I Will Always Love You
by Minako

Ranma 1/2 belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and all the other people involved
in its making, not me. The song I Will Always Love You is from the
Bodyguard Soundtrack (I think) and is performed by Whitney Housten. I
claim no right to that either.


	Desicions have been made, people come and go... The world is 
large, one could disappear and never again run into someone they once
knew... I could do that... I could be like that... may be I will...


If I should stay
I would only be in your way 


	"Stupid Mousse... why you no just go back to China! Shampoo no
need your help in Japan! You only get in Shampoo's way!"

	"Mousse, why keep fighting with Ranma? Just accept that
Shampoo's going to marry him and LEAVE."

	"Stupid duck! Shampoo marry Ranma, you never can beat him!"


	It's not like she wants me here, no matter how hard I try to
believe she does... she loves Ranma now... Ranma... that jerk! It's all
his fault she hates me! But... but... I'm not strong enough to defeat
him. Maybe it's time I moved on with my life...


So I'll go, but I know 
I'll think of you every step of the way


	"Shampoo, there's a note here on one of the tables for you."

	"Let's see what it say:

	'Dearest Shampoo, as you've requested, I'm going to return to
China, perhaps we will meet again, but I doubt it. Bie Lao. Mousse'


	I'll never be able to forget her, I'm not even out of Japan
yet, and already I miss her... but I have to leave, I'm causing her
unhappiness... Bie Lao, my Shampoo.


I will always love you

Bitter sweet memories
That is all I'm taking with me
So goodbye, please don't cry
We both know I'm not wat you need


	"I thought Mousse leave, but all his things is still here.
Maybe he no is serious, he just come back later, yes Great-Grandmother?"

	"It looks like it, Shampoo. What in the world was he trying to
gain through this? Did he really think we wouldn't find his things?"


	I couldn't carry everything with me, and as it is, I carry no
bag, just what I could hide in my robes. I have to start off new, if I
brought any of my belongings along, they would remind me of her, my
entire existance up until now has been fixated upon her, I don't even
know what to do with myself now.


I will always love you

I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you dreamed of
And I wish you joy and happiness
But above all this I wish you love


Two years later...

	"Why Ranma marry stupid violet girl!? Why he no want Shampoo!?

	"Child, stop crying. True the Son-in-l... Ranma, doesn't know
the mistake he's made, but there are men with near his strength who are
much wiser than he, we'll fnd you another man."

	"NO! Great-Grandmother, you have helped Shampoo since she got
here, and I no get Ranma, I no can do this again... Shampoo... Shampoo
will go back to China... and marry Mousse."

	"Do you know what you're saying!?"

	"I no want hurt again, and Mousse... Mousse will no hurt
Shampoo, he too stupid to marry anyone else."


	Even now I still think of her. Her voice, her eyes, her hair,
her. But I've put it behind me. I'm embarrassed of the way I acted in
the past, and I have made a life for myself here. My wife, and my
son... I am glad I left Shampoo. I hope she will come back soon with
Ranma, I miss her. But now, I will never leave my family.


I will always love you


A year later, in China...

	"What do you mean Mousse is married?"

	"Yes, when he arrived here a few years ago, he decided to marry
a girl in the village."


	"I'm happy for him. He spent so much time pining over you, it's
good he's finally moved on, don't you agree?"


	She returned. My Shampoo has finally returned, but without
Ranma. My son is nearly two now. As much as I love Shampoo I will stay
with my family. It hurts me to see her so sad...



	"Yes Shampoo?"

	"Why did you leave Japan and marry this woman?"

	"Because you didn't love me, there was no reason for me to

	"Mousse... I... I... I loved Ranma, I still do. But I was so
much like you, I loved someone who didn't love me back. I now know how
much it hurts to be rejected.... I'm... I'm sorry."

	"It's all right Shampoo, I'll never be angry with you, I can't
make someone love me. I know that now."



	"How did you get over it? How did the sadness leave you...
how... how did you stop loving me?"

	"I didn't I never will..."

	"What? Then why did you get married?"

	"There's more than one girl in the world, I couldn't spend my
entire life following you."

	"So I should find someone else to love?"

	"Yes. It makes it hurt less, especially if that person knows
and understands what you went through. It helped me."

	"Alright. Uh, thank you Mousse."

	"Anytime. I couldn't be your husband, but I'll always be
your friend."


Whoah... I wrote one that wasn't about Ranma and Akane or Ranma and
Ryouga, I'm so proud of myself ^_^ I don't know if there's even the
vaguest chance this would ever happen in the TV series, I feel so awful
for Mousse, and yet, Shampoo's the same way he is. Comments are
welcome, daybreak_impression@yahoo.ca flames make me cry, but constructive
criticism's ok. ^_^

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