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    Maison Ikkoku
    Author Thought

    Television Corporation of Singapore (TCS) had telecast the Maison Ikkoku animated drama starting from 02 April 1998. Every weekdays during the early dawn at 5.35am (0535 hrs). That is why I intended to setup this homepage to delicate to those who had made the anime drama a success. Keep up the good work!

    Actually it had been shown here for the first time in Singapore on June 1995 for about a years. It was then telecast at every Monday & Tuesday(1.00am & later to 1.30am). I was wondering the inappropriate hours of showing the animated drama.

    Now it is even more odd to show the drama at 5.35am. How many of us in Singapore actually wake up at this wee hours to watch the show. But to those who did that. A GOOD Choice Indeed ! \^_^/ The drama did spell out the life of love, care, jealously and commitment. Certainly well worth seeing.

    Well, MediaCorp formerly TCS had again screened the Maison Ikkoku for the third time starting from 02 Feb 2002 every Sat at 1.30pm per episodes. Wondering how long it will take to complete showing all the 96 eps...

    Perhaps it should showed the Maison Ikkoku animated drama again on the late hours from 12.00am to 1.00am for every weekdays. Two series per day. 10 episodes per week. The 96 episodes will well seen to it ending parts within three months.

    Godai in love

    Haruka Chan! Welcome to our Home.
    This is the place... where Papa and Mama met for the very first time.

    MI Love Forever -
    Be sure to listen to their conversations with their baby during the ending scene. Maison Ikkoku will end here at 13 August 1998 (0535hrs).

    The Light and Shadow of Love

    If love is to suffer
    I will take any suffering
    until it reaches
    to your heart someday.

    You are the light, I am the shadow
    A bound that can never be apart.
    The more I suffer
    the deeper my love gets.

    From Yusaka Khlai

    What a sweet & lovely voice dubbed as mandarin versions of Kyoko, Godai and others. I seemed to hear their voices over many Japan and Hong Kong anime/drama series shown here on the mid 90s.

    I want to know who they are. Anyone with their informations! Please sent me an email to animeinn@yahoo.com and I will be glad to update it.

    " Believe in yourself and in your dream,
    Though impossible things may seem,
    Someday, somehow, you'll get through.

    To the goal you have in view,
    Mountains fall and seas divide,
    Before the one who in his stride.

    Takes a hard road day by day,
    Sweeping obstacles away.

    Believe in yourself and in your plan,
    Say not - I cannot - but, I can.

    The prizes of life we fail to win,
    Is because we doubt the power within. "

    --- Yusaka Khlai ---


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    Note: If there are any copyrighted materials in this page, please leave me a mail to animeinn@yahoo.com so that I can remove it.