WARNING!!  WARNING!!  This story contains adult situations and is
very explicit in the love scenes.  You have been forewarned.  This is a
short episode that deals directly with Darien and Serena's marriage life,
set sometime in the present and future.  As you all know, Serena and Darien
are my characters.  This is again, strictly a romance.  A hentai, for the
hentai in all of us.  Darien, is the sweet man we know here, but he is not
an innocent.  That much is evident, when you look closely to way he's
drawn.  His eyes are beautiful and knowing.  They are not large and
innocent looking as our female heros.  I don't care for the sweet, innocent
facade that some writers protray him to be.  Darien is, in my opinion
Serena's steady rock that she can lean upon.  It takes some character and
strength to be able to do that.  And as you've probably guessed, Darien is
my ultimate character.  Serena being my next favorite.  She is not
protrayed here as the airhead, as you will notice as you read on.  I
honestly don't believe that an airhead can rule a kingdom, especially if
it's set in the future.  Nor do I think, as intelligent as Naoko drew
Darien, that an airhead could hold his attention for a thousand years! ^-^
Anyhow, eoungh of all the chatter.  We know who the Sailor Moon characters
belong to.  Please drop me an E-Mail and let me know what you think!  Happy
Reading....Lady M. Harris   

                                        CHASE THE MOON

Sometime in the future....

        Darien smiled softly as gazed at his hankerchief.  Serena had left
a pink, smudged lipstick imprint of her lips on his hankerchief.  From the
look of the imprint, he guessed that she had kissed his hankerchief.
Amazing, that they could be thinking almost identically.  He had left her
early this morning for a surgery scheduled for the following day in
Singapore.   She herself would be boarding the plane in San Francisco,
right about now.  She was scheduled to meet with a new client in Chicago,
that afternoon.
        Darien looked out his window, pondering.  He had left the Kennedy
Airport an hour ago and he still had hours to go.  The blue ocean was miles
below him, its mass dense and motionless to him.  He had been to Singapore
only once and that had been for a doctors convention.  He hadn't really
been looking forward to going.  He had only spent two days at their Nob
Hill home in San Francisco, with Serena.  Two wonderful days with his wife.
His heart ached.  He was already missing her.  He was doing that
frequently.  They seem to spend less and less time together.  As their work
took them around the world, demanding all their time.
        He thought back to when their life had been simpler, than this
hectic schedule that they kept.  He had been doing his second residency in
Boston, when Serena had entered the Boston University.  It had shocked all
her close friends, the Sailor Senshis.  All of them were also in a college
or a university, except for the outer Senshis.  There were pursuing their
own careers and raising their families.  Amy was majoring as research
scientist in medicine.  Raye was majoring as psychiatric.  Lita was
enrolled in a prestigious culinary school.  Everyone had expected Serena to
enter college, but not for what she had majored in.  Perhaps, as a
decorator or a teacher?  No, not Serena, she had to be dramatic.  It had
taken Darien a couple of years to adjust himself.  
        When she had casually told him of her interest in computers, it had
taken him aback somewhat.  Computers?  Serena and computers?  If it had
been Amy, he could have understood.  He remembered a time when Serena
wouldn't touch a computer.  She had been afraid of destroying it.  Serena,
being Serena probably would have.  Yet, she had thrown herself
wholeheartily into the major.  She had changed a lot, during the course of
that year.  It was something then, that he had not needed the distraction,
especially since he was doing a lot of studying himself.  
        She had gritted her teeth with determination, and with a well laid
out plan before her (which was definitely not like her at all), set out to
accomplish the impossible.  For Serena, it had been indeed the impossible.
She had had to study twice as hard as everyone else in her classes.  And
even more torturous hours in the computer labs.  Her former study habits
had been terribly awful.  Darien even found himself dragged into Barns &
Nobles bookstores as Serena poured over the large selection of computer
software programming books.  Her library of comic books were squeezed into
a tiny niche in the corner of her apartment as the numerous, thicker and
more interesting computer books over took her small study area.  For her
2Oth birthday she had asked for her own powerful computer and laptop.  Her
father, perplexed by this unusual gift, bought it for her.  Darien recalled
the sound of Serena's father voice puzzled over the phone, questioning him.
He had thought she wanted those pretty, white sapphire earrings?  He found,
as he watched his beloved labored studiously over her books, that she had
indeed found her niche in life.  She had blossomed from that point on.
