Title: A Goddess's Flower Chapter 5
Name: Kali Bohacek
Email Address: Usagi125@aol.com
Rating: PG

i'm moving to LA next weekend... (which would be the weekend this comes out,
i guess.) that means no more fic parts for a LONG time, maybe not even until
the end of summer... i'll work super hard but there's no way i could finish
this. Ai no Senshi will hopefully be completed. sorry people who are reading
it, just try and wait for me ^_^


"Is it the Ginzuishou you want?"

Endymion's head jerked up, his eyes widening as Queen Serenity's normally
tranquil voice took on a barbed edge. "S-Serenity!? I have no idea. . ."

"Endymion," Serenity sounded kinder now, but still stern, as she grabbed his
forearm tightly, pleadingly. "Endymion, you didn't come here to train for
Hinowa. I know this much is true. You won't tell me why you're here. But I
know why. I am sure of it." Queen Serenity shook her head sadly. "My

"Serenity, this isn't. . ." Once again, Serenity interrupted him.

"Don't bother, Endymion." She released his arm and turned away, her eyes
in grief. "You don't understand, do you? Neither do the people who sent
She stepped away, revealing a pedestal in the middle of her bedroom.
could see the Ginzuishou, floating and shining with its own power and inner
light. He gasped, amazed at being so close to it. Its strength throbbed with
enough force to knock Endymion off his feet, moonlight glittering off its
many-faceted surface.

Serenity continued, "This is the sacred crystal, my Ginzuishou. What you
been sent to steal, I know. But the Ginzuishou has power no Earthling could
ever understand. Using its full extent could kill me, or my daughter. Only
descendants of the Lunar royal family can access its power anyway. Stealing
it for Earth will only bring your own downfall. You, and the same with
else on Earth, cannot handle the power of the Ginzuishou." She picked it up
carefully in her hand, her fingers closing gently around the warm stone as
she was afraid of crushing it. "No one can."

"I didn't come for it." Endymion persisted stubbornly, but her words burned
through his mind. Was what she said true? Was his mission pointless? Did
Fuyuki know?

"You could take it." Queen Serenity said softly, replacing the crystal above
the pedestal. "And leave our kingdom defenseless. But. . ." She looked at
him, her eyes tired. "Why? Why won't you leave us alone? We have done
to you. Go home, Endymion. We wish you nothing but peace. Why can't you
us the same?"

Endymion breathed in deeply, remained silent for several minutes. Finally,
whispered, "Serenity. It's not my choice to make." And, turning on his heel,
he left the room.

        Hours later, Endymion lay on his back on the bed, his eyes shut, his
body relaxed enough to feel liquid. < This. . . how could so much happen in
just one day? > He grinned to himself, staring out the window at the
starlight. < If this is only one of my days here, I fear I won't survive the
rest of the trip! > A knock came on his door.

"Endymion? Asleep yet?" It was Kunzite's voice. Endymion sighed, grateful to
hear his friend.

"No, not yet."

He heard Kunzite chuckle. "Your training won't be easy, brother. Try and get
some sleep tonight, you'll be needing it!" With that, Endymion heard
Kunzite's footsteps fade away. Endymion nodded, tossing off his armor and
sliding into a nightshirt before slipping once again under the soft sheets.

"Goodnight, my brother." he whispered to Kunzite.

"Goodnight, my angel." he whispered to Serenity.

* * * * *

        Endymion, sweating heavily and panting, was not enjoying himself. It
was the next afternoon, his second day on the Moon Kingdom, and all ready he
was damning the cursed place. Of course, he didn't mean his foul language.
But Kunzite's training was strenuous, and Endymion was hating every second
it. Both of them were armed with wooden swords, and Kunzite was teaching him
how to thrust and parry correctly. Endymion was a quick learner, but
Kunzite's often, unexpected lunges and the quick, painful contact of his
wooden sword against Endymion's bottom was not appreciated.

"Just to keep your attention." Kunzite reminded him, grinning as Endymion
shot him an icy glare.

"I'm paying attention!" Endymion roared furiously, restraining himself from
beating the smug smile from Kunzite's face.

"Come now, back to the lesson." Kunzite chuckled and once again brandished
his wooden sword. Endymion did the same, and his irritation fast faded away.

