Hello, again, to all you Sailor Moon Fanfic readers.  This is chapter
2 of Legend of the Excaliber.  For those of you who go to the ‘A 
Sailor Moon Romance’ web site, One of my fics will be posted there by 
now.  Go take a look under B.  I don’t know if Tokyo has a baseball 
league of their own, or a team for that matter, so don’t send me 
anything, saying I did something wrong, please, OK?

Usual Disclaimers Apply

Legend of the Excaliber: Chapter 2 - Earth Steps Up to the Plate

	Serena had only been up a few minutes, and was just finishing 
getting dressed for the day, when her Mom knocked on the door.  "Come 
in," Serena said.

	Ellen opened the door and saw that Serena was up, "Serena, 
Molly is on the phone and wants to talk to you."

	"OK, Mom, thanks," Serena said as she ran down stairs to the 
phone and picked up the receiver, "Hi, Molly!!  What’s up?"

	Molly’s voice came in and sounded a bit depressed, "Hi, 
Serena.  Listen, I got a problem, maybe you can help me solve it.  
Melvin and I, were going to the baseball game today, and watch the 
Tokyo Giants take out today’s visiting team.  The problem is Melvin 
called about half an hour ago, and said he can’t make it.  So I was 

	Serena cut in at that moment, cheerfully, "Molly, I’d love to 
go see it with you.  Besides, I was planning on coming over later this 
morning to talk to you about something anyway."

	"You mean that Serena, oh thank you," Molly stated cheerfully, 
"The game starts at 1:00, can you be here by 12?"

	Serena looked at the clock and noticed it was only 10:00, 
"I’ll be there in 15 minutes.  What I need to talk to you about is 

	Molly sounded a little worried, "Serena, what do you want to 
talk to me about that’s so important?"

	"I’d rather not say over the phone.  See you when I get there, 
Molly," Serena said.

	"OK, Serena.  Bye," Molly said as they both hung up.

	Serena got her shoes on, and just before she could leave the 
house, her communicator beeped, "Serena here."

	"Serena, this is Ray.  I tried to phone you, but the line was 
busy.  Can you come to the temple for a meeting around 3:00," Ray 
sounded serious.

	"I’m going to be detained with other Sailor business, Sailor 
Earth to be exact.  Can you reschedule for say, 7 or 8 tonight," 
Serena asked.

	"8:00 is good with me.  I’ll tell the others.  Haruka and 
Michiru wanted to go to the Giants game today anyway," Ray stated.

	"OK, I’ll call if I’ll be later then 8, Serena out," Serena 
closed her communicator and called to her Mother, "I’ll be home in 
time for bed, Mom.  If DC calls, tell him I’m at the ball game with 
Molly," referring to Darien so her Dad wouldn’t get ‘that-look.’

	"OK, Serena.  Have a good time," Mrs. Tsukino said as the door 
closed.  Just then Luna walked into the kitchen and Ellen answered, 
before Luna could ask, "She went to Molly’s to go to a baseball game."

	A quarter of an hour later, Serena walked into OSAP jewelry 
store, and waved hi to Mrs. Baker as she said, "Hi, Serena, Molly is 
upstairs," indicating the stairs to the rest of the house.  Serena 
walked up to Molly’s room, and knocked on the door.

	Molly opened it and said, "Hi, Serena.  Come on in."

	"How’s it going Molly," Serena asked.

	"I’m fine," she said as she decided to cut to the chase, "So, 
what did you want to talk to me about, that you couldn’t say over the 
phone? (Is she finally going to tell me her identity or am I going to
have to play dum some more?)"

	At this, Serena became really nervous.  She had been racking 
her brain ever since she left the house, for a way to tell Molly that 
she is a Sailor Scout, but couldn’t think of any way to bring it up.  
"This isn’t going to be easy for me to say, so cut me some stack for 
being slow on this topic," She warned.  Molly nodded her head and 
Serena continued, "What I’m about to tell you, almost nobody else 
knows, except my family, and those involved."

	"(OK, I’ve played dum long enough.) Are you trying to tell me 
your Sailor Moon," at Serena’s wide eyes, Molly smiled, "I thought 

	"How did you......," Serena asked.

	Molly, just continued to smile before she said, "Serena, don’t 
ask me how, cause I don’t, but I’ve known since the first time you 
rescued me from that youma that possessed my Mother.  Now, my turn for 
a couple of questions.  One, why didn’t you tell me sooner, and two, 
why now?"

