Hi, everyone.  This is my second fanfic.  Most of the story takes place 
between Allen and Ann's departure from Earth, and Renee's arrival.  This 
fanfic uses all DIC names, and is a Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z crossover.

Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z are not mine.  They belong to someone else so 
don't sue me, please.

Enjoy!!  Rated PG - Story by Gregory Bess
Sailor Moon DBZ: Prologue - Beryl's End


	"COSMIC MOON POWER IGNITE,"  The Sailor Scouts shouted and gave it 
every bit of power they could.  Princess Serena's Crescent Moon Wand, with 
the Silver Crystal mounted on it, began gathering energy, even from Queen 
Beryl's attack.

	Queen Beryl was shocked, "What is this?"  The energy was collected 
into a pink ball of energy, and Princess Serena let it loose.  The attack 
sped toward Beryl, and got bigger and bigger.  By the time it reached Queen 
Beryl, it was as tall as she was.  The attack began to disintegrate Beryl.  
She only had time to scream before she was turned into a lot of moon dust, 

	After Beryl was gone, the spirits of the Sailor Scouts disappeared, 
and Princess Serena, now reverting back to Sailor Moon fell to the ice she 
was standing on.  She knew she spent all her energy and was about to die.  
She looked up the sky as her energy attack she used on Beryl continued to 
grow and was about to cover the area she was laying on.  Before she closed 
her eyes, she made one last request, "I just wish we were all back in 
Tokyo.  No more monsters and fighting.  I just want to be a normal 
teenager."  Sailor Moon closed her eyes and the Crystal flared to life as 
Serena's wish was granted.  Everyone was transported back to Tokyo, Sailor 
Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Prince Darien, with their lives 
restored.  Everyone went home, except for Serena.

	Two months after the defeat of the Nega-verse, a meteor crashed into 
a Tokyo parking lot.  Two aliens and a tree left the lot and moved into a 
near by apartment building.  Several days later, they sent their first 
Cardien to drain people's energy.  The two Lunar cats, Luna and Artamis, 
knew they had to wake up the Scouts.  

	After the the Sailor Scouts got their memories back and defeated the 
Cardian, Sailor Mars wanted some answers, "Luna, Why didn't you wake up 
Serena's Memories?"

	Before the cat could answer, Sailor Mercury decided to give the bad 
news, "Serena has been missing for two months Ray.  Not even her parents 
know where she is."

	Everyone, but Lita and the cats were shocked.  Mina spoke up, 
"What?  What do you mean she disappeared?  Didn't she come back with us to 
Tokyo after Beryl was dusted?"

	Luna hung her head, "I'm afraid not Mina.  You girls and Darien were 
the only ones that made it back."  All four girls were now very sad.  Their 
best friend, the one that started the Sailor Scouts, was missing.  Luna 
spoke up, this time even more upset, "She was declared dead only a few weeks 
ago, by the police after they found a badly Burnt body matching Serena's 

	Ray asked, "What about Darien?  Are his memories back too?"

	Artimis answered that one, "No, not yet.  But he is fine."  Everyone 
decided to end the meeting and go home.

	Over the course of several weeks, Serena's friends, especially Lita, 
spent a lot of time with the Tsukino family, giving them their condolences.  
Ellen Tsukino, Serena's mother, often wondered where Serena met these four 
friends she had, but was happy to know she had good friends.

	One day, the Tsukino family decided to go to the beach and invited 
Serena's friends along.  The day at the beach was great.  It was great, that 
is, until a Cardian appeared and tried to take everyone's energy.  Finally, 
It went after the Tsukino family, and the Scouts.  It had them all cornered 
and the Scouts had no choice but to transform right there in front of 
Serena's family.  To say they were shocked would be an understatement.  
After they dusted the Cardian, Mrs. Tsukino finally came out of her shock to 
ask, "Your the Sailor Scouts,"  at their nodes she again asked, "Was Serena 
a Sailor Scout too?"  Again they nodded.

	Before Mrs. Tsukino asked her next question, Amy answered it, "We 
don't know much more about what happened to Serena but we'll tell you all we 
know."  And they did, after they got back to the Tsukino home where Luna was 
waiting.  Luna started her tail as to how the Scouts started, from the 
Silver Millennium, to last battle against Queen Beryl and the Nega-verse.  
Each Scout told their parts in the story as well into their fight when their 
memories were restored, "And when we asked Luna about Serena's where abouts 
she told us she never came back with the rest of us.  We don't know why or 
even if she is still alive."