        She became the computer wizard in programming software, especially
in the finance aspects.  She had also became an expert in several computer
languages, graphics, multimedia and the World Wide Web.  As she finished
her junior year in the university, she was headhunted by several top
consulting corporations.  One of them had contracted with her, financing
the rest of her studies.  This had raised Darien's eyebrows somewhat.  He
had known that Serena was serious about her major, but he had no idea that
she had become such a hot commodity in the software industry.
        He himself during his in-term had been establishing an exceptional
reputation among his peers of doctors.  The Association for Physicians
globally also had their trained eyes on the newest and hottest doctor to
emerge in the health care environment.  He had been solicited by countless
corporations, hospitals and universities.  All clamoring for his
extraordinary expertise he was acquiring as a neosurgeon in neology and
        The changes in Serena were a total distraction to him.  With her
mind becoming as sharp as a whip, he found himself even more attracted his
girlfriend.  He found he could easily converse with her on an intellect
level.  Whereas before, he would have never attempted such a feat with her.
His mind's eye opening again, picturing this new and improved Serena.  He
found himself head over heels in love with her all over again.  This time
with the maturity displayed between a man and a woman.  
        Not only did her mind mature, but her body went haywire with curves
and gorgeous definition as well.  She commanded the attention of every male
species within Boston.  It had been very irritating, to say the least.
Serena was considered a lovely petite, but her breasts had filled out
nicely, her waist seemed smaller and her hips and buttocks became nicely
rounded and contoured.  Her legs had become endlessly long and defined.
Confident with herself, there was a certain sultry to her movements that
didn't go unnoticed by him or any other male, for that matter.  Her hair
seemed longer and thicker, too.  He recalled once, some of the Senshis
stating that Serena seem to be emerging into her former self, the princess.
On more than one occasion, he witnessed her lovely mane spread like a
golden fan beneath his passionate glazed eyes.
        It was this distraction, besides the swans that seemed to be
flocking her wherever she went, that he decided he should marry her.  He
had found it more and more difficult to withhold his affections for her.
He laughed at himself.  You mean, crazy lust, Darien told himself.  Pure,
simple unadultry lust.  Sure, he loved her with all his heart.  Yet, at
that time, with her body and mind maturing as it was, he was having a
difficult time distinguishing lust from love.  There had been far too many
frustrating occasions, that he had had to break off their sessions of
kissing and petting.  He had shamefully tasted her nectar, introducing to
her of what was to come when they did marry.  It was just to satisfy
himself, and proclaim her as his possession.  Serena, the sly wench,
encouraged him.  There had been more than a couple times that all he had
wanted to do, was throw her on his bed and bury himself in her forever.
Serena vocally protested her frustration.  He was insane, she had told him.
He thought he was going insane too, with desire.
        Frustrated with his patience and nobility, Serena almost succeeded
in thwarting his good intentions from him one evening.  She had in a fit of
temper, enticed him.  Giving him a glimpse of a piece of rapturous heaven
that was to come.  A piece of his own medicine.  With sheer determination
and calculation, Serena had arranged herself to take a shower in his
apartment, before he arrived home from work.  Arriving home, he was greeted
to the sound of his girlfriend humming a medley to herself in his bathroom.
A light meal had been prepared for him, since it had been a late shift.
She had called out a greeting to him, opening the door slightly.  
        Casually, he had glanced over to the bathroom door, chewing
thoughtfully on a piece of cold cut ham.  He had already devoured most of
his meal.  The piece of meat stayed stuck in his throat.  She had been
staring at him, innocently.  Now when he thought about that scene, it
hadn't been innocence, but determination.  The innocence was still there.
But at that time, she looked like heaven.  With the door slightly ajar, he
stared hard at her naked glory.  Damp, wisps of long white-golden tendrils
swayed with each breath she took.  
        He had seen her naked before, countless times when she transformed
as Sailor Moon.  This was different.  She was not transforming.  She was
just standing there, letting him take his fill of her.  The lower part of
him throbbed with pressure.  He recalled groaning with that familiar
frustration.  He remembered going into that tiny bathroom of his and
kissing her until both of them were senseless.  Holding her against him, so
that he could feel that incredible body of hers against his.  Wanting to
touch her, taste her, be in her.  And he did touch her, taste her, but he
didn't bury himself in her.  
