The Guys (or Gals) We Swoon Over!

SL>> Cool! I knew this page would be here!

Taylor>> I do not swoon over Ryoga!

Shampoo>> *throws a swooning Mousse into the wall* Taylor does too swoon for Ryoga!

Mousse>> *unconscious* x.x

Ranma and Ryoga in Tuxes
Taylor>> Ryoga. . .on the right. . .*swoon*
Shampoo>> Ranma-sama!!

Shampoo in a dress
Mousse>> *dreamy look*

Mirai Trunks
Taylor>> *gets a bucket for SL to drool in*
SL>> Hummuna hummuna hummuna...

Irvine Kinneas
SL>> Sweet mommy dear, this guy's a babe!!! Look at this haaaiir, the haaair!!!! ^___^

Laguna Loire
SL>> Same kinda pic, but still..! Babe! Babe! BABE!

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