Remember Me This Way
by Minako


Ranma 1/2 and all related stuff belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. The song
Remember Me This Way is performed by Jordan Hill, I don't know who
wrote it. Any Original characters I may decide to stick in here belong 
to me. Steal them and I'll cry. Then I'll get over it, and steal the
back, after sending you flames until your email account is full. ^_^

NOTE: This story has been kept as close to the original storyline as I
could get it, but, unfortunately, I'm no great author, and I probably
haven't done a very good job of that... And so, Ranma and Ryouga may
seem a bit out of character, but I can't help it. Oh, this story takes
place before the Ranma 1/2 timeline. It takes place when Ryouga and
Ranma were in junior high together. So, I guess I can use that as a bit
of an excuse to write them out of character, ne?

WARNING: this story is slashy, as in guy/guy, as in I think Ryouga and 
Ranma make a hot couple!


Every now and then
We find a a special friend
Who never lets us down


	"Class, today we have a new student. His name is Saotome
Ranma." the boy standing at the front blinked. "Um, you can sit there
next to Ryouga, the boy with the bandanna." Ranma nodded, and sat down
next to Ryouga. He looked around the room and generally paid little
attention to the lessons.

	After a while, he felt a small piece of paper hit his hand. he
picked it up, and read it.

		Hey, name's Hibiki Ryouga. You train?

	Ranma turned to look at the boy beside him who raised an
eyebrow. Ranma nodded once. Ryouga grinned and took back the note,
carefully making sure the teacher didn't see him. The note hit Ranma's
hand again a minute later.

		Up for sparring at lunch?

	Ranma grinned at the invitation. He turned to the other boy and


Who understands it all


	"Aww, man, that's gotta suck." Ryouga nodded his agreement at
his new found friend.

	"It does." Ranma shook his head.

	"How do you deal with it? I'd go nuts if I got lost all the
time." Ryouga shrugged.

	"Well, you go to training grounds to practice... I get lost and
wander Japan." Ranma laughed. They were sitting on the grass in the
school yard, eating lunch. Ranma had taken the last of the bread, and
Ryouga hadn't been to amused, but he didn't mind too much. It was
really amazing for Ryouga. He'd never had a sparring partner, and Ranma
had beaten him! No one beat him, he was overjoyed, and had decided he'd
have to train hard until he could beat the other boy, he'd even told
him so. And Ranma said he'd spar with him until it happened. Ryouga
found it too good to be true.

	"Still... how do you get places, like to school I mean." Ryouga
looked over at the other boy, then shrugged.

	"I usually don't..." The bell went, and grinning, Ranma stood

	"Then I'll walk you to school... if you don't mind." Ryouga
shook his head.

	"Not at all." He stared at the other boy. Ranma raised an

	"Are we going to class?" Ryouga started.

	"Right, class, yes... let's go." With that he jumped to his
feet and started to walk.

	"Um... Ryouga?" Ryouga stopped and turned around. "Class is
this way." He pointed in the opposite direction. Ryouga grinned.

	"I knew that."


Reaches out each time we fall
You're the best friend that I have


	"So, where's your house?" Ranma asked. Ryouga blinked, and
Ranma sighed. "If I'm gonna get ya to school, I kinda havta know where
you live..." Ryouga blinked, that hadn't occurred to him.

	"I... I..." Ranma sighed.

	"You don't know where it is?" Ryouga nodded, staring at his
feet. Ranma grinned. "Know your address?" Ryouga fumbled around in his
school bag until he found a small scrap of paper, which he offered to
Ranma. The other boy laughed. "You live barely a block from here.
C'mon." And with that, Ranma began to walk ahead of him, and Ryouga ran
to catch up. They walked in silence until Ranma jumped up on the fence.
Ryouga blinked.

	"What're you doing up there?" Ranma looked down.

	"Balancing." He paused. "Don't you ever do this?" Ryouga

	"I don't usually fight on fences." Ranma shrugged.

	"Lucky you..." Ryouga laughed. "Anyway, this is it." Ryouga
blinked at the house in front of them.

	"Really?" Ranma laughed.

	"You should know, it's your house!" Ryouga grinned.

	"Yeah, but I haven't been here in a really long time..." Ranma

	"Oh, sorry then. See ya around." Ryouga looked up as the boy

	"Hey where are you..." he trailed off as Ranma disappeared,
"staying..." he finished.


I know you can't stay
But part of you will never ever go away
Your heart will stay


	Ryouga was lost. For two weeks straight, Ranma had picked him
up every morning before school, and he hadn't shown that morning.
Ryouga frowned.

	'The jerk, abandoning me like that!!' Ryouga growled at the
thought of the other boy. He wandered through the forest, convincing
himself he hated him. And by the time he returned to his school, he had
himself convinced.

	The whole trip, he'd never thought of anything else.


I'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true
That life will just be kind 
To such a gentle mind


	Ranma didn't show up at school that day, or the next, or the
next. In fact, it was nearly a week before he came back, and he looked
as though he had taken a beating when he did.

	"What happened to you?" Ryouga asked him at lunch, trying to
sound disinterested and hateful. Ranma looked up, then away.

	"Nothing." Then he left just like that. Ryouga blinked after
him, then followed to get his own lunch. Ranma took the end of the
bread, much to Ryouga's distaste, and quietly left. Ryouga blinked
after his almost friend.