        Yet she, beautiful Serena, pushed him into his bathroom wall and
pinned him with her body.  He didn't mind that, no, not all.  What
proceeded after that shocked the hell out him.  Serena had proceeded then
to undo his pants before he could protest the outrage.  She pulled him out,
throbbing and straining.   Stunned and motionless, he watched her golden
head dip between his legs. When those incredible lips of hers encased him,
he thought he had died and gone on to heaven.  
        How nights had he dreamed of this?  He had lost count.  Yet, there
he was trembling, with his knees wobbling like a schoolboy.  Gasping as he
was gripped in throes of pleasure as his love suckled and lapped at him
like a lollipop.  He had cried out her name as he came, his body
shuddering, powerfully.  There were a lot of cold showers and more
sleepless nights after that.  He quickly put an end to it.
        He presented her with a large, simple emerald cut solitaire diamond
ring, set in plantium gold.  It had only taken him a couple of days to pick
it out.  He quickly and methodically married her in front of her entire
family, the inner and outer Senshis all present.  It had been a grand and
lavish wedding.  Darien would never forget the picture of his bride walking
down isle to him.  Unforgettable, and breath taking. 
        And all his, he thought.
        He whisked her away from everyone for a month, to Mariselles,
France.  Basically, he took the key to their villa and locked themselves
in, and threw the key away.  He had years to make up with his new bride.
Even Darien had the grace to blush, when he thought of their time in
Mariselles.  There hadn't been one day go by, that he didn't make thorough
and decisive love to his new wife.  Their first night was explicitly,
heavenly  bliss.  He remembered Serena complaining while she laughed, that
she would be permanently bow-legged for life.  That had only gotten her a
growl and another tumble in their rumpled bed.
        He knew he had almost a thousand years of Serena to himself.  When
Reeni had returned back to future, she had been almost thirteen.  She had
finished training as a Sailor Senshi.  She had made him very proud of her.
He had seen his daughter almost a teenager, and he looked very much forward
to future.  Even though he knew that disaster and evil would also await
them.  Yet, he had centuries to wait.  There wasn't much he could do,
especially since he had been told by his future daughter that when she
returned to her time; Serena and him would have most of their memories
erased of her and what awaited them.  Erased by his future self, the future
King of Crystal Tokyo.
        Even now, Serena seemed anxious about establishing a home again, in
Tokyo.  She had wanted to be closer to her parents.  There had been
something else to, to her demeure.  He couldn't quite place it.  She was
glowing lately.  He didn't think the glow had anything to do with the
choker necklace he gave her last night.  Although, it certainly made her
seem even more lovelier.
        Darien leaned back against his headrest, the laptop forgotten in
front of him.  The patient's file lay beside him, in the empty seat next to
him.  It's contents scattered and in disarray.  Darien closed his eyes and
savored the feelings that enveloped him as he thought of the last two days
he had spent with Serena.  Even now, after all the years they spent
together, he still considered her love precious to him.  How could she love
him so?  He hadn't even been alive before he met Serena.  He had just been
existing, a walking robot.  Functioning, but not alive.
        Darien had had only three days of free time.  Serena came home the
following day after him.  Even now, he felt himself harden at the thought
their first night reunion.  He had made love to her over and over again,
until he lost count of how many times they were together.  He hadn't seen
her in almost two weeks and he had missed her.  He missed her sunny
disposition and laughing smile that could easily steal across her lively
face.  She still, even with her maturity, chattered away like a child, he
thought smiling.  She could weave that special web of magic over him, even
after all these years together.
        Opening his eyes, he looked out of the open window by his seat, his
eyes darkening to the color of blue sapphires.  He relished their second
night together.  The fire in the large fireplace had been burning quite
low, when he slipped out of their bed to add more wood.  He then went over
to their window and closed them, the moonless night sealed away by the
heavy, navy brocade drapes.   
        Quietly treading to their amour, he lifted the choker necklace from
his discarded coat jacket.  He had picked up the necklace in Amsterdam,
during a seminar he had been invited to speak at.  It had been probably,
the most boring seminar he had ever been to.  Although, he suspected that
it probably had nothing to do with the seminar.  He was feeling restless.
He picked up the matching bracelet and earrings in his other hand.  He
smiled softly in the night, thinking of Serena's expression when he
presented it to her.
