<BGSOUND SRC="Mulan_Reflections.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
    Hua Mulan (Fa Muhk Laahn) is a Chinese story about a young girl who's very tomboyish in nature.  She can't act like an appropriate young lady, and her family is desperately trying to find her a husband.  Unfortunately, her masculine behavior scared away most of the men in her village. 
     During this time, the Huns were invading their territory and all of the men were drafted for the war.  Mulan's father was injured from a previous war and was too old to rejoin the war.  Not wanting her father to be in any more danger, Mulan decided to go to war in her father's place.  She disguised herself as a boy and successfully blended in with the rest of the soldiers.  A little dragon ancestor, Mushu, was sent to assist her. 
     Mulan's fighting skills were very limited at the beginning, just like the rest of the soldiers in her group. 
Lee Shang, their training general, knew that he had a lot of work ahead of him.  Through hard work and determination, Mulan and her group managed to be trained into amazingly skillful soldiers, with Mulan on the top.  Mulan helped destroy most of the Huns army, but she was injured as a result of it.  Her true identity was revealed when the doctor tended to her injury, and Lee Shang angrily dismissed her from her war duty.  Realizing that there were still some Huns that were still alive, she promptly rode her horse back to the village where there was a celebration for winning the war.  She tried to convince everyone that they were still in danger, but no one would listen to her since they were too busy celebrating.  The Huns eventually attacked, and the whole village was in terrible danger.  Lee Shang finally realized that it was silly of him to be angry at someone just because she was a female.  The most important thing was that she was able to do her job.  So...he decided to assist Mulan and her three soldier friends in fighting off the remaining Huns.  They were very successful in doing so, and Mulan was promoted to a Female General by the king.  She had brought honor to her family's name, but her father only cared about her safety.  He told her that he was already proud of her no matter what she did.  The movie ends with Lee Shang visiting Mulan at her home, and eventually...

Summary by: Swallow
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