Hello readers!  Here's chapter 3 of "Weaving a Romance" 
for your enjoyment.  Right below there are some scenes 
with Darien and the generals, (yes, that dance scene 
with Zoicite and Malachite as well as Zoi's comment on 
"always being the lady" were planned.  I thought it 
would be cute what with the DIC dub's gender change on 
him).  But the REAL shocker comes at the end...as I 
said at the end of #2, it is going to change the way 
Serena acts for the rest of the story.  Very shocking.  
E-mail SlrUnico@aol.com to comment!  I have not as of 
now recieved ANY feedback on chapters 1-2!  I need 
"Weaving a Romance"
CHAPTER 3: A Most Distressing Announcement

"Easy does it now, Darien," soothed Jedite.  He almost 
staggered a bit himself as he helped the prince into 
his chambers.
     "Confounded girl," grumbled Darien.
     His friend surpressed a smile as he recalled the 
scene on the ball room floor that evening.  While he 
had charmed some Moon girl, oh, he didn't recall the 
name, Darien was getting his foot smashed by the 
Imperial Princess of the Moon Kingdom herself!  It was 
utterly priceless...the look on the prince's face and 
the triumphant Serena leaving him near moaning in 
pain...the chaos as the crowd tried to make sense of 
what had just happened and the fierce gossiping when 
they learned the truth.  Imagine...the princess of the 
Moon and the prince of the Earth in a bitter feud! It 
was almost to good for the grapevine of either kingdom 
to believe!
     "I mean," continued Darien, "what did I ever do to 
     "Nothing," replied Jedite, knowing that any other 
answer would bring on his friend's wrath.  "Except that, 
well, you two definatly do not mix."
     Darien chose not to answer that one out of sheer 
spite.  He had been quiet all through the beam ride 
back to the Earth, silently reflecting on the evening's 
events.  Serena was unlike any girl he had ever met in 
his life.  She made him crazy with a strange feeling 
every time he saw her.  An alien feeling...that he 
depicted as anger.
     Jedite helped Darien to his bed and started back 
toward the door.  "I'll go inform your parents we've 
     The prince nodded, suddenly exhausted.  "Very well."
     Suddenly there was a noise outside of the door 
and the sound of footsteps.  It sounded as if someone 
was arguing.
     "I think the best way to approach it is with 
rational but firm handling..."
     "Oh come off it, Neflite.  We need to take 
immediate action or the revolts will spread faster 
than we can control them."
     "But the people have nothing to do with it, they're
just pawns in Beryl's game!"
     The voices stopped outside of the door, and 
Darien could see the shadows of Zoicite, Malachite, 
and Neflite.  "Hey there, Dar," called the form of 
Zoicite.  "Have fun?"  The other two snickered as they 
entered the room.
     "Yeah," chorused Malachite.  "We all heard about 
your little...accident!"
     "Do ya' need an ice pack for your foot, Dar?" 
asked Neflite.  "I'm sure Princess Serena has one, she 
was REALLY cold to you!"  He and the other two burst 
into laughter and even Jedite had to cough down a 
     Darien glared at them darkly.  "Knock it off."
     But they would have none of it.  "Oh Prince 
Darien!" said Zoicite in a high pitched and girlish 
tone, "You're sooooooo wonderful!"
     "Yes, I know," said Malachite in a deep and 
booming voice.  "Here, let's dance."
     The two clasped hands and with Neflite and Jedite 
providing a waltz of tapping feet and humming, danced 
around the room.  "Oh DARIEN!" said Zoicite with a 
giggle.  "You're sooooooo charming!!"
     "I know," Malachite responded.  Then he leaned 
over and made a kissing noise.
     "Gay alert, gay alert!!" screeched Neflite and 
Jedite in unison.
     Malachite made a growling noise with his throat.
     "Never mind," Jedite said laughing.  "I 
apologize.  That was un-called for."
     "Well, I don't!" chortled Neflite.  "I think it's 
     Ignoring their friends' remarks Malachite and 
Zoicite continued their dance until Zoicite, in one 
sudden movement, brought his boot clad foot down on 
his partner's toes.  Malachite exaggerated a loud 
scream and then collapsed to the floor in a fit of 
     "The end," chuckled Zoicite.