        Walking up the steps to their huge four poster pedestal bed, he
pushed away the white hanging drapes to gaze down at the woman who had
captured his heart.  Serena had lain there asleep on her side, facing him.
She was far more beautiful now, then she was when she was in college.  She
had matured into one of the most lovely women he had ever seen in his life.
Her golden-white mane hair was extremely long and thick.  The long tendrils
were entangled and in disarray about her sleeping form.  In their dark
room, her skin was muted gold.  He knew from countless nights of exploring,
her skin was creamy golden, flawless and softly scented.  His eyes followed
the perfect line of her face to her full, rosy lips then to her breasts.
Her chest moved slowly with every breath she took.  He gazed at the perfect
mounds.   They were abundant, heavy and overflowed in his large hands.  Her
nipples were not too large or too small.  They were dusky mauve.  Even now,
his fingers itched to feel their perkiness.  Her waist was impossibly
small.  He knew of many women, including many females colleagues of his,
remarking how jealous they were of her tiny waist.  His hands could span it
easily.  And his hands could flare across her rounded hips and nicely
shaped buttocks.  How many of his male colleagues would groan quietly, when
they thought he was out of earshot, whenever Serena would come to the
        They wish, he thought almost smugly.  She was his.
        He couldn't see her stomach, because the thin sheet covered the
rest of her body.  Yet, he knew her stomach was concave and flat.  How many
times had his fingers traced those hollows and curves?  Her legs were long
and shapely.  Her long limbs apparent even under the sheets.
        He reached down to pull the sheet slowly off her body, revealing
the rest of her flesh.  Serena stirred as the cool air touched her exposed

        Serena had slowly awaken to the cool night air touching her naked
body.  She became aware of Darien standing next to their bed, drawing off
the sheet covering her.  She shivered slightly, but not because of the cold
night.  Her husband had that look on his face.  The steely planes of his
face were more pronounced in the dark.  His eyes were completely hidden,
but she felt his deep gaze all the down to her toes.  Something icy cold
slithered between her legs, causing her to gasp in startlement.
        "Darien!" she had gasped as she looked down between her legs.  
        He was trailing a necklace through the golden hairs of her mound.
Even in their dark bedroom, the diamonds of the necklace sparkled
flawlessly, making her breath catch. The matching earrings and bracelet
landed on her stomach, causing her to gasp again, and she let out a husky
laugh.  Two rows of absolutely, gorgeous princess emerald cut diamonds were
mounted on white gold.  "Darien?  What is this for?  It's not my birthday!"
        "Can't a man, buy his wife a gift without it being for a reason?"
Darien chuckled deeply, as he joined her in their bed. 
        "Why, no!  Men always buy for a reason, darling!" she said as she
struggled to sit up with the jewelry in her hands.
        "Well, in this case, yes." he smiled tenderly, he took the necklace
from her hands, and placed it around her neck.  She couldn't read what was
in his eyes as she was facing away from him.  Both his hands cupped her
rounded shoulders, and she felt his breath, like a feather against her
sensitive skin.  Huskily he replied, "Diamonds are cold, Serena.  But, you
my sweet, you make them come alive with warmth.  The same way you have
always touched my heart with your warmth and love.  I love you."
        Serena's head fell back against his chest and for a moment she
wavered.  How she loved this man.  His words melted her soul like sweet
honey.  He could always move her so.  How could she express her feelings?  
        There was no need.  
        He knew.  By the way she offered her soul and body to him for the
rest of their lives.
        He kissed her neck, and Serena sighed a soft sigh of happiness.
        "Thank you, my love." she knew didn't have to say it, but she did.
        His hand followed his kiss, caressing her shoulder.  Her head fell
back against his broad shoulder, her back molding against his.  The soft,
golden-white strands of her hair flared, surrounding them in a pool of
softness.  She offered her lips to him, her full lips seeming to pout.  He
rewarded her, by fulfilling her with a deep, searing kiss. Her hand
entwined themselves in his silky black hair.  She loved the way the thick
strands felt under her fingertips.
        Oh, how she understood the way he said her name.  I want you, it
said to her.   She wanted him, too.  She wanted him as no other would.  She
would give her life for him, as she had countless times in the past.  She
would do it again, over and over.  Her love would bear the heights and
depths of passion.  And in the end, her love would always win for him.