	'I hope he's ok...' Then he shook his head violently. 'NO! You
hate Ranma! He made you get lost, he broke his promise!' Ryouga
remembered the injuries covering Ranma. 'I wonder what happened to


And if you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way


	Ranma headed towards Ryouga's house the next morning, yawning
as he went. Most of his cuts and bruises had healed. He made a face.
"Training he says... yeah right." he muttered, "Group beating's more
like it." he winced, "Where'd he find all those people anyways." He
thought back to his father's explanation of the lesson.


	"You see boy, you have to learn how to hold off numerous
opponents at once." Ranma had nodded.

	"'Kay, but what about school?" Genma shook his head.

	"Your training's more important then school!" Then he'd hit
Ranma over the head. Ranma shrugged, and hoped Ryouga'd get there ok
alone. Then started his training, which involved upwards of fifty angry
martial artists trying to beat the crap out of him.


	Ranma sighed. After the training was over, his old man had made
him go to school before the cuts and bruises he'd earned during his
training had healed. Ranma sighed again, then Ryouga'd commented, and
was obviously angry at him for not showing up to get him to school. 'Oh
well, maybe we can do some sparring, and he'll forgive me.' Ranma had
trouble making friends, being exposed to few people other than his
father during his life, and he liked Ryouga anyways. Seemed like a nice
enough guy, and he was fun to spar with. Ranma sighed, and quickened
his pace. Ryouga was also one to take things very personally, as he had
learned from making jokes about his directional sense... he probably
hadn't taken Ranma's not showing up for a week and a half very well...

	When he reached Ryouga's house, no one was there.


Remember me this way


	Ryouga wandered the woods. This was what he got for trying to
get to school on his own. 'And with my luck, Ranma probably showed up
five minutes later' he thought to himself. Then he shook his head, 'I
don't need Ranma's help!' he reminded himself. Then he looked around
the forest, and remembered the frist day when he'd met Ranma.


	"Still... how do you get places, like to school I mean." Ryouga
had looked over at the other boy, then shrugged.

	"I usually don't..." Grinning, Ranma had stood up.

	"Then I'll walk you to school... if you don't mind."


	Ryouga sighed. Ranma had seemed like such a nice guy... he
thought back to the injuries Ranma had had when he got back to school.
'Maybe something had happened and he couldn't come...' The thought that
Ranma's injuries had had something to do with him not showing hadn't
even occurred to Ryouga until now. 'I wonder what happened.' With those
thoughts on his mind, Ryouga began to wish he hadn't left the house
without waiting longer for Ranma, he was willing to bet that the other
boy had shown.


I don't need eyes to see


	When Ryouga returned, they talked. Ranma was terrible at
talking seriously with people, and hated when important things rested
on his communication skills. They sat there on the grass outside the
school, Ranma explaining what had happened, and Ryouga listening. When
he finished, there was a long silence.

	"Man, your dad's a jerk." Ryouga said finally, breaking the
silence. Ranma laughed.

	"Yeah, I know." Ryouga looked thoughtful.

	"Why did your dad decide to do training during school, there's
weekends." Ranma blinked.

	Ranma sighed, and leaned back on his arms, stretching out his
legs. "I dunno, my old man's like that. I guess it's 'cause he has
nothing to do anyways, so it doesn't matter what I'm doing, we train
when he wants to." Ranma shrugged.

	"Oh, your dad's one of those people who sits around and watches
TV or whatever until he feels like doing stuff, and you havta do it
whether you want to or not." Ranma laughed.

	"Nah, but he would be if he could." Ranma said, grinning.
Ryouga blinked.

	"Why couldn't he?" Ranma looked away.

	"No reason." Ryouga blinked, but didn't push it.


	"Man, I dunno how to do half this stuff!" Complained Ranma,
glancing over the pages they had for homework. Ryouga looked over his

	"It's not that hard." Ranma glared at him.

	"Then explain it, Einstein." Ryouga grinned.

	"Sure, but where do we go? We can't stay here..." Ryouga said.

	"Wherever." Ranma said, shrugging. Ryouga grinned.

	"Your place?" he asked. He wanted to meet Ranma's father, he
sounded like some kind of nut. Ranma shook his head.

	"That won't work." Ryouga blinked.

	"Why not?" Ranma pointed to the window.

	"It's raining out." Ryouga stared at him.

	"... So?" Ranma shrugged.

	"It's hard to study when you're soaked." Ryouga looked at Ranma

	"Where do you live?" Ranma looked away. "Answer me." Ranma
looked at his notebook as though there was something interesting about

	"Well, there's a park about two blocks from your house..."
Ryouga blinked.

	"You live in a park!?" Ranma nodded. "... oh." It was fairly
obvious Ranma didn't want to talk about it, so Ryouga didn't ask. "My
place then?" Ranma looked up at him, surprised. Then he grinned.

	"Sure thing."


The love you bring to me
No matter where I go


	Ryouga had gotten lost. There was no food in his house, so he'd
made the mistake of going out to find some. He sighed. Now he was in a
forest... and he was thinking about Ranma again. In fact, Ranma seemed
to be the one thing he was always thinking about, and he couldn't
figure out why. He knew he liked him, but that was because they were
friends, and he'd had few friends because of how often he got lost. He
looked thoughtful. 'I like him a lot... I've had a couple of friends,
people I've stayed with... but I've never thought so much about one...' 