"Besides, don't you want to look handsome and strong to impress Princess
Serenity?" Kunzite teased, but realized his mistake when Endymion's face

"Serenity. . . I almost forgot my mission." Endymion mumbled, dropping his
sword in misery. "Kunzite, this isn't fair!"

Kunzite sighed, knowing the lesson was over. He, too, dropped his sword and
patted Endymion's shoulder comfortingly. "You don't have to do anything,

"Hai, I do." Endymion said coldly. "I promised. I promised to Fuyuki that I
would. And if I don't, I'll be back in prison."
The compassion on the young man's face disappeared, replaced with an icy
of detachment. Kunzite released him and looked away, his eyes stinging
angrily with tears. < He's trying so hard to ignore her. . . He's trying so
hard to do this right. . . But he's still so young! >

"Can't you see what you're doing is wrong, Endymion?" Kunzite shouted,
grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. "Arrogance won't take away the guilt
once you've done this!"

"Let me go Kunzite!" Endymion yelled vehemently, backing away. "It's my

"Is there a decision to make?" Kunzite replied quietly. "Can you choose
between your fate and the fate of a kingdom?"

"The fate of my enemy's kingdom!" Endymion hissed, his hands clenching into
fists. Kunzite looked at him sadly and turned away again as he said,

"What have they done, Endymion, to make themselves your enemy?"

"It is common knowledge, Kunzite, that our two kingdoms have been at war for
some time." came a third voice, calm with a soft undertone of depression.
"Common knowledge, though no one I have asked can explain to me why." Queen
Serenity took Kunzite's hand in her own and held it, staring deeply into his

"Queen Serenity!" Kunzite exclaimed in surprise, but didn't pull his hand

Serenity shut her eyes, giving Kunzite the impression of someone emotionally
exhausted. The Queen of the Moon said, "You have come for my Ginzuishou. If
you do not get it, then the Earth will surely send another after it. So, I
won't stop you."

"We didn't come-" Kunzite tried to say, but Serenity interrupted him, just
like she had done to Endymion.

"Endymion tried to lie the same. Please don't try to fool me. I have seen
much." She shook her head slowly. "But know this. I have used the Ginzuishou
only in the name of peace. You wish to use it in the name of evil. The
Ginzuishou will never yield its power to you. It will only bring your own
downfall. Neither of you understand the sacred crystal as well as I. If you
can get to the Ginzuishou, take it. By all means." She smiled sarcastically.
"Please, by all means steal it. Destroy my kingdom, my daughter, my people,
and in doing so, destroy your own. Release the wickedness of the universe,
corrupt the power of justice in the name of your greed." She let go of
Kunzite's hand and sighed, looking up to the sky. "By all means."

"Serenity. . ." Kunzite could say nothing but murmur her name in wonder, and
growing respect for the woman's wisdom and striking words.

"You fight a war with no purpose, merely for the pleasure of bloodlust."
Queen Serenity held up a cherry blossom in the palm of her hand. "Because
life is so delicate, you wish to trample it, destroy it in your thirst for
power. Because it is so easy to kill, isn't it?" She crushed the blossom in
her hand, making Endymion shiver. "So easy. . ." she whispered, letting the
smashed petals fall to her feet.

Serenity sighed again. "I did not come to lecture you. Only to say. . ." She
walked past Kunzite and kissed Endymion's cheek politely. "Only to say that
am your enemy. But you will never be mine. And until the day a sword is
driven through my mortal heart, and my body falls at the feet of those whose
pride is greater than their compassion. . . I will continue to love. For the
sake of my daughter, for her four guardians, for the people who put their
faith in me, and even for you, Endymion, and you, Kunzite. I will continue
love. That is one power greed and hatred and anger cannot stop." She picked
up one of the wooden swords and laughed, her voice sounding empty. "Until
that day, your planet, Earth, a kingdom driven by dishonesty, will always
have something to fear." She handed the sword to Endymion and said,

"I will pray tonight that your young, innocent hands will not be stained
my blood. But if they shall be, then that is your decision. I believe
just asked you if you could choose between your fate and the fate of a
kingdom. And last night, Endymion, you told me, 'Serenity. It's not my
to make.' Ah, well then, my dear Endymion. Please enlighten me as to whose
choice it is."

And with that, she walked away. There was a long period of silence.
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hotly down his cheeks.

