Title: A Goddess's Flower Chapter 2
Name: Kali Bohacek
Email Address: Usagi125@aol.com
Rating: PG

I noticed the smr site people spelled the name of my fic wrong -_- it's got
TWO d's in it, okay!?!?!?!? i'm just kidding, i don't care that much ^_~
okay, here it is! it's short, but i promise the next chapter will be longer.
^_^ enjoy!


        The sun peeked lazily over the rolling green hills of Earth, rays of
golden light shining through the many windows of Endymion's bedroom.
Hesitantly Endymion stirred and opened his eyes, the sunlight blinding him
briefly. He kicked aside the blankets and silk sheets in irritation,
at the beautiful sunrise. Endymion was not in a pleasant mood. He glared
disgustedly over the well-kept gardens and courtyard, his mouth twisting
a wicked frown. < Tonight. . . Tonight I leave for the Moon. > He hadn't
gotten much rest that night. Fuyuki's words kept echoing in his mind,
interrupting his thoughts and his efforts to fall asleep. "Use your
imagination, Endymion." Endymion wasn't ignorant. He knew what that meant.
What he didn't know was whether he was up to it. Fuyuki was expecting
complete compliance to his plans, but. . . He didn't even know this girl!
Princess Serenity was, to him, only a name. He had grown up as a peasant,
from the rituals and ceremonies of imperial life. < But this would get me
of prison! Besides, it would also free my home from its major enemy. But I
don't know if. . . > Endymion could feel himself slipping into depression
shook it off. < This girl, this princess. She's probably a spoiled brat. >
Desperately he searched for an excuse to justify his actions. Only last
had the full force of his mission struck him. He would be destroying a whole
kingdom! A civilization! Killing millions of people, most of which had never
had anything to do with the Earth. Killing peasants, nobles, families,
families like the one he himself had once had. Brothers, sisters, siblings,
children. . . Everyone would be gone.
        A lump seemed to be stuck in Endymion's throat and he swallowed,
groping his way to the bathroom and into the tub for a long, cold shower.

        Fuyuki and Endymion met at three o'clock in the afternoon, outside
the rose gardens. Fuyuki had brought a folder for Endymion. Inside the
were pictures and profiles of Princess Serenity's four guardians. Endymion
took it grudgingly and sat down to flip through it.
        First there was Princess Mercury. There was a photograph of a rather
short but slender girl. She had wide but somewhat dull blue eyes, full of
intelligence and seriousness. Endymion found himself discomfited just
at the face of this girl, a face which held so much gravity. He scanned her
profile briefly. She was eighteen, like all of Serenity's guardians were,
was almost legendary for her intellectual aptitude. He pushed her papers to
the back and studied a picture of Princess Jupiter.
        She had wavy brown hair, pulled back into a high ponytail with
several stray bangs to trace the soft curve of her face. Her eyes were an
shade of green, dark and fathomless. In one hand she held up a cooking
spatula, playfully batting the shoulder of a friend that the photo didn't
completely show. Her profile said she was incredibly powerful for a woman,
but she also liked to cook. Endymion raised his eyebrows. Strange character,
this Jupiter. He shoved her papers to the back and went on to Princess
        She was obviously beautiful, with a sweet, innocent smile and
sparkling blue eyes. Blond hair, pulled up into long waves of gold by a
scarlet bow, spilled over her shoulders and down to her waist. She was
a V-is-for-victory sign with her right hand and she was laughing. Endymion
looked at her profile. She was lighthearted and clumsy, and Serenity's best
friend. He stored that information away for later, it might come in handy.
turned to the last guardian. . .
        Princess Mars was the one who struck him the most out of all four
guardians. Her beauty didn't affect him at all, neither did her shapely
figure under the close-fitting red gown. It was her face. . .  Something
about her. . . Her eyes were deep and passionate, multifaceted pools that,
Endymion couldn't decide which, were either a dark, startling black or
bright, mysterious violet. Her gaze seemed to burn into him, like the wild
spirit of fire had been tamed into her expression. Long strands of hair, the
color of midnight, had been woven into a thick braid that hung over her
shoulder. Her slender pale fingers were tangled in the black strands. Her
profile read that she was sometimes called a witch. People said she had a
touch of fire and could control psychic energy. Endymion whistled quietly,
closing the folder and handing it back to Fuyuki.

"All four have the ability to transform into a Sailor senshi." Fuyuki
commented, dropping the folder onto a stone bench.

"Sailor senshi?" Endymion repeated in confusion. "Nani. . ."