	Serena sighed, "To answer your first question, because it was 
too risky, cause my enemies could have figured this out and use you to 
get to me.  Heck, the only reason my family knows is because they were 
nearly victims of a cardien when I was missing.  To answer your second 
question as to why I’m telling you now, is because of this."  With 
that, Serena brought her right hand back, swung it forward, and with a 
flash of light, she threw something at Molly, "Think fast."

	Molly caught it and took a good look at it.  It looked like a 
pen that was forest green, and dark yellow, with the sign of the Earth 
on it.  She was confused, "What’s this for Serena, and how did you 
make it appear out of thin air?"

	Serena smiled, "Welcome to the Sailor Scouts, Sailor Earth."  
With that, ‘THUNK,’ Serena looked on the floor to notice Molly had 
fainted, "Oh, great."  Serena ran over to Molly, lifted her head, and 
started lightly slapping her cheeks, "Molly.......Molly, wake up."

	Molly, slowly came to, and Serena helped her up and on to her 
bed, "What do you mean, Sailor Earth?"

	"Well, Molly, it’s a long story that goes back a thousand 
years, into the very origin of the Sailor Scouts to be exact," was 
Serena’s reply.  Serena began relating the story of the Moon Kingdom, 
its destruction, and how she and the rest of the Sailor Scouts are the 
reincarnations of the princesses of their own respective planets, and 
the battles she’s had since becoming Sailor Moon, including how she 
really disappeared shortly after the battle at the North Pole.

	Just then Molly looked behind Serena and noticed something, or 
actually, someone, "Serena, this Queen Serenity you talked about.  Did 
she have silver hair done up in a hair style like yours?"

	Serena was wide-eyed at this, "Ya, how did you know?"

	Molly smirked a little, "Well, for starters, she’s standing 
right behind you."

	Serena spun her head around and standing in the door way was 
Queen Serenity, "Mother, what are you doing here?"

	Queen Serenity smiled, "Although you were very descriptive of 
everything, my daughter, you left out one detail."

	This puzzled Serena, "What could that be?"

	"How Molly, and Darien are brother and sister in this life 
time," Queen Serenity stated, knowing she’d get another wide-eyed 
reaction from Serena.

	As predicted, Serena and Molly said, "Say WHAT?!?!"

	Queen Serenity chuckled, "Let me tell you the story."

	"Are you sure Mrs. Chiba said Darien just before she died," 
one doctor asked another.

	"Yes, doctor.  At least we know the boy’s first name.  Now if 
we can confirm his last name is Chiba, or not," the second doctor 

	"I think it’s safe to assume that it is," the first one said.

	A third doctor ran up, "The little boy is asking to speak with 
you, doctor."  The first one nodded and walked off.

	Mean while, in another part of the hospital, Mrs. Baker and a 
3 year old Molly were trying to find a member of her family.  One 
doctor walked up to Mrs. Baker, "Can I help you?"

	Mrs. Baker calmed a bit, "Yes, I’m looking for my son.  I was 
told he’d be here."

	"What’s your son’s name, mame," the doctor asked.

	"Darien Baker, he was in a car crash with his Uncle and Aunt.  
My Brother and my sister-in-law," was Mrs. Baker’s reply.

	The doctor checked his charts, "I don’t see a Darien Baker 
listed here mame.  I’ll check the nearby departments, and hospitals 
for you."  But sadly, after hours of checking and rechecking, nothing 
was found, and Mrs. Baker and her daughter were upset.

	"My brother has been alive all this time under his Aunt and 
Uncle’s last name," Molly practically spat out, in shock.

	Queen Serenity nodded, and smiled, "I need to go now, but you 
will see me again very soon you two."  With that, she vanished, but 
before she was totally gone, she looked deep into Molly’s eyes, and 
memories of the Silver Millennium flooded Molly’s head.

	"Molly, are you alright," Serena asked waving a hand in front 
of her face.

	Molly came out of her trance, "Yes, Yes I’m fine," she looked 
at the clock and noticed it was almost 12:00, "We need to get going, 
Serena if we’re going to get to the game."  With that, the two left 
for the bus station to catch a bus to Tokyo Stadium.

	Only a couple of blocks from OSAP, Rachel and Mark were 
continuing their search for the Silver Imperium Crystal.  Rachel 
managed to get a job working at the nearby arcade ran by someone 
named Andrew.  They knew they needed money, and they knew that 
reproducing money with their magic was not a good idea, unless it was 
an emergency.  Mark got a job at the cafe next to the arcade as a 
waiter, and he had to admit, he liked the job.  However one thing 
couldn’t escape his head.  He was still in shock that his sister, 
Mina, was also here in the future, when that shouldn’t be possible.  
"(If I ever find Sailor Pluto, I’ll have to ask her how this is 
possible,)" Mark thought.