"Kunzite. . . I don't know what to do." Endymion whispered, clutching
Kunzite's forearm tightly to reassure himself, as if he was afraid that
Kunzite would desert him.

"Endymion, it's your decision." Kunzite shrugged helplessly. "You have to
figure out what to do, I can't do it for you."

Endymion slowly backed away from Kunzite, his eyes red from crying. "I know.
. . I know, but I don't want to decide yet. . ."

"Why don't you go take a walk in the gardens?" Kunzite advised, smiling as
stepped out of Endymion's way and pointed to a distant row of cherry trees.
"The blossoms are blooming now. It's supposed to be very relaxing."

"I. . . I think I will."

* * * * *

        Queen Serenity collapsed onto her throne, her eyes shut, her body
aching with fatigue. How much longer would she able to rule the Moon Kingdom
and still be able to stand up straight without the aid of a cane? She
frowned. The idea of being old and decrepit did not appeal to her young
heart, but her body was quite definitely succumbing to it. And on the day
when she would not be able to rule, her daughter would be heir to the
This thought only thrust her even deeper into depression.
< The time is growing closer. I'm sure my daughter will make an excellent
queen but. . . She still isn't very serious about her position! Maybe this
Endymion could. . . No, I would never want my daughter being courted by any
Earthling. > The Queen tried very hard to give her daughter as much freedom
as could be allowed, but this was one rule she would not let Princess
Serenity bend. Endymion was to stay quite far from Serenity, and that had to
be made clear! She stood up and went in search of Princess Mercury, who
always seemed to provide soothing conversation whenever she was uneasy.

"Mercury?" The Queen glanced into the library. The eighteen-year-old
princess, her head buried deep into her chemistry book, peeked over the
at Serenity.

"Queen Serenity!" she exclaimed, shutting the book immediately. "Something
the matter?"

"Hai. It's Endymion. And his companion, the general, Kunzite." Serenity took
a seat beside Mercury, resting her elbows on the table and her head in her
hand. "I don't know what to think about them."


"Should I trust them?"

"I thought you said that. . . they were here for the Ginzuishou!"

"They are. I'm sure about that. But I wonder if Endymion will succeed in
stealing it. I still don't understand how he plans to get it. And. . . I
wonder if Endymion will try."

"Why wouldn't he? He could destroy the kingdom with the Ginzuishou."

"I know but he's so young! Only eighteen. He's a boy, Mercury. Not old
to understand politics or any of that rubbish. He probably doesn't even know
why he's stealing it. Just that some man promised his freedom if he could


"Didn't you know? Endymion was in prison before he was given this

"So that's why he's doing this. . ." Mercury murmured thoughtfully. "Now
up to him. . ."

* * * * *

        Out in the cherry blossom gardens, Endymion was walking slowly down
the dirt paths, the dust littered with pink petals. He looked around,
disgusted with the scenery. Everything was pink! Everything! All the lines
were soft. The petals seemed to melt into one another, so that everything
just one pink cloud surrounding him. There were no definite outlines of the
flowers, no vibrant colors, no energy!

"Isn't it a beautiful place?" came a voice. Endymion spun around, startled.
Princess Serenity stood behind him, her silvery pigtails blowing gently
behind her in the breeze, countless petals brushing against her cheeks and
weaving in between the glowing strands of her hair. Endymion shrugged

"I hate it."

Serenity stared at him silently, surprised. Finally she whispered, "Well, I
think it's beautiful."

"Everything's the same." Endymion said, his voice not sounding as sour now.
"On Earth, there are rose gardens that are miles wide. And the colors are
beautiful. Not like here." He smiled wistfully.

Serenity's face brightened. "You! You're from Earth! Show me a rose!" she
demanded, holding out her hand impatiently.

        Endymion pictured a rose in his mind. < Roses are symbols of
affection. Lovers give roses to each other to prove their feelings. > He
looked at Serenity and sighed. How he wished he could give this girl a rose!
If he had to die that second, he would at least like to show her what a rose
was, and what it stood for. But he had no roses. Maybe someday she would go
to Earth and. . . No. He would be destroying the Moon. She'd never get a
chance to see one.

"Gomen, Serenity, but I don't-" He stopped talking when he noticed
intent gaze. She was staring at his face. He frowned.

"Serenity? Nani. . ."

