Ferio's Directional Sense
by Minako

Magic Knight Rayearth belongs to CLAMP. I claim no right to their genius,
just to my insanity.


	Ferio stood perfectly still in the middle of palace. He knew the
throne room was around there somewhere. He just couldn't figure out where. He
leaned against a nearby pillar and thought about where he was going. Clef had
had him summoned way earlier than Ferio thought was fair. The servant hadn't
said why. Now Ferio was stuck wandering the halls on his own unable to find
his way around. He had already tried willing himself to find it. It didn't
work though. He stared at the door across from him and sighed. He was pretty
sure that it was the door to the kitchen.

	On the other side of the door, Clef stood waiting for Ferio to answer
his summon. He sat on the arm of the chair because it made him look taller.
He had a very important matter to talk to Ferio about. What in the world was
taking the boy so long?

	Ferio moved away from the pillar and started wandering again. Away
from the throne room though he didn't know it. It was his stupid directional
sense that had gotten him into the whole mess in the first place. He
remembered trying to find a store so he could buy something for lunch. Then
he'd ended up in the Forest of Silence. He'd had to spend all his lunch money
on a sword from Presia, who he hadn't known at the time. He still owed her
more for the sword. He sighed. It wasn't easy to have Presia on your back for
payment. it seemed everywhere he went she popped up looking for her long
overdue payment. Ferio just hoped she wouldn't start charging interest. Then
he'd ran into the three Magic Knights and they'd helped him find his way out
of the forest. Ferio opened the door he'd just arrived at. It was the
kitchen. His eyes widened in confusion. "How...? I thought that...?" If this
is the kitchen... what was the other room? He wondered to himself. He turned
back in the direction he'd come in and walked back in search of the room he'd
thought was the kitchen. He came to a fork in the hall. "I know this wasn't
here before..."

	Clef was getting irritated. He'd had Ferio summoned almost five hours
ago and he still hadn't shown up. Clef had other things to do that day
besides talking to the prince. Where was he?

	Ferio sighed. Where was he now? He felt like screaming. He thought
back to when he'd ended up with the Magic Knights again after the Forest of
Silence. He walked past the throne room for the fifth time in thirty minutes
unknowingly. He remembered how he'd ended up in the desert with Ascott. He
shook his head. Then he opened the door in front of him. It was the kitchen
again. He stared in disbelief. "Is something the matter?" One of the chefs
asked him. Ferio shook his head at the man and closed the door. The chef
stared at the door with a sweatdrop above his head. Ferio wandered awhile
then came to a door. He knew it wasn't the door to the throne room. He had
decided that like it or not he was going to have to ask directions to the
throne room. He opened the door and looked in. Clef was curled up in the
throne sleeping. 

	Ferio scratched his head, "That's odd. I didn't think this was the
throne room." 

	Clef woke up at the sound of Ferio's voice and stared at him
groggily, "Ferio?" Then realization hit him and he had to concentrate
very hard on not hitting Ferio over the head with his staff. "It took you
long enough to get here, Ferio!" 

	Ferio stared at the ground sheepishly. 

	"I have something very important to tell you." 

	Ferio looked up and nodded, "What is it Clef?"

	 Clef took a deep breath, "I was asked to give you a message." He
offered Ferio a piece of paper. Ferio took the paper and read it, "I was told
that it was very important and was to be dealt with immediately."

	Ferio sighed and nodded, "Is that all Clef?" Clef nodded and Ferio
walked out of the room. 

	Clef yawned and curled back up on the throne.

	Ferio walked down the hall. This was what had been so important. He
looked down and read the letter again:

Ferio! Remember that small sum you owe me?
I want it now or else! I've been very kind so far.
I'm going to put the interest up to ten percent.
Hurry up! 

	Ferio crumpled the letter as he looked around at his surroundings. He
didn't remember going outside or entering a forest. But, sure enough, he was
outside and in a forest. He frowned and headed back towards the palace.
Unknown to him, he was heading in the wrong direction.


Odd. I know. It made a strange amount of sense though... C&C are welcome -
daybreak_impression@yahoo.ca - kind crits are ok, but flames make me cry. 

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/club/Club/9208

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