	His eyes widened as something came to him, and he stopped
walking. 'Do I have... a crush on him...?' It hadn't occurred to him
before, but it would explain how often he thought of the other boy. The
thought of having a crush on another guy didn't bother him much, he
went to an all boys junior high, there were plenty gay couples at the
school. Ryouga tossed the idea around in his mind, and he slowly
accepted it. 'I wonder what Ranma would think if I told him...' he
wondered, and he tossed reactions around in his head. He decided not to
tell him, they were friends, and he didn't want to mess it up...

	He felt a drop of water on his head, and pulled out his
umbrella as the rain started to fall. He found himself thinking about
Ranma in the park, in the rain, and frowned. 'I think I'll invite him
to stay with me when I get back.' he blocked out the next thought. 'as
a FRIEND.' he told himself firmly. 'Besides, if he stays with me, HE
can do the grocery shopping.' He continued to tromp through the forest.


And I know that you'll be there
Forever more a part of me


	Ranma had been surprised at Ryouga's invitation to stay with
him, but had accepted nonetheless, and he found he liked living with
the lost boy. They got along well. Ranma doing shopping and anything
else that involved leaving the house, and Ryouga did anything that
needed done in the house. And all was well. Ryouga hardly ever got
lost, and Genma hardly ever dragged Ranma out to practice. Ranma was
actually passing most of his classes, thanks to Ryouga's help, it
really was amazing what the other boy had learned in his travels. 

	And so, the night found Ranma in the vacant lot behind Ryouga's
house, practicing kata. His thoughts wandered to Ryouga as he moved
through the familiar patterns. He was happy that the lost boy had
invited him to stay at his house, but he couldn't help but wonder what
had brought it on. He hadn't offered when Ranma had first told him
about his living conditions, but had offered out of the blue one day
during lunch. Ranma couldn't complain though, he liked it this way...
he liked living with Ryouga, a lot. In fact, he had found he liked
Ryouga a lot. He paused in his kata as a thought came to him. He shook
his head violently, and went back to his kata... his old man would've
killed him if he'd known what had just run through his head. He stopped
again. "Since when do you care what the old man thinks?" He asked
himself out loud. 

	He then noticed Ryouga walking by the other side of the lot,
and shoved his thoughts aside, he'd think about it later. He pulled
himself out of his stance and walked towards the boy, who seemed to be
wandering down the street somewhere. He shook his head and smiled
fondly. "Hey! Ryouga! Where're ya goin'?"

You're everywhere


	Ranma sat in class and tried to pay attention... but he was
having trouble. He'd tried to ignore his thoughts from the night
before, but it wasn't working very well. He couldn't stop thinking
about Ryouga, no matter what he tried, the lost boy always managed to
worm his way into his thoughts. Ranma closed his eyes, and tried
to listen to the lesson, but still Ryouga found his way into his mind,
despite the fact Ryouga and math had nothing in common.

	"Saotome!" Ranma's head jerked up and his eyes opened.

	"Yes?" he said, looking up at the teacher.

	"Answer number four." Ranma swallowed as he walked up to the
board. He wrote the first two characters in Ryouga's name before he'd
realized it... he erased that, blushing. Then scribbled an answer on
the board. It didn't really matter to him that it was wrong.

	He sat back down at his desk, and stole a glance at Ryouga. 'Ah
man... this can't be healthy... maybe I should talk to him about it.'
he glanced at Ryouga again. Ryouga was paying attention to the lesson,
and Ranma sighed silently.

	'Or not... I don't want him to think I'm some kinda weirdo...
I'll leave things the way they are... I like it enough this way...'


I'll always care


	'Oh gods don't let him hate me after this, oh gods don't let
him hate me after this...' Ryouga sat alone in the bath. He had decided
it was about time he had a talk with Ranma. He liked things the way
they were but... he wanted something more. It had haunted him for
weeks, and now he was in the bath, trying to build up the courage to
get out and talk to Ranma. Finally, he convinced himself to get out. He
dressed quickly, and began wandering his house in search of Ranma.


	It was nearly an hour later when Ryouga found Ranma in the
guest bedroom staring at the ceiling from his bed. By this time,
Ryouga'd almost lost his nerve.

	Ranma sat up cross legged as Ryouga entered the room, and he

	"Get lost again?" Ryouga glared at him. The frowned.

	"Yeah." Ranma grinned.

	"You'll figure it out sooner or later." Ranma said, still
smiling. Ryouga stared at the ground silently. Ranma blinked. "Did you
come in here to talk to me, or 'cause you're still lost?" Ranma asked.
Ryouga looked up and gave him a half smile.

	"A bit of both... I thought you were in the kitchen..." Ranma
laughed, then gestured for Ryouga to stop standing in the doorway.
Ryouga hesitantly entered the room and sat down on the other end of the

	"So, what didja wanna talk to me about?" Ranma asked, still
grinning. Ryouga studied the sheets on the bed. "Ryouga?" Ryouga looked
up at Ranma, then quickly looked back down.

	"Umm... I've kinda gotta tell you something Ranma... but I
kinda don't know how to say it... not something I tell people often,
'specially since my parents are never around." He glanced up at Ranma
who was now watching him curiously. He quickly looked back down.
"Ummm..." He tried to stop the blush spreading across his face, but it
wasn't working very well. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and looked up
at Ranma again, who was smiling at him.

	"Yeah?" Ryouga blinked, then looked back down.

	"Well... um... I kinda... well... that is... um... I..." Ranma
laughed and Ryouga's head shot up. "What the hell are you laughing
at!?" Ranma shook his head.

