Photo of Teng Laijun

Celebrity Buddhist - the Late Teresa Teng

To billions of Asian people (including Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Malaysians, etc,) the beautiful soft singing voice of the late pop singer Teresa Teng will ever live in their hearts.

Born in 1953 of the daughter of an Air Force Colonel in Taiwan, she started her singing career as a teenager idol in 1964 in a Taiwan TV station singing competition. She became popular almost instantly when her first record was sold in 1969 in Singapore. During the seventies, when China just emerged from its cultural revolution, her soft singing voice could be heard everywhere in the world where Chinese immigrants lived. In China, people "listened to Old Deng (i.e, Deng Xiao-ping) in the daytime but to Young Deng (ie, Teresa Deng Lai-jun) in the evening."

She never did got married. Several of her love affairs, including her date with the now famous movie star Jacky Chan, both of them were single in the 70"s, were never fruitful (to the disappintment of their fans!)

She died of asthma (allergic reaction?) in Thailand in 1995 and was buried in Taiwan according to Buddhist ceremony.

Some of her most popular songs include "The Moon Represents my Heart", "Who Can Love Me", "Stories from Little Town", and numerous Chinese traditional folk songs such as Fragrant Flowers of the Night and When Will You Come Back?

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