First person views once again.  The ideas are free flowing, so I'm gonna type till
I drop!!  (heheheh, anyone got any Jolt cola?? ^_^; )

*'s denote thought.  Sailor Moon - not mine.

and now, without any further ado...more story!

Time marches on...and the players of this little drama are still unaware.

The world is in peril, and the best I can do is send someone dreams or 

*Sigh, something  has gotta work, it just has to...*

When I got home from the baby shower that night, I  was 
tired. But I was not ready for the sight that greeted me when 
I entered the apartment.

There was Darien, fully clothed, sitting in front of the TV.

"Darien??!!"  I said with some surprise. "What are you doing 
still up??"

He looked at me with a haggard expression.

 "I had a little trouble sleeping.  Not to worry, my love." 

He then turned the TV off, gave me a kiss, and walked towards the 

"But now that you are here, I think I will be able to sleep soundly."

He didn't sound like himself, but I was too tired to argue...
I was relieved to see her.  Those nightmares didn't do anything for 
my sanity, thats for sure.  

*If anything happened to her, I don't think I could go on...*

Once I was in bed with Serena,  I pulled her close.

"So how was the baby shower?" I asked.

"It was cool...wait a minute, you knew about this all along,
didn't you?"  She said suspiciously.

"Guilty as charged." I admitted

"Well, for your info, It was very cool..." She mumured, and then broke 
off  into a yawn. "I was just sorry that you couldn't come..."

"It's ok..Lets get some sleep now. "

"Ok. G'nite..."  She snuggled deeper into my arms, and was soon asleep.

I tried to sleep, but it would not come.  I tried to clear my mind, but the 
nightmare still haunted me.

*Please, let me be able to keep her safe...*
3 months later...
My monthly appointment with the doctor.  It feels weird laying
on a table while someone is poking at my abdomen.

It's not so bad when  your doctor is one of your best friends.

"Well Ami, hows the baby doing?" I asked her.

She reached up, and  fiddled with some controls on a display unit.

"See for yourself," She said proudly.  She hit the rewind button
on the unit, and we both watched the ultrasound.

The playback  showed an ultrasound of my baby 
at four months. I saw the baby's heart, and  what looked like
a row of pearls, wich Ami told me was the baby's spine. 
My own heart thudded in my chest.  *Our baby. Oh, Darien,
our dream is coming true...*

 I got off of the examining table,  dressed, 
and hugged her.  She handed me a videotape, marked "Ultrasound."

"This is cool!  Darien is gonna love the video.. Thanks, Ami!"

Ami smiled, "Same time next month, don't forget!"

"I wont." 

 I rushed out the door...

I was waiting outside the doctor's office, when Serena rushed out.
She pulled me into an embrace and kissed me full on the lips.
*Hmm, now she knows how to kiss...*

"Hmm,  and what was that for?"  I teased.

"Because, I had a good checkup, and I have the proof," Serena
said with a smile, as she dangled the video in front of me.

"Well, this calls for a  celebration then.  How about some lunch,
and then some shopping?"

"Oh, Darien, that sounds wonderful."

After we ate, Darien and I went shopping.  We looked in quite a few 
store windows before he got quite impatient.

"Serena, we have been  looking at different baby stores for nearly a
half hour now, can't you make up your mind?"

I smiled, and decided to have a little fun with him.

"Oh, all right! Lets go into the first one we saw about 
a block back."

This elicted a groan from Darien.  

I laughed. "Just kidding!  C'mon, lets go into this one..."

*Just how many things can one buy for a baby, anyway?*

We walked out of that baby shop, both of us clutching a few packages

Serena was smiling as we walked down the street. I am beside her, gazing into her
clear blue eyes. 

She is the picture of beauty, her body rounding out to make room for the baby...

Feeling a sense of Deja-vu, I stopped myself in mid-thought.  *This is just
like my nightmare..!*

As if on cue, the ball of energy from my nightmares slammed inbetween the
two of us, forcing us to the pavement.    

I look up to see who is attacking us, but all I can see is a bright light.
A sick feeling entered the pit of my stomach, as I considered my options.

Beside me, I heard Serena gasp, "Not You!" *Did she see the enemy?*

Concerned for her safety, I shout, "Serena, hide!" 

I transformed into Tuxedo Mask in the blink of an eye, and threw roses in
the direction where the attack was coming from,  but to no avail. Another 
energy ball slams toward Serena, and  I am too far away to help her...  

"Serena, run!"

She sees it coming, and starts to run...

The ball of energy strikes a point beside her,  the force of the energy blast
propelling her into a nearby wall, back first.

I hear her scream...

I survey the scene with satisfaction.  Her husband is rushing over to
her unmoving form.

I teleport out....mission accomplished...
eep---Is it truly mission accomplished??  Did the mystery person
kill Serena??

Stay tuned, and find out!

As always, the Sailor Moon Characters aren't mine, they are just fun 
to write about, that's all...

Till next time!

Time Guardian


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