	"Nothing... I got something to tell you though... and I think
it works with what you're saying, or gods I'm gonna regret this... but
do ya mind if I interrupt, might make it easier on ya..." Ryouga nodded
once, and looked down again.

	"Go for it." Ryouga said, staring at the sheets, why was he
such a coward? What was so hard about saying...

	"I love you." Ryouga's head shot up, and it was Ranma's turn to
stare at the bed sheets. "Well... I guess I do... I like you a lot...
more than anyone else... The only person I've ever loved was my mom...
and I can barely remember her... but... I like you at least that
much..." Ranma rambled on and on, but Ryouga didn't hear him.

	"Really..." He finally choked out. Ranma stopped mid sentence,
and looked up at Ryouga.

	"... yeah... I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it."
Ryouga blushed a bit then grinned.

	"Well... you win... it will be a lot easier now." Ryouga smiled
at the thoroughly confused Ranma. "I love you too." Ranma stared at

	"Really?" Ryouga nodded, then nearly choked as Ranma hugged
him, burying his head in his shoulder, and wrapping his arms around
him. Ryouga's eyes widened, and then he grinned down at the other boy,
hugging him back. 'Yeah... I can definately get used to this change...'
he thought to himself.


I'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true


	Ranma slowly woke up, careful not to shake the boy beside him.
He looked at the notebook he'd fallen asleep on, and thought back to
the night before. If Ryouga hadn't been asleep, he would've laughed
outloud. They'd declared their love for each other, kissed, then did
homework. He grinned. It didn't surprise him. He twisted around to look
at the clock. He blinked, then looked at it again. Then he strained his
ears, he could hear the faint yet insistent beeping of Ryouga's alarm
from down the hall, probably what had waken him up in the first place.
He sighed, and shook the boy beside him.

	"Oi, Ryouga, we're gonna be late if you don't get up..." He
shook him harder, but the only answer was a snore. He made a face, then
hit Ryouga repeatedly with a pillow.

	"Hey stop it! I'm up! I'm up!" Ryouga sat up and glared at
Ranma who grinned back. "Why you!" Ranma hit him with the pillow.

	"If you'd just waken up when I shook you, I wouldn't have hit
ya. Anyway, we're gonna be late for school, so c'mon. Ryouga blinked as
Ranma dragged him to is feet.

	"But my alarm..." Ranma grinned.

	"Hate to be the one to break it to ya Ryouga, but this ain't
your room..." Ryouga looked around then blinked at Ranma. "We fell
asleep while studying." Ranma said. Ryouga nodded, then wandered out of
the room and down the hall, away from his own room. Ranma sighed.
"Follow the beeping Ryouga." Ryouga made a face, then turned and walked
down the hall the right way. Ranma watched him go then sighed. 'I don't
want Ryouga to get lost anymore... I don't want him to...' He sighed,
then turned into is own room to find clean clothes. Pulling out another
shirt he thought back on his first kiss... and his second. He smiled,
and couldn't wait for his third. 'Yup, I really don't want him to get
lost anymore... gods, please don't let him get lost anymore... or at
least not any time soon...'


That life will just be kind
To such a gentle mind


	They had barely made it to class. Ryouga doodled on his
notebook as the class went on. He thought back to the night before. He
couldn't believe that Ranma... that they... he smiled. He was
definately in love with the other boy. He thought back to holding him,
to kissing him, and he tried not to laugh at his sudden comment 'Umm...
this is really nice... but don't we have a hell of a lot of homework?'
Ranma had laughed and then picked up his notebook. 'Yup... stay and
help me?' at that Ryouga had laughed, and the pair had started their
work. Ranma had fallen asleep, and Ryouga had decided not to leave the
room, mostly because Ranma had fallen asleep on one of his arms, and he
really hadn't wanted to wake him, or so he'd managed to convince

	He looked down at his notebook, and realized he'd written
Ranma's name numerous times in both kanji and kana. He smiled, then
picked up an eraser, and erased each one, despite the fact he wanted to
leave it there, his teacher probably wouldn't be too happy with it.
Something occurred to him then, and he dropped the eraser on his desk.
He thought back to about a week ago.


	"Getting lost so often, I hardly ever get to make any friends."
Ryouga had grinned over at Ranma, "I really hate this whole geting lost
thing." Ranma had grinned back.

	"Yeah, I know what you mean." Ryouga blinked.

	"You do?" Ranma nodded.

	"Yup. All my life my old man's dragged me from place to place.
I've made one close friend in my entire life, and I haven't seen or
heard from him since I was eight." Ryouga blinked.

	"Yeah, I guess you would understand then... why'd you leave so
young?" Ranma laughed.

	"I met Ucchan while I was on the road man, I've been travelling
away from home since I was six." Ryouga blinked.

	"Wow." Ranma shrugged.

	"It's just the way it's always been with me. I've gotten used
to it."


	Ryouga stared blankly at the sheet in front of him. Was Ranma's
dad going to make him leave... he couldn't... it would hurt to much...
it would hurt both of them too much 'Oh gods, please don't let that
happen, please never make Ranma leave... never make him unhappy.' He
glanced over at Ranma, and found Ranma glancing at him, they both
turned away blushing. 'please don't ever take him away from me...'

And if you lose your way
Think back on yesterday
Remember me this way


	Ryouga sighed. He was lost again. He'd tried to beat Ranma to
the bread in the cafeteria, but it didn't work out quite the way he'd
wanted it to... and now he appeared to be in some kind of desert, but
he didn't remember leaving the school.