     Darien was glaring steadily at them.  Jedite, 
seeing this, intervened.  "That sure was funny guys.  
Zoicite, you make a good girl."
     "Why do I always have to be the lady, any ways," 
pouted Zoicite.
     "Because you're a pansy," muttered Darien.
     "AM NOT!!!"
     "Are too!"
     "Am not!"
     "Are too!"
     Malachite broke in.  "Come off it you two, you're 
acting like toddlers."  He examined his nails 
thoroughly as the others quieted down.  "Much better." 
     Darien groaned and leaned back on his bead 
wearily.  The night had left much to be desired, all 
thanks to the Moon Princess.  "Slip of a girl," he 
murmured in an annoyed tone.  "Such an innocent child." 
And yet, he thought, there is something odd about her 
that I can't quite place...

Serena was trying to look interested.
     Really, she was!  But it was hard to when her 
mother was reprimanding her.  Especially for something 
Serena wasn't sorry she had done.
     "...but I never expected in a million years you 
would do something so childish!  Serena, where was your 
     You mean my simple minded one? she thought 
slyly.  "I must not have had my wits about me, Mother."  
Her head continued to replay the image of herself 
stomping on Darien's foot, so much that it got to the 
point where she had to hold in a giggle.
     "I should say you didn't!  Really, Serena..."  
Serenity shook her head.  "I don't know what we're 
going to do with you and the Prince.  Keep you apart 
like little babies?  You two just cannot be civil to 
one another, Serena!  Celia and Aaron and I cannot 
understand your problem.  Please be so kind as to 
     Serena bit her lip.  "Weeeeell, I dunno exactly...
ummm...he's just so darn frustrating, Mother!"  She 
was filled with fire.  "You've never been around Darien 
much at a time, and when you have been he's different.  
I think he just hates me for some reason.  All because 
I fell into him that day when we met, and that was 
totally by accident!!  And now every time he sees me 
he just, just, I dunno, he always seems to have some 
sort of catty and arrogant remark - and ugggh, his 
arrogance, someone needs to get him off his high horse, 
Mother!  He thinks he's king of the world and he sure 
as heck, pardon me, isn't!!!  I mean, I'M more 
important than he is, and you don't see me acting all 
snobby and putting on airs!"  She was out of breath, 
but hopefully she had gotten her point across.
     Serenity did not look amused in the least little 
bit.  "Serena," she said in a calm and controlled voice,
"you will be courteous and nice before Prince Darien 
and his family or else.  Is that understood?"
     "Yes ma'am."
     "Good.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and 
try and un-do this great political damage you and the 
prince have managed to get us into with your fighting." 
Serenity left, her white gown sweeping up the tile 
stones behind her.
     Serena sighed and marched up the stairs to her 
room.  Once again Darien had succeeded in getting 
another lecture out of her mother, who never seemed to 
tire of giving them.  "I wonder if Queen Celia and 
King Aaron chew him out like Mother does to me after 
these incidents?" she mused aloud, reaching her bedroom.
     "Probably not," she decided, once inside.  She lay 
down on her bed and contemplated her options, which 
were not very many.  "What am I going to do about 
Darien," she murmured, hugging her pillow to her chest.  
"I can't exactly avoid him for the rest of my life...no 
matter how awesome that would be.  I guess I'll have 
to learn to be 'civil' around him."  The princess 
snickered.  "Yeah right, in the next millennium or so."
     A thin wave of music reached her ears, traveling 
up to her room from the dancing going on downstairs.  
Serena wondered where Mina and the others were.  She 
figured they were probably all having fun dancing.  
Darien wasn't...she had seen him and his friend leave 
on the beam right after the incident with his foot, 
cutting short their time at the ball.
     After awhile her loneliness consumed her and she 
felt the compelling urge to get up and DO something.  
"But what?" Serena grumbled.  "Everyone who's ANYONE is 
at the ball."  Except for me, she finished silently.  
And Darien, but certainly THAT toadstool doesn't count 
as "anyone".  More like an amoebae or something.
