The Realization
Part 5
Written by Aria Chiba

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Authors Note: This story deals with Usagi and Mamoru getting back 
together and a dip in the story line with new powers and such. This is
the "realization" of the Senshi's true identity.

No, i don't own Sailor Moon. Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon is 
copyrighted to Ms Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Nakayosi, DiC, etc. 
This story is soley for fans and entertainment. So, please don't sue me!


"Hey Mars, look alive... oh, hey Chad, " Sailor Mercury chattered away,
as she swung open the doors."I've brought Usagi, Mamoru, and Luna from 
the past with me. They're going to spend the night here. Queen Serenity's 
orders. "

Usagi couldn't believe her eyes. "Chad, your... you and... you and Rei
are married?!" She took him in, his hair cut short and bangs out of his
eyes. "Wow, you look great!" Mamoru pretended not to notice this last 
comment, as Usagi continued, taking in the place. "This place looks just
like the temple!"

"Now you're a flash from the past! Just as I remembered you!" Chad said,

"Groan, please tell me when she grows up, " Luna complained.

"Chad, do we have guests? " came a weary voice.

"Yes sweetie, it's Mercury and some friends. Shall I show them in?" Chad
called back.

"Yes, please, " Mars called back.

Chad threw open his arms, "Welcome to the Mars Temple. Our head priestess
has invited you in. Please, come in. " He lowered his voice grinning,
"since our priestess is unusually large, I shall escort you to her chambers."

Chad started off down the hall, and the rest of them followed him. "This
is going to be sooo cool! She's going to flip when she see's me," Usagi
laughed quietly, doing a little dance step.

"Oh Usagi, why won't you ever learn to THINK! " Luna grumbled. "Do you 
honestly believe that Rei wouldn't know you would be coming. " Everyone
else laughed, as Usagi slumped sadly. Mamoru put his arm around her 
shoulder, perking her up a bit as she looked adoringly into his eyes.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her, she was still in that amazing
dress, and he was finding it hard to keep his hands off of her.

"Here we are, " Chad announced. He flung the doors open, exposing the
spacious chamber within. A huge fire was blazing in the middle of the
room, and a comfortable living chamber was situated next to it, with Rei
relaxing on love seat. She slowly stood up, her oversize temple robes
sweeping to the floor, and her stomach swelled to an enormous size.

"Hey, you guys, come on in! " She said cheerfully, gesturing twords the
seating around her. "Hey Luna, yikes, it's... " she stopped suddenly, 
glancing over at Mercury. "It's.... nice to see you, " she quickly stammered
out, completely bewildering them. 

Usagi quickly broke the silence though."So, what is your baby going to be?"
she asked, ploping down on a couch. Mamoru settled down next to her, Mercury
sitting on a chair, Luna perched on the arm, and Chad sat down on the love seat, 
helping Rei down in the process.

"Nobody told you?" Rei asked, surprised, looking over at Mamoru, who shook
his head.

"We're a lost a confused bunch, " he said laughing.

"Have you meet anyone besides us, and the Queen and King?" Rei said

"We have not, " Luna said seriously, "is there something wrong?" She asked
worridly at Rei's perplexed face. 

Even Sailor Mercury looked a little confused. "All they know is that 
they had to come because Kenji was arriving tonight. Is there something 
else they should know?"

"No, I guess not. It must be nothing... but..." she whispered tiredly.

"Shhhh, sweetie. It just must be one of those side effects of being pregant.
And you've had a long day."

"Perhaps... " she said quietly.

Sailor Mercury stood up, taking charge. "Perhaps we should let you get 
some sleep. I'll show them to their rooms, so don't worry about it. "
she said to Chad, who was calming down Rei, who had started into a nervous
sweat. She motioned for them to follow her and they slipped out of the 
room. She quietly shut the doors and strode off into the opposite direction.
"Come quickly. I have a feeling that she's going into labor."