	"I know there was no desert in the school..." he complained.
walking along, and wiping sweat off of his forehead. He missed Ranma,
and he'd only been gone a few hours. "Figures, finaly admit I love the
guy, and I get lost." He frowned as he thought back to his first period
class. He remembered his thoughts of Ranma leaving. 'You had better be
there when I get back Ranma...' he thought to himself. He walked a bit
faster. His stomach growled, reminding him he hadn't eaten lunch. He
sighed and kept walking, staring at the sky, and not really watching
where he was going. "Damn my directional sense! I didn't want to get
lost!" It was the last thing in the world he'd wanted... no third to
last, the last things he wanted was for Ranma to regret what he'd said
the night before, and for Ranma to leave. He smiled slighty as he
walked, thinking of the night before. He'd never kissed anyone before
that... he didn't think Ranma had either, considering what he'd said
about how few people he'd known in his life. He closed his eyes and
pictured Ranma in his mind. He smiled and then he walked into a tree.

	"I didn't think there were any trees in the desert." he said,
confusion in his voice. He looked around, and realized he was
surrounded by trees. "A forest? What happened to the desert?" His
stomach growled again, and he began looking around for something
edible, wishing he had his travelling pack with him.


Remember me this way


	Ranma sighed as he walked home alone. He'd searched the entire
school twice for Ryouga, and hadn't found him. He walked up to Ryouga's
house and fished out the key he'd been given. 'The gods hate me.' he
thought to himself as he opened the door to an empty house. 'I haven't
asked for much... just for the cats not to kill me and Ryouga not to
get lost for awhile... damn.' he sat down on the floor in the living
room, and stared at nothing. He was really bored without Ryouga around.
After while, he stood up, and walked aimlessly around. Then finally, he
headed upstairs and changed out of his uniform, and into the chinese
style clothes he always sported. He wasn't sure why he always wore
them, he just alwyas had, and wasn't one to question it. Besides, he
liked them better than his gi. Once changed, wearing a red shirt and a
pair of black pants, he slid on a pair of armbands, and shoes, then
headed out to practice in the vacant lot.

	Training could usually clear Ranma's mind, but today it wasn't
working. He went through every kata he knew, working his way up from
the simplest, it was going to take a while. But the whole time, all he
could think of was how much better it would be if he was sparring with
Ryouga instead of practicing patterns on his own. He thought of all the
times they'd sparred. They did it often... it was fun for them,
besides, Ranma had promised to keep sparring with Ryouga until the lost
boy could beat him, and it was one promise he was happy to keep. Ryouga
was a challenge, even if he couldn't win, he was still harder to defeat
than most people he'd met. Except for his old man. Ranma paused
mid-pattern, and thought about it. He remembered telling his dad he was
going to stay with Ryouga, who was also a martial artist, to train and
study for school. His father had reluctantly agreed... but Ranma was
still worried.

	'How much longer is he gonna let me stay here?' Ranma wondered
to himself. He vaguely wondered if he had it in him to say no. He
thought about the night before with Ryouga, and smiled, returning to
the familiar set of movements. He could stand up to his old man if it
meant he wouldn't have to leave Ryouga. He smiled, as he worked his way
through the rest of his patterns.


And I'll be right behind your shoulder watching you


	Ryouga stood just behind Ranma. He'd found him some time ago,
but had decided he wanted to surprise him. So he kept in the shadows,
and followed the pigtailed martial artist. Finally, in a rather
familiar vacant lot, Ranma stopped.

	"Ok whoever you are... you can stop following me now, come out
and fight. Ryouga froze, he knew Ranma was talking to him. 'How'd he
know I was here, I covered my footsteps and... damn he's good.' Ranma
frowned and put his hands on his hips. Ryouga grinned from his hiding
place. "Look, I don't wanna play hide 'n' seek, so come out already."
Ryouga grinned, 'so maybe he doesn't know where I am.' Ranma began
slowly walking around the vacant lot, and Ryouga took the opportunity
to watch him. His long, dark hair, his face, his stormy blue/grey eyes.
Ryouga smiled as he watched the other boy. He really was gorgeous, 'and
to think, that's not the reason I fell for him.' Ryouga smiled as he
thought of all the reasons he'd fallen for Ranma. His teasing, his
kindness... when he felt like being kind, his skill and grace, Ryouga
shook his head slightly. He was going to have to add his looks to that
list somewhere. He smiled as Ranma turned his back to him, and decided
to try his luck. He walked as quietly as he could towards Ranma, hardly
breathing, he walked up until he was right behind the other boy. He
watched Ranma stiffen.

	"Who's there?" he asked, without turning around. Ryouga hugged
him from behind.

	"You have three guesses, and the first two don't count." Ranma
laughed, then elbowed Ryouga in the stomach.

	"Didn't havta stalk me didja!?" Ryouga let go and let Ranma
turn around.

	"Sure I did... it was more fun that way." Ranma laughed again,
then shook his head.

	"You jerk." He paused for a second. "I missed ya." He offered.
Ryouga grinned.

	"I missed you too." He said, and Ranma smiled at him. Then
Ranma leaned over and took one of his hands, and Ryouga blushed.

	"C'mon, let's go home." And Ranma began leading him around to
his house. Ryouga followed happily.


I'll be standing by your side in all you do


	"RANMA!!" Ranma turned and looked at his father.

	"Whaddya want?" He asked, glaring at him.