"Your forehead, Endymion." She reached up and touched her fingers to his
brow. "On your forehead, there was a symbol flashing. . . A symbol of the
Earth. . ."

"A symbol!?" Endymion stared at her in amazement. < What is she talking
about? A symbol of Earth? >

"I wonder what that meant." Serenity mused, removing her hand. Endymion was
about to reply when he felt a sharp pain shoot through his fingers. He
angrily and lifted his hand to see what was the matter.

"Is that a rose, Endymion?"

        Endymion's eyes widened in surprise, his breath catching in his
throat. In his curled fist was a single red rose, in full bloom, scarlet
petals soft and thick. One of the thorns had lodged into his finger and
caused the pain. Distantly he flicked the thorn off his hand and rubbed the
blood away on his armor. < A rose. . . just appeared in my hand! What's
on? Why did I feel so dizzy. . . >

"How did you make it appear, Endymion?" Serenity murmured in fascination,
taking the rose from his trembling grip.

"I don't know. . . Magic, I guess." He tried to grin and failed miserably.
But Serenity took his words seriously.

"Magic. I guess that's why the symbol appeared. Whenever you use Earth
the symbol must shine. You have Earth magic, don't you?" She looked up at
hopefully, and Endymion realized she resembled a young child more than a
teenage princess.

"Earth magic?" he repeated, confused. Serenity nodded impatiently.

"Hai, hai, Earth magic. You know, certain people have magic on your planet.
They cause the lightening and the snow. We don't have any of that on the
Moon. Venus told me people on Earth have special magic inside them."

Endymion laughed. "That's not magic, baka! That's just the weather."

"Well, if there's no magic. . ." She frowned prettily. "Where did the rose
come from? And the symbol?"

Endymion was speechless. He had no idea about where they had come from. All
he knew was that he had wanted to show her a rose, had wanted to tell her
about love on Earth, and suddenly in his hand, there it was! Did he have
special ability? Did Kunzite know?

"Well, now that it's here, do you want to know about the rose?" Endymion
asked, steering her away from the strange topic of his 'magic.'

Serenity nodded eagerly. "Hai! Isn't it romantic? Then we have to go to a
romantic place! Follow me!"

She took his hand and dragged him up the path. The two of them ran like
children across the shores of the Serenity Sea, giggling and often tripping
over one another. Endymion found himself being infected by Serenity's
silliness and, for a brief minute, felt an overwhelming happiness, a
satisfaction he hadn't felt since the day his parents had left him. His true
mission, his turbulent past, the troubling words spoken to him by Queen
Serenity, all these somber thoughts were shoved to the back of his mind. For
Endymion at that moment, there was only the present to experience as the
adorable Princess of the Moon followed him across the seashore.

"We're almost there!" Serenity called over her shoulder. She lead him away
from the sandy coast and onto a path leading up the cliff that overlooked
Serenity Sea. The two of them crashed through overgrown shrubs, shoved aside
fallen branches, and raced each other as they scrambled up the steep
cliff-side. Finally, exhausted but elated, the two of them collapsed beside
each other on the crest of the hill. Serenity laughed and pointed out to the

"Isn't it beautiful up here? You can see the ocean forever!"

"Want to know a secret?" Endymion whispered mysteriously, and Serenity
to him, interested. Endymion grinned.

"My mother told me a legend when I was little. Did you know every time the
sun sets, another rose blooms and two people fall in love?"

Serenity blushed and looked back out over the sea. "I've always loved
watching the sun set. Because when the stars begin to come out, I make a

"The sun will be setting soon. What will you wish for tonight?"

She seemed to be lost in thought about this for a few minutes. "When I was
little, I wished for the most ridiculous things, like chocolate and lots of
presents. But now. . . Now, I wish for different things. And tonight. . ."
She held up the rose and smiled slightly. "Tonight, I wish that. . . someday
all my dreams will come true."

"What are your dreams, princess?"

"I want to help the Sun Goddess paint the sky orange at sunset, and I want
ride on a shooting star." She laughed. "Aren't those silly dreams? And I
want to fall in love and get married. But everyone wants to do that."

"You want to be a bride, Serenity?"

        She nodded silently and leaned back, resting her head on a clump of
grass. Endymion lay down beside her. They had a perfect view of the sky, and
Serenity devoted all of her attention to the sun as it began its descent
behind the sea, setting the waves ablaze with fiery reds and oranges. She
sighed in contentment.