        Serena turned towards her husband, Darien.  She offered her
luscious body and mind to him.  It was his for the taking, and it would
always be his vessel.  She felt his deep gaze devour her.  How hungry, he
was.  Always for her.  An incoherent cry escaped from her lips and her body
arched as Darien placed a turgid nipple into his mouth.  
        He wouldn't muffle her cries, she knew.  He loved the sound of her
lost desire, echoing resoundingly through out their large home.  She
cradled his dark head at her chest, as he cupped
one swollen breast and lapped the other with his skillful tongue.  His
other arm held her against him, caressing and gently squeezing her rounded
        Over and over again, he fondled, suckled and nibbled at her
nipples.  Her breasts were swollen with arousal, and her breathing was
heavy.  The pit of her belly was consumed that familiar fire that only he
could arouse.  She felt her legs trembling with the effort to stay on her
knees as she straddled his hard thighs.  If not for his arm holding her up,
she would have already collapsed.  Between her thighs, moisture was forming
as the whirling coils of pleasure enveloped her entire body.
        With blind fingers, her hands found his swollen shaft.  For a
moment, his tongue stilled their pillage of her hard nipple.  His body
shuddered as her hands caressed his manhood.  Her exploration then mapped
out his entire torso, from the broad shoulders, the defined chest muscles,
the sinew stomach, down to the engorged shaft of his.  There her fingers
stayed, to give him pleasure as he had her.  Her body trembled as she gazed
into Darien's face.  His face was filled with concentration.  Tension
masked the planes of his face.  His body trembled below her skilled
caresses.  They lightly grazed the entire pulsing length, only to stroke
him again and again.  Groaning with effort, Serena felt his hands still
hers.  He then pushed her onto her hands and knees.  She had moaned with
        Yet, he was not ready to mount her.  Instinctively she cried out,
as she felt him nuzzle her between her open woman folds.  She keened
despairingly as waves after waves of rolling pleasure washed over her
senses.   Her legs had tighten together, trembling as his tongue worked its
creative magic in her.  Again and again,  he dipped into her, showing no
mercy when she would have moved away.  The pleasure was too intense for her
and she cried out his name, begging for him to stop.  No, don't stop.
Liquid fire flooded her center being as she keened her siren song to his
demanding call.
        Lifting her as if she was nothing more than a feather, she
straddled his hard thighs once more.  She was facing away from him, still
gripped in the throes of her climax, when he impaled her with his hard
member.  Her head fell back, her hair a cascade of shimmering white-gold
flowing over his shoulders.  And then he moving in her, deeply and
powerfully.  He coaxed and whispered, enticing her with promises of
fulfillment.  Before long she responding, her body undulating to each of
his thrusts.  His hands were molding her breasts, provoking more cries from
her with the flick of thumb or finger over an engorged nipple.
        With a sense of urgency, they both could feel their bodies peaking
and responding to each synchronized movement.  Each powerful thrust brought
Serena closer and closer to that pinnacle that topped that invisible
mountain.  Until, suddenly she cried out hoarsely, the choker necklace on
her glittering and sparkling like its owner, in their dark room.  With
another powerful thrust, she heard Darien cry out huskily, joining her.
His steel embrace holding them in place, as he trembled and pulsed within

        Darien's eyes snapped open.  He sat there, aroused and pulsating.
He ignored the feeling, although it was hard.  Two days in Singapore.  He
was on vacation after that.  A long, awaited vacation with Serena.  They
both had agreed to take their combined vacations together.  Three wonderful
weeks together.  
        He was going to tell her, that during they're vacation, they should
search for a home in Tokyo.  He knew how important it was to her.  Frankly,
he didn't care where they made their nest, as long as they were together.
        He picked up his hankerchief that was now laying on top of the
patient's file, smiling again.  He had placed a bright, red rose in her
brief case this morning, before she had awaken.  Yet, he couldn't resist
the urge to wake her for his kiss goodbye.  She had thrown her nude body
against his fully suited frame, and had thoroughly kissed the living
daylights out him.  He had growled at her, groaning that if she didn't stop
he'd miss his flight.  Her tinkling laugh answered him, and he was
surrounded once again within her trembling arms.
        He left her early in the morning.   In the early dawn light, her
bright blue eyes had sparkled with an emotion he couldn't define.  Yet ,
her last words were as clear as a bright, sunny morning.
        "I love you, Darien." 

That's it for now.  Let me know what you think!  Lady M. Harris

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/club/Club/6839

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