	"Where do you think you've been for the past three months!?"
Ranma blinked. Then shook his head.

	"I already told you stupid, I've been staying with my friend
Ryouga." Genma hit him over the head. "What the hell didja do that

	"Have some respect for your father, boy!" Genma calmed down as
quickly as he got angry. "Now, Ranma, listen up. We're going on a
training journey to China, we're going to go to Jusenkyou, an Ancient
Chinese Training Ground. We leave in a week, so I'll see you then."
Then Genma was gone. Ranma stood there and stared at nothing. He'd
tried to convince himself that he'd be fine if this ever happened, but
now he found he wasn't. And now Genma was gone. Ranma swallowed, then
turned around and walked back to Ryouga's without getting the


	Ryouga looked up at Ranma as he walked in empty handed. "Hey, I
though you were going grocery shopping." Ranma looked at him.

	"I was... and then I didn't." Ranma swallowed, then walked over
and sat down beside Ryouga.

	"What's wrong?" Ranma shook his head. "Tell me." Ranma
swallowed hard.

	"My old man wants to take me on a training journey to China...
I don't wanna leave... but..." He shook his head. "I thought for sure
I'd be able to say no to him if it ever happened... but I don't think I
thought it would... because when it did... I couldn't say anything." He
pulled his knees up to his chest. "I don't wanna leave."

	"Then don't... stay with me... please." Ranma turned his head
and looked over at Ryouga.

	"Ryouga..." He was cut off by Ryouga's mouth on his. He
released his legs with one of his arms, and slid it around Ryouga, then
pulled back. "I... I..." He looked up, and Ryouga could see the
indecision in his eyes. "I love you... but... I..." Ryouga sighed and
looked at Ranma's knee.

	"When do you leave?" He asked softly. Ranma sighed.

	"A week today." Ryouga looked over at Ranma, who was still
staring at his knees, one arm wrapped around them, the other one on
Ryouga's arm. Ryouga placed a hand on his face, and turned it so he was
facing him.

	"Ok then... I challenge you to a fight, 6 days from now. I
really will train, and I really will try to win." He took a deep
breathe. "If I win, then you can go... I hope you come back to me
someday. If I don't... well, you promised we'd keep sparring until I
beat you." Ranma blinked at him, then smiled.

	"Thanks man... and I swear I'll come back if I lose." Ryouga

	"So, we fight in six days... and you won't sabatoge it so I
lose, or not show up for the fight so you have to stay." Ranma laughed.

	"I swear on my honour that I will not sabatoge the fight, and I
will show up." Ranma smiled again. "Thanks." Ryouga shrugged and kissed
him again.

	"You have no idea how hard it's gonna be for me to fight that
match..." Ryouga told him after he pulled back. Ranma grinned.

	"Well, ya havta fight it, and try to win, you promised." Ryouga

	"I know... as much as I don't want to..."


And I won't ever leave as long as you believe
You just believe


	Ranma sat at the edge of the vacant lot while Ryouga trained.
It had been found that Ryouga couldn't even make it this far without
getting lost, so Ranma had walked him there. Now he sat on the ground,
watching for every weakness he could find. He was going to win this
fight, no matter what. He didn't want to leave, and he was pretty sure
his old man wouldn't make him if he'd promised he wouldn't. He might
insist Ryouga come along so they can still go training, but as long as
they weren't separated, Ranma didn't care. He though briefly of what
his father would think of his relationship with Ryouga, then shook his
head. He wouldn't be too amused.

	Ranma continued to watch Ryouga practice, two thoughts running
through his head the entire time. 'If I win I don't havta leave him,
learn his weaknesses... if I win I don't havta leave him, learn his
weaknesses..." and so he did, until he was sure there was no chance of
him losing. When Ryouga was too tired to train any more, the two of
them headed home. 


I'll make a wish for you
And hope it will come true


	Ryouga was training. He had four more days until his fight with
Ranma, and he'd promised he'd actually try to win. So he was training,
well aware of Ranma's eyes on him the entire time. He felt a bit
self-conscious, but continued training anyways. He remembered the one
day he'd followed Ranma and watched him wander around the vacant lot
looking for a fight, or the times when he'd watched Ranma train through
the back window, or the times when they'd trained together. He wondered
what was going through Ranma's head as he watched. He sighed. 'Ranma
had better win the fight, please gods let Ranma win the fight... I
don't want to be separated from him... please...' He had learned that
praying did him little to no good, but it was worth a try... his
relationship with Ranma depended on it.

	It had been hours since he'd come out, and he was hot and
tired. He turned around and looked at Ranma. The pigtailed boy smiled
at him.

	"Done?" he asked. Ryouga nodded, and Ranma rose to his feet.
"Shall we go?" he asked, offering the tired boy an arm. Ryouga reached
over and took it, and the pair walked around the corner to his house.

	'Ranma had better win the fight... I don't want him to leave


That life will just be kind
To such a gentle mind


	It was two days before the day of the duel, and Ryouga had just
gotten out of the bath after his training. He looked around for a
moment, and when he couldn't see Ranma, he called out his name.

	"I'm in here Ryouga." Ranma called, and Ryouga followed the
voice until he came to the living room. Ranma was sitting crosslegged
on the floor in the middle of the room with his hair loose from it's
usual ponytail, and a brush in his hand. "Ow..." he muttered, as he
pulled through a tangle. Ryouga watched his back for a minute, then
walked over and tried to take the brush from him.