"Sailor senshi. Warriors of their planets. They are destined to protect
Princess Serenity." Fuyuki sighed. "I don't know if you can get around them.
Here, take this. It's Princess Serenity's profile. I think you should get to
know her a little, before you go."

        Endymion took the folder, lifted the cover, and gasped in shock. No
matter how gorgeous he had considered the other four, all of them put
together were no match for this angel that was before him! The lively,
glowing smile that Jupiter possessed was like the frown of a corpse compared
to the gentle, childlike curve of Serenity's lips. Venus's shining sapphire
eyes were as dull as stones compared to Serenity's wide, adorable-< If not
painfully naïve. . . >-gaze, and the waterfall of golden tresses overflowing
Venus's shoulders wasn't even noticeable when compared to the cascade of
silver curls, pulled up into two pigtails, that framed Serenity's blushing,
compassionate complexion. Endymion stared at the picture until her image was
burned into his mind, every smooth curve and inch of pale, creamy skin.

"Quite a looker, isn't she?" Fuyuki joked, satisfied with Endymion's
reaction. Endymion felt revolted at the vulgar term that Fuyuki used to
to this perfect being. She wasn't just a 'looker.' She was. . . a goddess.

* * * The Moon Kingdom * * *

"Are you all ready?" Mercury cried from the bottom of the staircase. "Hurry!
We need to prepare for the visitors tonight!"

"I'm coming!" Princess Mars raced quickly but gracefully down the steps,
black strands flying behind her. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, her
face flushed. Mercury grinned.

"Jupiter is helping to prepare the feast. But Serenity and Venus are still

"They're always late!" Mars snapped impatiently, frowning and rushing off
down the hallway in a flurry of red silk. Mercury shook her head and hurried
after her.

        Meanwhile upstairs, Venus stood in front of the mirror, inspecting
every single fold and stitch of her gown. It was made of soft silk, the
of a blazing sunset. Jupiter had assured her that it set off her eyes
beautifully. She pulled a few strands of blond hair to the front of her
shoulder, pushing a few others back and straightening her bangs. She
in deeply to relax, then elegantly pulled her bedroom door open and
the stairs as if she hadn't been frantically racing around her bedroom in a
fit of panic a mere minute or two ago. She joined her three friends

        Serenity was all ready dressed and ready. Her hair had been
thoroughly washed and brushed, her dress was spotless and her face was
immaculate. But she didn't want to go downstairs. Not just yet. She needed
some time to think. This was the first time she would ever meet someone from
Earth. Her mother, the Queen, had told her a little about why the visitors
were here. < Mother said that there were two men coming, Endymion and. . .
Oh, what was it? Endymion and Kunzite! They were training for something. The
Hinowa. > Her mother had explained about the Earthling's method of finding a
new king. Endymion was going to be entering into the contest, and he needed
training. Serenity guessed that Kunzite would be helping him. She was
especially looking forward to Endymion's visit. < Maybe he can tell me about
Earth! I'd really like for him to tell me what it's like. . . > She frowned.
Why would he tell a clumsy, ugly little runt like herself? She'd have to be
extra elegant and pretty for him. Then he'd see. . . She was a princess, a
real princess! < Maybe he'll even like me. . . >

"Serenity! Hurry! We need your help to set up the banquet!" came Jupiter's
strong yell from downstairs. Serenity blushed, although no one was aware of
her thoughts, and gathered her skirts up as she ran down the steps towards
the dining hall. She bit her lip nervously as she helped bring in the china
and plates. < Maybe he'll even like me. . . >

        Back on Earth, Fuyuki and Endymion were sitting together outside and
relaxing over a few drinks. An expert at masking his emotions, Endymion
didn't let Fuyuki ever catch a glimpse of his mounting reservations. Now
he had seen the beautiful angel that it was his job to corrupt, Endymion
could feel his heart burning sourly. Why did she have to be so damn pretty?
So. . . young and harmless? She was like a vulnerable flower, and every
of Endymion's conscience was pulling him away from crushing her under the
heel of his boot. But then there was Fuyuki, and the idea of freedom,
him back towards her. He felt torn apart between them, and wondered which
side would finally get the best of him. < How could I touch someone like
. . >

"So Endymion. You're leaving tonight." Fuyuki smiled faintly. "Are you

Endymion was snapped out of his reverie. "I. . . I mean, I am." he stumbled
to respond. Fuyuki nodded.

"Good. You know what to do?"

"Obtain the Ginzuishou by the end of this month." he forced out harshly,
hating himself. < And completely destroy the beauty and innocence of that
angel. . . > He sighed. There was nothing he could do about that. He'd just
have to forget her. Ah, and how he wished he could forget her!

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/club/Club/6839

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