
Like this page?: Okay :):)
U single?: YupYup
Uh...gimme one improvement...: Dunno


Karen - 07/14/99 00:49:34
My Email:tuse13@hotmail.com
Ur favorite drink?: Pepsi
Ur favorite food?: Junk food hehe
Like this page?: yeah
U single?: no, I'm taken
Uh...gimme one improvement...: none

It's a good WebSite. I'm sorry I couldn't sign it earlier. Talk to ya later. Bye

Misspinay - 07/13/99 01:35:34
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Villa/1980
My Email:MiZzPnAy@aol.com
U like miRC?: YeAh
Ur favorite drink?: aNyThInG bUt pLaiN MiLk
Ur favorite food?: AzN FooDz
Like this page?: YuP, iTz dA BoMb!!
U single?: HeLL YaH

thaNks 4 HeLpInG oUt wItH mAh ProBLeMs, Ur a GoOd fRienD, KeeP iT Up K, weLLps I LiKe the CoLoR =) trix, n/E wAise StaY swEet NoT sOuR k...WeLLps tALk to U LaTeR....... YoUr FrIeNd ANGELA

Jessica - 07/11/99 20:59:33
My Email:H0NEYBEE85@aol.com
U like miRC?: i dunt's gOt it....i tiNK
Ur favorite food?: JaP fOod
Like this page?: YeaH....iSH aiiGht
U single?: Of courSe....*ThOugh I tiNk of JosepH aLL the Time*
Uh...gimme one improvement...: pUt uR frieNds Pics on DEr

HEy TAngMan....wASsup! Ne WaYZ...thanx for beIng dEr wheN i NeedEd someone ta TAwK tA...WheNever dEr wAS nO onE online..AnywAYz...GooD luCK in HigH SchooL....We'll Keep in touch online ryte? WEll, we beTta!! KeEP DoiN Wat ur DOin? Wat eVer dAt is j/p aIte i gueSs iMma bOuncE...PEaCh out aKa PeaCE out!!

SoNiA - 07/11/99 18:24:27
Ur favorite drink?: SpRiTe
Ur favorite food?: FrIeD cHiCkEn
Like this page?: HeLL yEa
U single?: HeLL yEa
Uh...gimme one improvement...: GeT a PiC 4 GooDnEsS sAkEs

damn i like it. it so fuckin good.all u need is a fuckin ass pic.=) that is soo freakin graphic. and keep it that way too or else... okie i'm done 4 now but i'll be back =) so...ciao steven see ya in the net.

Slick Willie - 07/11/99 04:38:06
My URL:http://www.upyourass.com
My Email:wildaking@aol.com
U like miRC?: HELL YEAH
Ur favorite drink?: Vodka
Ur favorite food?: Cheese
Like this page?: What is there to like???? Not much on it yet, I see.
U single?: Hmm, let me check
Uh...gimme one improvement...: More stuff

Programming is very tiring, amen. :)

Amy - 07/10/99 02:55:22
My URL:http://angelfire.com/me2/andme2
My Email:taffygirl123@yahoo.com
U like miRC?: yup
Ur favorite drink?: Milk
Ur favorite food?: dunno
Like this page?: yup
U single?: nope
Uh...gimme one improvement...: dunno

nifty site steve. Talk to u later Kins

Abby - 07/09/99 04:16:39
My Email:bgail12@hotmail.com
U like miRC?: no
Ur favorite drink?: Dr. Pepper
Ur favorite food?: Chinese
Like this page?: yea
U single?: hell ya
Uh...gimme one improvement...: more pictures


Hannah - 07/09/99 03:59:39
My Email:gurl1315@yahoo.com
U like miRC?: ok
Ur favorite drink?: Coke
Ur favorite food?: sweets
Like this page?: yup
U single?: yup
Uh...gimme o/TR>mprovement...: tell people what miRC is

This is a sweet page!

Tom Rupp - 07/09/99 02:31:44
My Email:you know
Ur favorite drink?: vodka
Ur favorite food?: pizza
Like this page?: yes
U single?: shut up
Uh...gimme one improvement...: no

BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!

whitney ray - 07/09/99 02:18:02
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/angel_1246
My Email:angel_1246@hotmail.com
U like miRC?: huh???
Ur favorite drink?: milk!
Ur favorite food?: strawberries and whip cream
Like this page?: oh yes sir i do!!
U single?: kinda, well i dunno, go ask him. i am confused about that, well i am having trouble between to guys.....any advice please.....help me then!!!!
Uh...gimme one improvement...: add me somehow to it.......say i am so hot or something

i love this page! you are such a nice guy! Girls must watch out for him. he is such a womanizer!!! j/k u r a really awesome guy!!!!! stay sweet!!! ~~~~love ya always~~whitney

Whitney Ray - 07/09/99 02:08:52


Um..my name is what my mommy named me =) - 07/05/99 03:08:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~PeachFic/
My Email:jestagrrl@hotmail.com
U like miRC?: yup but iss kinda scary/freaky
Ur favorite drink?: um...anything w/ lots of caffeine =)
Ur favorite food?: sugar..sugar...sugar..
Like this page?: yup
U single?: uh...nope..
Uh...gimme one improvement...: more stuff..heheh

hehe...nice page =) or at least nice couple of sentences..=) oh and cute pic of tuxedo mask hehe =) ===happy fourth of july!!===

Christopher George - 07/05/99 02:52:35
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Fuji/6783
My Email:negomontoya@hotmail.com
U like miRC?: Gimme a hell yeah!
Ur favorite drink?: Pepsi or Cool Nestea
Ur favorite food?: Pizza Hut
Like this page?: It's okay
U single?: yeah