	"I can brush my own hair ya know." Ranma informed him
irritably, his back still to Ryouga, and his grip still on the brush.
Ryouga grinned.

	"I know." Ranma turned around to look at him. and Ryouga
blinked. He looked almost like a girl with his hair loose like that...
He was very pretty, and Ryouga felt his face go warm. Ranma laughed,
then gave him the brush, and sat with his back to him.

	"Go for it man." Ryouga stared at his back for a minute, then
slid the brush through his hair. "OW!" Ranma spun around and tried to
take the brush back from him. "That hurt you jerk!" Ryouga leaned back,
and held the brush out behind him, Ranma reached across him for it,
then lost his balance and fell in his lap. 

	He was up with his back to him in a split second, and Ryouga
could see that his ears had turned red, he couldn't tell about the rest
of his face, what with his back being to him. Ryouga smiled, and went
back to brushing, trying not to yank on tangles.

	"How the heck does your hair get like this?" Ranma shrugged. 

	"It gets tangled in the ponytail." Ryouga nodded.

	"Why don't you something else with it?" Ranma shrugged, the
motion making his hair shift, and allowing the light to play on it.

	"I dunno how to do much else with it, I just don't wanna cut
it." Ryouga laughed.

	"Can I try something?" Ranma nodded, causing his hair to shift
and shimmer. Ryouga put the brush down on the floor, and carefully took
his soft hair into his hands, and made three parts, then he began
weaving them together. "Where'd you put whatever you had it tied in 
with?" Ranma silently offered a piece of string over his shoulder, and
Ryouga tied it in at the bottom of his braid. He leaned back to look at
his work. "There you go." He said. Ranma reached back and touched it.

	"What didja do?" He asked. Ryouga grinned.

	"I braided it." Ranma turned and grinned back.

	"I know how to braid, but I dunno how to braid my own hair, you
know what I mean?" Ryouga nodded.

	"If you like it, I don't mind doing it." Ranma smiled.

	"That'd be good, as long as I don't end up leaving." They were
both quiet ater he said that, and Ranma turned his back to Ryouga
again, twirling the brush in his hands. Cautiously, Ryouga put his arms
around Ranma's shoulders, and pulled him back against himself. Ranma
stiffened, then relaxed and leaned against him. Ryouga let his arms
slide down to wrap around his waist.

	"I don't want you to leave." Ryouga whispered against Ranma's
ear. Ranma placed his arms on Ryouga's.

	"I don't want me to leave... that's why I'm gonna win." Ryouga
smiled, and leaned his head against Ranma's hair.

	"I love you." He could almost feel Ranma smile, and his arms
tightened their grip on his.

	"I know... and I love you too." Ryouga kissed the top of
Ranma's head. And they sat like that throughout the night, neither one
of them wanting to break the embrace.


And if you lose your way


	Ryouga was panicking. He didn't know where he was, and it was
the day of the duel. 'oh gods, I can't be lost now... oh gods, I can't
be lost now...' He ran. He didn't know where he was, or how to get where he was going... but he had to find Ranma before the day was out 
no matter what. He kept running. He found a man, and asked for
directions... he was on the other end of Japan. 'How did I get HERE?'
he sighed and slowed down to catch his breath. He'd gone out to
practice in the vacant lot before the match, and he'd made sure he knew
where he was going, and still he'd managed to get lost. He frowned.

	'Ranma'll be gone when I get back...' he started to run again.


Think back on yesterday


	Ranma stood in the vacant lot. He'd been there a full day
already. He lay on his back on the ground, staring at the sky. 'Where'd
Ryouga go?' He thought back to the day before and sighed. Ryouga'd said
he was going to practice, Ranma hadn't known that had mean he'd get
lost as well, or he would've gone with him. He sighed, and yawned. The
sun was beginning to set, and the sky began to change colours. He


	Ranma and Ryouga were sitting on the porch at Ryouga's house,
watching the sunset. They had watched silently as the sky changed
colours, and eventually turned dark. The stars came out, and they
watched those instead. 

	"HEY! Look, a shooting star!" Ryouga had pointed up at the sky
excitedly, and Ranma had laughed.

	"Yeah, so?" Ryouga had turned and blinked at him.

	"You've never made a wish on a shooting star?" Ranma had shook
his head.

	"Why would I have?" Ryouga had laughed.

	"Because, it's what you do! You make a wish and it's supposed
to come true." It was Ranma's turn to blink.

	"Is this some girl thing?" Ryouga had laughed.

	"I'm not a girl, and I do it..." Ranma had shrugged.

	"Ok... in that case... I wish..." He had watched the sky as he
made the wish, despite the fact that all signs of the star were gone.

	"What did you wish for?" Ranma blinked.

	"Don't wishes not come true when you tell them?" Ryouga nodded.
"In that case, I'm not telling. I want it to come true." Ryouga had

	"Can I make mine come true?" Ranma had grinned back.

	"Depends on what it is." Ryouga had leaned over and kissed him,
the kiss lasted quite awhile before the lost boy pulled back.

	"That was part of it." Ranma had raised an eyebrow at that.

	"What was the rest?" Ryouga grinned had again.

	"Not telling, I want it to come true."


	Ranma sighed, and enjoyed the memory. The sky grew dark, and a
shooting star went by. Ranma closed his eyes.

	'I wish to be able to say goodbye to Ryouga...' He angrily
pushed away a tear that threatened to fall at the thought of leaving,
with or without saying goodbye. 'men don't cry!' he reminded himself.
So he stared at the dark sky alone, and didn't he shed another tear the
whole night.