	Rachel took notice that her husband was deep in thought, 
"Penny for your thoughts."

	"Oh, just thinking about Mina," was Mark’s answer before he 
heard a male voice shout, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."  At first his instinct 
was to hide and transform when it suddenly occurred to him, "Wait a 
minute.  That sounded like Artemis."  As if to answer his thoughts, a 
little white furball came around the corner running for dear life, and 
ran between Rachel, and Mark.

	The two looked at each other wondering what that was all about 
when something caught Marks eye from the direction Artemis came from.  
He turned his head to see..........Mina!!!!!!  She looked pretty mad, 
and out of Sailor Uniform.  Instead, she was wearing Shoes, a pink 
mini skirt, and a pink tank top, "ARTEMIS!!!!!  WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON 
she ran between Mark and Rachel and after Artemis.

	Rachel and Mark stared at each other and said at the same 
time, "Artemis did something to Mina’s room again," and laughed at the 
comment, and most likely answer.  Just then a bus past them by, and 
Rachel was caught off guard by a power she felt.  Mark caught on fast, 
"What is it?"

	Rachel stared at the bus and said, "The crystal is on that 
bus."  With this, they started to chase the bus to catch it, but it 
was no good.  The bus took to the freeway, and left them behind, "Now, 
what do we do?"

	Mark answered, "I took the liberty of learning the bus system, 
that bus is heading for a place called Tokyo Stadium."  They hailed a 
cab and set off to the stadium in pursuit of the bus.

	In the Negaverse, General Maverick, and General Viper were 
planning a new strategy.  Viper spoke up, "Are you sure this plan 
will work?"

	Maverick answered with confidence, "I’m positive.  What better 
way to steal energy, then from a baseball stadium during a game, with 
the bleachers full."

	General Viper warned, "Just be careful what happened last 

	Maverick snired, "If those Scouts show up, I’ll just swat them 
like flies.  I believe you have a target to investigate as well."  
With that both Generals disappeared from the room.

	General Ironite, and General Riker walked out of the shadows, 
and Riker said, "I know Maverick well.  He’ll fail this assignment 
some how.  He’s underestimating the Sailor Scouts."

	Ironite spoke up, "Yes, your probably right.  It will be fun 
to see him take King Onix’s wrath again.  Why he and Viper get along 
so well, I’ll never understand.  What possessed them to work together?"

	Riker answered, "I don’t know, but you got to admit, this 
allows Viper to succeed and Maverick to do all the fighting and 
failing, so give them some credit."

	At Tokyo Stadium, the game was already underway, in the bottom 
of the 1st.  Already the Giants hit two homers and both went into 
Molly’s and Serena’s hands.  They were seated at the very top, and no 
one else was seated any where near them.  Molly and Serena decided to 
take this opportunity to talk about life as a Scout.  Serena gave 
Molly the basics, such as keep your identity a secret and all that.  
This brought up a topic that wasn’t totally off subject by Molly, 
"Serena, do you ever wonder what you’ll be doing in the future?  I 
mean, will you be a Sailor Scout all your life or something?"

	Serena chuckled, "Molly, I don’t wonder, I know, literally."

	"How is that possible Serena," Molly asked.

	"Remember Rini," at Molly’s nod, Serena continued, "During the 
course of the Nega Moon war, it was discovered that Rini was from the 
future, and the Scouts and I even paid the future a visit."  Molly was 
surprised at this, but Serena continued, "And that’s not even the 
shocking part.  While we were there, we found out I’m Rini’s mother, 
or rather will be."

	Molly was so wide eyed, her eyes almost popped out, "Talk 
about surprises.  How often is someone given the chance to see their 
children, before they’re born?"

	"Oh, there’s more.  During the week of my absence from school, 
right after the war ended, I had to go to the past to finish off the 
Wiseman, who journeyed back to the Silver Millennium.  During my visit 
there, Rini showed up, as a Sailor Scout, Sailor Chibi Moon," Serena 

	"I think I’ve had my share of surprises for one day," Molly 
said.  Just then, she felt something strange.  Almost as if some evil 
force was working into her mind.

	Serena looked at Molly, worried, "Molly, are you ok?"

