Sailor Moon (Tsukino Usagi)

Errr....drugs are bad.

OK, I admit it. She has an almost impossibly ridiculous hairstyle and has a tendency to consume rediculous amounts of food for no apparent reason. She is, however, the hero of the show and is therefore central to its appeal. She is- as Rei is always keen to point out- not really cut out to be the leader of the group to start with, but this changes over the course of the series. She has a guardian cat called Luna who is always ready to help her too.

The way things stand, Usagi had a previous life in which she was 'Princess Serenity', heir to the whole bright side of the Moon, before the demons of the dark side of the moon turned up and caused so much damage that her mother killed herself to summon enough energy to get Sailor Moon and her crew down to Tokyo, which is where the series is set. It has to be said that despite her preoccupation with video games, ice cream and men, Usagi is a very caring person and at least makes an effort to make people feel better. I remember one quote from the German version which translates to: 'Got problems? If you want to talk, I love to listen.' I don't think you could ask for much more, really.

Usagi Info

Japanese Name

Tsukino Usagi


Bunny of the Moon

DiC Name


German Name

Bunny Tsukino

First Appeared

Episode 1, SM ^_^


June 30th 1978

Star Sign



4' 11"

Attack Influence

Soul, Purity

Blood Type

O Negative


Eating, Shopping, Video Games


Eating too much Ice Cream, Whining


School, Dentists, Work

Strong Points

Winning fights, Getting her way

Weak Points

Ghosts, challenges


Bride. That's it.

Original Voice

Mitsuishi Kotono/Araki Kae


Too many to list here :(

Extra Info

Usagi's name is based on the
'Man in the Moon' that people see
in the East, which is slightly different from ours.
In Japan, it is known as the 'Bunny in the Moon'.
So now you know.

Final Comments: I actually think that Usagi is really cool. I understand that people are sometimes frustrated by her occasional incompetence and the 'blonde and stupid' tag she advertises, but she is a surprisingly realistic character who does know how to sort things out and look after people. Rei especially is the one who 'questions' Usagi's leadership skills at times, but over time she does prove herself to be very much the hero.