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About me...
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Je m'appele Cera, et j'ai dix-sept ans. 
Oh yeah...I forgot. You probably don't speak French or Japanese.  If you do, congrats and keep it up.  Well anyway, I said "Hello!! My name is Cera and I'm 17 years old."  Hahaha.

My favorite pass-times include: skating, violin, excercising in sports, and anything artsy.

I'm in my Senior year in high school, and loving it.  Not the acedemic part, but all the other glories that go hand-in-hand with public schooling.  ^-^

I plan on going to college after high school to eventually become an art teacher of some sort. I'm taking all of the art courses, and it rocks:  Jewelry, photo II, drawing II, art portfolio, ceramics II, graphic arts, painting, and sculpture.  I can't wait!

I'm also an avid participator in volleyball and tennis.

If you wanna chat, IM or e-mail me!
I love this pic...aint it so cute!
My brother's site- for all you science      dorks :) j/k
My beautiful-sister-Liv's page
my info:
Name: Cera
Email: lafilletennis@aol.com
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