	Molly concentrated, and looked at an official in the visiting 
team’s bullpen, "Serena, I don’t know how I know, but that man in the 
bullpen is evil.  I think we better check this out."

	Serena agreed, "Haruka and Michiru are here at the park 
somewhere.  I’ll contact them and tell them to stand by," She opened 
her communicator, "Haruka are you there?"

	"How are you Serena?  Where are you," Haruka asked.

	"We’ll talk later.  Listen, I’m at the park also, and I think 
someone from the Negaverse is here.  I want the two of you to be ready 
in case we need you.  Stand by for my signal.  Serena out," Serena 
began to close her communicator.

	"Wait, who’s we," but Haruka was cut off.

	In another part of the park, Rachel and Mark were searching 
the entire stadium, "Anything yet with your senses, Rachel?"

	The princess shook her head, "I can’t fix its exact location, 
but it’s definitely in this stadium somewhere.  We have to find the 
crystal if I’m to take the Excaliber.  It must not fall into the wrong 
hands, or this universe is doomed."  Mark Agreed with her.  The two 
were so deep in thought, they didn’t notice two individuals come from 
the upper stadium seats and slip into the lady’s bathroom.


	The two transformed and got ready to do battle.  When the 
transformation ended, Molly took a good look at herself.  She was 
dressed in a Sailor suit that had forest green boots, skirt, bows, and 
the neck area of her top.  On her forehead was a teara.  "Cool," was 
all Molly said before they raced to the visitor’s bullpen.

	In the Bullpen meanwhile, the cleverly disguised Youma was 
busy at work.  Since the game started, he’d been draining every batter 
that walked by him, just a little bit so the player wouldn’t notice, 
"General Maverick did well this time.  I might even get a promotion 
after this."

	"Not if we have something to say about it," said a voice.  The 
Youma looked up to see two Sailor Scouts, and the entire visiting team 
staring at him.

	The Youma removed his disguise to show a Youma that looked 
like a cross between the Roadrunner from Loony Tunes, and a tweety 
bird, "Who are you?"

	"I am Sailor Moon...."
	"And I’m Sailor Earth......"
	"You have drained the visiting team for long enough.  In the 
name of the Moon.....
	"And the Earth......."
	Together, "We will right wrong at triumph over evil, and that 
means you."

	Sailor Moon looked at Earth, "Hay, your getting the hang of 
this already."

	Sailor Earth didn’t answer.  Instead she shouted her attack.  
She began a 360 spin, "TORNADO."  Half way into the turn, energy began 
to build in Sailor Earth’s cupped hands, "STORM."  at the end of the 
spin, she trusted her right hand forward and sent the energy flying to 
its target, "BLAST."  The energy solidified into what looked like a 
black tornado, on its side, with the top facing the Youma.

	The Youma didn’t have time to move and took the hit, before it 
got mad, "You’ll pay for that.  Take this," and through an energy 
attack at Earth and Moon.

	Sailor Moon, and Sailor Earth dodged the attack.  Serena was 
now a little mad, "Nobody attacks me or a sports stadium."  she 
brought her hand together on her right side and shouted, 
"KAAAAMEEEEHAAAAMEEEHAAAA." she thrusted her hands forward and a beam 
of energy was sent at the Youma, who took the entire shot.  While he 
was dazed from the attack, he didn’t here a humming noise, followed by,
"KAIO-KEN ATTACK," and took a huge blow from sailor Moon’s body 
attack.  Serena opened her communicator, "Uranus and Neptune.  We need 
you down here, Now."  The Youma threw another energy attack.

	Luckily, Sailor Earth and Sailor Moon didn’t have to dodge it, 
because it was intercepted by a red rose.

	Everyone looked up to see Tuxedo Mask on the top of a Bullpen, 
with another rose ready, "Baseball games are a place to compete in 
sports, not to be attacked, and you have violated that right.  You 
must now be stopped by me."

	From a VIP box, Sailor Selene and Venus Knight watch the whole 
thing, before Rachel spoke up, "Looks like Sailor Earth is here too, 
but who’s the guy in the Tuxedo?"

	"I don’t know, but he looked familiar.  If I didn’t know 
better I’d say he’s.....," Rachel and Mark stood and looked at each 
other, wide eyed, before they said in unison, "Prince Darien!!"


	Four attacks came and hit the youma before a little Sailor 
Scout about Rini’s age said, "Sailor Moon, your Scepter."