Remember me this way


	Genma found Ranma after three days. He was curled up in a
vacant lot, asleep. Genma kicked him, and he wasn't asleep anymore. He
looked up at his father and glared.

	"The hell didja do that for?" Genma glowered down at his son.

	"We were supposed to go to China yesterday! Where have you been
boy!?" Ranma yawned.

	"Here... Ryouga was supposed to show up, and then he didn't."
Genma's eye twitched.

	"Why the hell were you waiting here for two days!?" Genma

	"Three days actually... we were supposed ta have a fight, he
challenged me, then he got lost." Genma blinked.

	"Lost? Never mind, c'mon boy, get your things, we're going to
China!!" Ranma sighed. 

	"I..." Genma cut him off.

	"If you're gonna start on about that school junk boy, forget
about it. We have to come back to Japan as soon as we're done in
Jusenkyou. I have a promise to carry out, you can finish with school

	"Fine." Ranma said. Then he walked around to the house in front
of the vacant lot, shoulders slumped and head down. Genma stared after

	"What's with him?" He wondered out loud.


	Ranma walked up to the guestroom in Ryouga's house and began
throwing things in his large and worn pack. He changed out of his
school uniform, which he exchanged for a worn gi, that was too small
for him. He tightened the black belt around his waist, then sighed,
leaning back on his heels. He lifted the large bag onto his shoulder,
and went to leave the room. He paused and turned around. He walked back
into the room, and picked up an old homework sheet that had been laying
around. He searched around until he found a pencil, then scribbled a
note on the paper before leaving the room, the note sitting on the bed.
He walked out the front door and locked it, sliding the key into his

	"Sayonara, Ryouga." he whispered. "I hope we can meet again...
some day." Then he walked back to the vacant lot to meet his father.


Remember me this way


	Ryouga had been wandering for four days straight. He hadn't
stopped walking or slept. He finally wandered into the vacant lot, and
it was as he had dreaded, Ranma wasn't there. He wanted to check his
house and make sure, but he didn't trust himself to get there. Instead,
he collapsed on the ground in the vacant lot.


	It had been almost a year since Ryouga had seen Ranma. He'd
been wandering looking for him since he'd left, and he couldn't find
him. He'd gone to China, and been knocked into a cursed spring by some
weird red haired girl. Spring of Drowned Pig. He couldn't believe it.
He wanted to find Ranma... bad... he wanted to be with him, but at the
moment all he could do was stare.

	After a year of searching Ryouga had found Ranma. In Nerima.

	'Why... why are you here...? You promised to go back as soon as
you came back to Japan... Why did you lie to me?' Ryouga noticed a girl
following his love, and Ranma apeared to be teasing her, much the way
he'd teased Ryouga. 'Is it because of her... did you leave me for

	In a wave of jealousy, Ryouga chose his moment, and attacked.


	Ranma stared at the boy in front of him. He didn't know what to
do, he didn't know what to say. He had intended to go back to Ryouga's
right after he went to China, but he'd been cursed, and afraid of what
Ryouga would think of him, so he'd waited, and decided he'd find a cure
before going back. Ranma had no idea what to do. If Ryouga found out he
was engaged to Akane... he'd never forgive him... that or, even worse,
he'd leave, saying that he should marry her... giving up on him...
Ranma swallowed. He still couldn't think of anything to say. Ryouga was
yelling at him for skipping out on their fight.

	'I waited three days... I had to leave.' He swallowed. 'Why is
he being like this? This isn't the guy I fell in love with... why is he
so angry, why won't he let me explain myself... where's *MY* Ryouga?'
The questions chased eachother around in his head. 'Who is he and where
is my Ryouga, who is he and where is my Ryouga...?'

	"Who are you?" He finally managed to say. He watched the hurt
cross Ryouga's face, quickly followed by anger. 

	And so it began...


... This way.


	Two years later, a woman wandered throughout Ryouga's house.
She had just found her way there for the first time in a long while.
She poked her head into her son's room, and he wasn't there, her
husband wasn't there either. She found the guestroom quite by accident,
and it was exactly the way she'd left it before she'd left four years
ago, only not as dusty as it should have been. On the bed was a small
folded note. On the side of the note facing up, was something about
algebra. The name on the top of the sheet, that was obviously someone's
homework, was the name Saotome Ranma. She opened the letter and read

		'Dear Ryouga, If you're reading this, you must've
	finally found your way here... I haven't run out on our fight,
	but you didn't show up, and my dad made me leave three days
	after the day the fight was set for. I'm sorry. Supposedly, 
	we're going to come back to Japan for some reason or another 
	after we go to some training ground in China called Jusenkyou. 
	I'll come back then, I swear it on my honour. I'll miss you
	until then.

	The woman stared at the note for a long moment, then folded it,
and replaced it on the bed, smiling. 

	"It looks like my Ryouga has gotten himself a girlfriend, isn't
that sweet." 


	That was kinda hard to do. I kept feeling bad every time I
messed up something from the original storyline, so I tried to fit in
the bread thing, but it didn't work very well : ( Yes, so here's my
most recent Ranma 1/2 fic... yeah! If anyone can help me to improve
this, please do, 'cause I'm not too happy with it... Although, I think
it's the longest stand alone fic I've ever written... almost didn't fit
in notepad ^_^; C&C are welcome, kind crits 
are ok, but flames make me cry.


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