ЁHgeocities.com/Tokyo/Club/4744/old.htmgeocities.com/Tokyo/Club/4744/old.htm.delayedx[y╒J                    ╚pде*OKtext/htmlР/8 ў*    bЙ.HSat, 22 Jan 2000 01:45:45 GMT( Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *Zy╒J* oak chronicles - old news
Pokemon: The Oak Chronicles

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n e w s
s t o r y
n e w
p o k e m o n
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s h o t s
i t e m
l i s t
t r a i n e r
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l i n k s
d o w n l o a d
a b o u t

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n e w s
The employee chat is up, and I plan on adding a general chat also. Besides that, nothing else is new. A huge update should occur relatively soon.
I added two areas to the site, site promotion and team page. I also added java messages to let you know when the site has been updated. To all employees: email me to get your chat passwords so we can have real time meetings.
Nothing was updated. I finally got my debate team stuff completed, so that frees up a lot of time. I will be adding a major update next Saturday. I hope to have updates posted every day from now on.
We updated the about us page, adding our latest member, Venusaur, our first Programmer. We are still in need of sound designers and programmers, as just not one person is good enough. Speaking of sound, we started the sound development today, with the making of music for the hike up and down Mount Pokemon (moon) and the city of Mount Village.
Sorry the page hasn't been updated in a while, its just I've been working hard on the game. We're still in the design phase of the game, and unfortunately, we probably won't be able to complete it in our original time frame of a month and a half. Screenshots has been updated with new paintbrush images that we use to base off of to make the world view. We have finally got a sound editor, and he will be added to the about us page, and his work will be added to the site.
The New Pokemon page has been updated, with a new Pokemon, Polige. This will be the last new Pokemon for a while, unless we get some really good suggestions. Saur, Klimer, and Kangas pages have been updated with their attacks list.
The crew would like to thank the PokeCenter for helping us let people know about the game, and keeping people updated on the progress of the game.

We have asked for help, as you know. We have had too many requests for graphic developers ever since we posted the news on our site. So Blastoiseman has closed down the option to be a graphics developer, unless you can render in 3D. If you can, email him. We are still looking for programmers, and we have had no applications for sound. Keep visiting the newsstand for more info.
The Oak Chronicles Web Site Development is completed. The site will be uploaded to most likely Acme City. A PowerPoint presentation has been made. The Power Point presentation will be shown on the Internet Explorer is you have it, or it will just download it for you. If you have a 28.8 or lower, I don't recommend viewing it, because I have a long sound in it. Plus, it doesn't seem to load right. I will have a downloadable version soon!
If you are at all interested in joining the project team, email us at blastoiseman@yahoo.com. We currently need graphic and music developers, not to mention sound developers, and most importantly programmers. We know how to program with C++, but not very good.