"I wish I could spend every night like this. Out here, watching the sky."
murmured, reaching out and taking his hand in her own. Endymion sat up
slowly, leaning over her and brushing the soft rose petals against her

"Serenity," he whispered.


"The sun is setting. Want to know a secret, Serenity?"

"What is it?"

        Endymion didn't reply with words. He tilted her head back, his heart
pounding as her helpless gaze locked with his. She looked so vulnerable, so
fragile. . . His arm wrapped around her waist, lifting her up into his
embrace. He heard her slight gasp, and bent down, his face inches from hers.
She shut her eyes, her head going back, the smooth, inviting curve of her
neck exposed. Never one to miss an opportunity, Endymion slowly, hesitantly
brushed his lips against the hollow of her neck. He could feel her pulse
beating swiftly. A violent surge of desire filled his instincts, a surge he
had to control or he could risk losing the moment.
        Her soft moans gave him confidence. The kiss turned hard, urgent,
tongue flicking hotly against her skin. She cooed quietly into his ear,
urging him harder still, and the kiss turned into a gentle bite. With a
whimper of surrender she fell back, melting into his arms, her head resting
against his shoulder, her body trembling.
        Serenity's fears melted away as he moved for her, helped her to her
feet, and with his prompting, she raised her arms high above her head and he
locked his hands around her, the smooth fabric of her dress being crushed
tightly against his thick armor, their bodies pressing together.

"Serenity. . ." he chanted her name huskily, his fingers tracing the curve
her waist and up her stomach, veering off slightly to tickle her spine.
Beneath the thin, silk sleeves of her gown, he could see quite clearly the
tempting strap of her brassiere. Endymion ignored the almost irrepressible
teasing it gave him, that would have to wait until later. Serenity was
beautiful but so delicate! He couldn't be reckless with her, she wasn't a
woman he could just take as he pleased. Serenity demanded finesse, and his
handling of her would have to be more loving than passionate.
        His fingers tangled in her silver hair. Impatiently he undid the
pigtails, watching in pleasure as her unbound curls cascaded down about her
shoulders. Her breathing was uncertain and heavy, coming in quick gasps and
whimpers. He took her chin in his hand, his other arm holding her tightly
around the waist to hold her in place, and locked his mouth upon hers. Every
dream he'd ever had of her suddenly came crashing into reality. He let go of
his control, of his restraint, and forced her mouth open with a sudden
brutality that shocked both of them. But Serenity would not be released,
could not wriggle free from his powerful grip. Her loud moans echoed down
cliff, her eyes shut tightly. Her body, so used to innocent emotions, shook
violently at the endless flood of heat, her mind spun and she felt dizzy at
her first encounter with something so strong, so wanton, so sensual! His
tongue ravaged the inside of her mouth, repeatedly tasting her sweetness
no thought as to her condition, he only saw to satisfy his own wants. He
moaned faintly as his desire mounted, he pressed hard, fast, fierce. . .

"Endymion. . . please. . ." she begged, struggling weakly. She couldn't take
another second of his sweet torture.
        Endymion gasped, letting go of her so quickly that she stumbled
backwards several feet and nearly fell. He swallowed nervously, his body
still burning from touching her.

"Serenity, I. . . I. . . " He stumbled for the right words. "G-Gomen nasai!"
he stammered, brushing the sweat from his brow as his face flushed a deep
red. "I. . ."
Princess Serenity remained silent, her body throbbing with echoes of his
proximity. < What. . . happened to me. . . Endymion? > Endymion reached down
and picked up the rose.

"Serenity. . . This is what I meant to tell you. The rose is a symbol of
affection between two people. When you love someone, you give them a rose."
He smiled and held the flower out to her. With quivering fingers she took
rose from him and held it close to her heart.

"A-Arigato, Endymion. I wish I had something to give you." she whispered,
blushing deeply. Endymion shook his head.

"You've given me something priceless tonight, princess." He took her hand
kissed it gently. "Would you give me the honor of escorting you back to the
palace? It's getting late, the stars are shining now."

"I forgot to make my wish!" she exclaimed, looking up at the dark sky. "Oh
well. Tomorrow I will come back here. Will you come with me, too?"

"Of course, Serenity. It would be my pleasure." He held her in the crook of
his arm as he lead her back towards the palace. . .

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