"Tonight?!" Mamoru said, freaking out a bit as men tend to do. But he 
stayed calm. "Perhaps i can help, since i'm almost a doctor."

"It'll probally be best if I just go fetch her nurse. I have a feeling
the babies will be born by morning." Mercury said quickly.

Usagi stopped and squeeled, "BABIES?! Raye is going to have more then

She nodded, breaking into a smile. "Yup, triplits. Now why don't I just 
send youthree off to find the room, and I can go get the nurse. If you 
head down the left hallway, your rooms will be the ones on the end. Ja ne."

"Bye-bye," Usagi called cheerfully, excited over the thought of triplits.
She grabbed Mamoru's arm and pulled him off, "Can you believe it Mamo-chan! 
Triplits! My gosh, that must be the most wonderful thing in the world!"

Mamoru smiled, glad to see her so happy. He smiled and pulled her in for 
a hug. "You bet Usa-ko." She hugged him back, relishing being in his arms.
Then a meow cut through. "Take a look at the rooms," Luna whistled. 

Usagi broke sadly from Mamoru's arms and went over by Luna. Her mouth
fell open in amazement. "My gosh," she whispered. "What is this, the royal
guest bedroom?" Her eyes roamed over the humoungous two story room, ceilings
that had to reach to a fourth floor, a gigantic crystal fireplace, and
just about anything else they could want, from living room, kitchen, to
a balcony overlooking a lake, and who knew what else on the second floor. 
"I could get lost in this place."

Mamoru opened the door across the hall and found the same thing. "There
can't be room for two of these rooms. There must be some sort of magic
on the rooms, or the house, or something!"

"Isn't the view amazing???" Usagi said cheerfully, skipping over to the 
sliding doors. A huge lake reached out almost as far as she could see, the
almost full moon reflecting off of it. Then she noticed her reflection in 
the glass. "Oh no! My hair's a mess! Where the bathroom?" she cried, running
for the stairs.

"Have fun Luna, " Mamoru said with a laugh. 

"Yeah, gomen, c-ya later," she replied halfheartedly, pawing the door
closed. Then she pattered upstairs to try to calm her down. She saw
a light on in one of the end rooms, and went in, finding Usagi standing
there, souronded by glass fixtures, moaning. "Why didn't you tell me Luna?"

Groan. "What? Your hair? Nothing's wrong with it, maybe just a little
windblown." She paused, looking at her gown again. "Where did you get 
that Usagi?"

"Hmmmmm? Oh, it was in the dresser. The Queen told me I could wear it.
Isn't it amazing. Do you think Mamo-chan liked it?" she asked, twirling
around again.

She smiled. Mamoru very obviously liked it. He was to busy gazing at her
to say much at all. She had even been speechless at first. She looked
so grown up... if only she would act that way! "I think he did. He 
couldn't take his eyes off of you," she told her, honestly.

Usagi giggled and sighed happily, lost in a dream. They were dancing
in front of the lake under the moon, all alone. She tilted her head up
to gaze into his eyes. He tightened his hold around her waist, and she
closed her eyes as he slowly brushed his lips on hers...

"Usagi! Wake up!" Luna bellowed angerly. Usagi jerked awake and found
Luna in her face. "What?? Oh, hey Luna," she murmumerd dreamily.

"Oh, you really are a meatball head!" she groaned. "Now, back to what
I was saying, did you notice how agitated was when she saw me? Like there
was something going on?"

Usagi went to sit down on the toilet to think, but stepped on her dress,
and she squeeled. "Oh no! I'm going to rip it! I better go get changed!"
She said, carefully exiting the room. Luna followed with a shake of her

"This one... i think... no, yea! Here's the bedroom!" she shouted gleefully,
ducking in, with Luna on her tail.

She squeeled with delight, "look at all these clothes!!!"

"Usagi, lower the decibals please!!!" Luna cried, clenching her ears.


Thanks for being patient! Send me your comments! I luv mail! ~~Aria Chiba


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