	More weeks went by.  Cardian after Cardien came and went.  The 
Scouts gained their second generation powers, starting with Mina's Crescent 
Beam Shower, followed by Ray's Firebird, Lita's Thunder Dragon, and Amy's 
Ice Bubbles.  When they finally found out who Ann and Allen really were, 
they confronted them at their apartment when Darien was visiting Ann.  
During this battle, Luna restored Darien's Memories, and he transformed into 
Tuxedo Mask, before Allen and Ann were healed due to some actions by the 
Doom tree.  After they were healed, Ann and Allen returned to space, and the 
Scouts and Darien went to his apartment, where he learned the sad news about 
Serena, "What do you mean she never came back?"

	Mars spoke up, "Just that.  She never came back with us from the 
North Pole, and the police declared her dead only a month ago."

	Darien was now very sad and did something he hadn't done in 10 
years, he cried.  Cried for the loss of the love of his life. That night he 
asked a lot of questions to the moon, but got no answers.

	Nine months have now passed since the battle with Allen and Ann, one 
year since the battle with Beryl.  The Scouts were still together, meeting 
on a regular bases.  Darien had taken a scholarship to a University in the 
United States.  After the loss of his Serena, he felt he had no reason to 
stay in Tokyo with too many memories of him and Serena, most of them were an 
exchange of insults but memories just the same. Other then that, things were 
pretty peaceful for the moment.

	The Scouts where in the park one day, enjoying the sun.  Amy had her 
head in a biology book, Ray was sitting on the bench, just looking at the 
sky, and Lita and Mina were chattering on about ways to catch a boy's 
attention.  All of a sudden, some lizard like being came from behind some 
bushes and started shooting off its laser gun.  All four Scouts immediately 
got up and went behind some bushes to transform.

	"-----SCOUT POWER----"

	After they transformed, they came out of hiding and did their 
speeches, starting with Mars, "The Park is a place to relax, not to get 
attacked.  In the name of the fire planet, Mars, I'll punish you."

	"You looking for trouble?  You're looking at it.  Troubles my middle 
name, I'm Sailor Jupiter, and I'll Punish you."

	"You've met my friends Mars and Jupiter, some people may think I'm a 
book worm, but my most lethal weapon is my brain.  Beware for I am, Sailor 
Mercury, and I'll punish you."

	"You may think I'm just a blond, but in this case what you see is 
definitely what you don't get.  The V is for victory, I'm Sailor Venus, and 
I'll Punish you."

	Mars spoke up again, "We've had it with creeps from the nega-verse.  
Prepare to be dusted."

	While they were giving their speeches, the Nega-monster was looking 
at readouts on a device over its left eye, "Hate to tell you this, but you 
got puny power levels."  He then fired a bunch of laser beams at the scouts.

	Sailor Mars went to work, "MARS FIRBIRD STRIKE."  While Sailor Mars 
sent her attack, the Nega-monster read the readouts again as Sailor Mars's 
power level sky rocketed.  He was so caught off guard, he almost didn't 
dodge the attack in time.

	He then decided to leave, "You won against me but I wasn't the only 
one sent to this town.  One of my friends was in the downtown district."  
And he teleported away.

	Sailor Mercury was is horror as she read her computer, "Guys I found 
the other attacker.  He's near the Tsukino home."

	Jupiter didn't waste time, "We better get there, and fast."  The 
Scouts agreed and took to the Rooftops to their destination.

	When they got there, the police were on scene, the Tsukino house was 
a mess, and a crowd had gathered around the scene.  The Scouts were in shock 
as Amy took reading from her computer, "Guys we're too late.  Who ever, or 
what ever came here took the Tsukinos."

	"Why would the Nega-verse take Serena's family.  Even if they did 
find out her identity, which is highly unlikely, It would have served them 
no perpose," Mars stated.

	Someone from behind them answered, "They're not from this place you 
call the Nega-verse.  They're Saiyan warriors from outer space.  They picked 
a random target and demanded our surrender in one week or they'd be killed."

	The Scouts turned to see who spoke and didn't recognize him until 
Sailor Mercury spoke up, "I know who you are!"

That's the Prologue.  Who found the Scouts?  Where is Serena, assuming she's 
even alive, and how will they get Serena's family back?  The next chapter 
will tell more, titled "Sailors and Dragons Mix."  Send all comments to 
gbess@iname.com.  Visit my web site at 

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/courtyard/2058

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