ЁHgeocities.com/Tokyo/Club/4744/lorini.htmgeocities.com/Tokyo/Club/4744/lorini.htm.delayedxRy╒J                    ╚pде OKtext/htmlАx8 ў     bЙ.HSat, 22 Jan 2000 01:45:10 GMT# Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *Ry╒J  oak chronicles - lorini
Pokemon: The Oak Chronicles

m a i n
n e w s
s t o r y
n e w
p o k e m o n
s c r e e n
s h o t s
i t e m
l i s t
t r a i n e r
l i s t
l i n k s
d o w n l o a d
a b o u t

l o r i n i
Lorini is a Dragon Pokemon that is one of the rarest Pokemon in the world. It can hardly move, however, because of the huge shell on its back, making it weak and fragile. The only real weapon it has is its tail.


[type 1]
[type 2]

level accuracy pp name description
-- -- 20 squirt --
-- -- -- withdraw --
20 -- 15 stab --
25 -- 15 slice --