	Molly watch as Sailor Moon’s attack went at the Youma, but 
somehow knew it wouldn’t be enough.  Knowledge came to her.  She 
brought her hands together at her right side, a little high, collected 
energy and shouted, "Earth TECTONIC QUAKE."  An attack similar to Sailor 
Uranus’s attack merged with the scepter attack, and dusted the Youma.

	General Maverick appeared above them, but before he could do 
anything, two voices shouted;


	The two attacks hit Maverick and he cursed, "There will be a 
next time Scouts," and teleported away.

	Tuxedo Mask walked up to Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth.  Sailor 
Moon went to him and embraced him in a bear hug, "I take it you wanted to 
see the game too, right?”  Tuxedo Mask just nodded, while holding her.

	Neither noticed a red headed Sailor Scout approaching, looking 
very angry, "Prince Darien, how could you?  You betrayed your own 
Soul-mate, and working with ‘this impostor,’"

	This got a look on Tuxedo Mask’s face for Rachel, as if to say 
‘what are you talking about’ before he asked Sailor Moon, "Who is 
this?" indicating Sailor Selene.

	Sailor Moon drew a grim look and answered, "This is someone 
who doesn’t trust me for some reason, just because ‘there never has 
been a Sailor Moon during the Silver Millennium.’  Her name is Sailor 

	Tuxedo Mask looked at Sailor Selene and asked, "How do you 
know who I am anyway?"

	Sailor Selene looked at everyone before she said, "I don’t 
talk to traitors.  Any Traitors," meaning both Moon and Earth, and the 
four outers.  With that she took off, and went out of sight.

	Everyone went somewhere to power down and met back at Serena’s 
and Molly’s seats to watch the rest of the game.  When Darien came, 
Serena embraced him and said, while pointing at Molly, "Darien, say 
hello to your sister.  For BOTH life times."

	This made Darien wide eyed before Molly embraced him in a 
sisterly hug, "No wonder Mom and I never found you at the hospital.  
Your doctors called you Darien Chiba, when it was really Darien Baker."

	All Darien could say was, "Say what?!?!"  This made Serena and 
Molly laugh, before they related what happened in Molly’s bedroom this 
morning.  During the rest of the game, Everyone met Setsuna Meiou 
(Sailor Pluto), and Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Saturn).

	In a different part of the stadium, Mark and Rachel were also 
having a talk, "When will you just give people a chance?  Even your 
own sister had better morals then this, Rachel."

	Rachel just answered, "Prince Darien I can trust, but that 
Sailor Moon, forget it.  She is definitely hiding something."

	"Well, it’s good to know everyone we know is alive," Mark 
said, to Lighten the mood.

	Rachel grew sad, "Ya, everyone but my sister, so far."  The 
game ended at about 5:00, with the Tokyo Giants winning 10 to 5.

	"Oh, man," was Serena’s first words when she saw the parking 
lot traffic, "It will take hours for a bus to get out of here."

	Darien answered, "Why don’t you and Molly rid with me back to 
the Temple?"

	Serena and Molly agreed.  Serena turned to the Outers, "Meet 
us at Ray’s by 8:00, ok?"  The Outers nodded and Serena and the ‘Baker 
kids’ went to Darien’s car.  On the drive back to town, Molly, and 
Darien did a lot of talking about what they did all their lives, while 
Serena just enjoyed the view.  They reached the cafe next to the 
Arcade and had dinner, before they went to the Arcade to play some 
video games, and of course, Serena went to the Sailor V game.

	While Molly, and Serena played the game, Darien saw Andrew and 
decided to talk to him for a while, "Hay Andrew, how’s it going?"

	Andrew turned and noticed Darien, "I’m fine, especially with 
the new help I just got here.  So, what’s with you?  You look like you 
just saw a ghost."

	"I just found out my Mother and sister are alive.  In fact, my 
sister is right over there," Darien said, indicating Molly.

	Andrew was surprised, "You got to be kidding me," at Darien’s 
shack of the head, "Who would have thought, that Serena’s best friend 
would be your sister?"

	"Ya, tell me about it.  So who’s the new hired help," Darien 

	"Her name is Rachel.  She says she’s new in town and is 
looking for a stable home.  She isn’t here right now, she went to the 
Giants game."

	"Ya, I just came from the game myself," Darien’s conversation 
went on to other topics and lasted till about 7:30.

	"Darien we need to get going," Serena said as the trio walked 
out of the arcade.

So what did you think?  This chapter is a two parter, so stay tuned 
for ch. 5b - The Meeting.  Send all comments to gbess@iname.com.  
Visit my web site at www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/2058.

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