     Not feeling like going down to the ballroom and 
facing all of the guests after her little episode with 
the prince, she sighed and leaned back on her bed...
soon drifting off to sleep.

Dawn was an unwelcomed thing in Serena's room the next 
morning.  During the night she had woken up and changed 
into her nightgown, only to find Raye, Mina, Lita, and 
Amy sprawled on her bedroom floor still in their dresses
from the ball.  Serena had been too tired to care that 
they must have come back to her chambers and fallen 
asleep there while talking about the boys they danced 
with and the clothes the other society belles wore.
     She stretched out her arms as the rays of sunlight 
creepily made their way in through her window only to 
rest on her bed sheets.  "Go away," she muttered, 
trying to escape their harsh glare by rolling onto her 
side.  "Oh, it just can't be morning yet, it seems 
like just a few moments ago I stomped on Darien's 
foot..."  A sleepy smile crept onto her face.  What a 
wonderful memory.  It would almost be worth getting out 
of bed just to see what the Moon Kingdom newspaper had 
reported of the whole thing.
     A snore from the foot of her bed reminded her that 
the Princess of Jupiter was still draped across the 
carpet like some fallen woman, most likely accompanied 
by the other three Inner Planet Princesses.  Serena's 
hand fumbled about her bed sheets for a small throw 
pillow and tossed it in front of her off of the bed.
     A startled yelp sounded and the yawning head of 
Mina peeped over the mattress at her friend.  "What in 
heaven's name was that for, Serena?" she demanded, her 
slightly tousled blond hair sending a stray lock over 
her eyes.  She brushed it aside in irritation.  
     Serena giggled.  "Just making sure you all were 
awake.  How is the situation down there?"
     Mina's head disappeared for an instant before 
returning to Serena's view.  "Lita's asleep, but Amy's 
just starting to wake up.  Raye's not here.  Musta 
gotten up a mite earlier."
     Serena nodded.  "Morning, Amy," she remarked, 
rising to a sitting position upon seeing a blue haired 
head appear next to Mina's.
     "Good... morning, Serena.  Oh dear," she 
exclaimed in an almost apologetic voice.  "Whatever are 
we doing in your room?"
     A snore erupted from Lita.  "We fell asleep," 
laughed Mina crazily as she whacked her noisy friend 
upside the head.  "Hey, Lita, what are you trying to 
do, wake up the dead??"
     Amy frowned.  "We fell asleep?  I know that, but 
how did we end up in here?"
     Lita opened one eye to gaze critically at Mina, 
then closed it.  "I guess I DID wake up the dead," she 
responded in a grumpy tone, "'cause just about the 
dreariest looking corpse I've ever seen is sitting 
right in front of...oh, I'm sorry Mina, it's you.  You 
really must do something about your morning breath, it 
smells like rotting flesh, ya' know."
     Amy turned green and ran to the bathroom.  Serena 
laughed and held her stomach.  "Good one, Lita, but 
next time try to keep the graphic descriptions less, 
     Mina's eyes narrowed to mere slits.  Before anyone 
could say a word, she snatched the pillow that Serena 
had thrown and clobbered Lita with it.
     A pillow fight ensued between the two girls.  
Meanwhile Amy came back looking a little better.  "I 
think," she quipped, sitting on the edge of Serena's 
bed - a safe distance from the slight warring of Lita 
and Mina - "that there was something rather 
disagreeable in that caviar last night...I just had a 
slight case of morning sickness."
     Serena wrinkled her nose in pure disgust.  
"Ewww...fish eggs...of COURSE you'd be sick after 
eating that, ANYONE would."
     "So much for the novel and widely held idea that 
princesses have refined tastes!" laughed Lita as she 
dodged one of the pillows flying at her.  "Truce, 
Mina, truce!"
     Mina was laughing also, and after swatting her 
friend one last time with Serena's stuffed rabbit, she 
put it down and leaned back on her elbows.
     "Hey," Lita remarked, glancing around.  "Where's 
     "Right here," came a voice.  The door opened and 
Raye appeared standing there with a platter of food 
teetering in her hands.  The entire tray was endanger 
of falling. Luckily Serena and Mina got to her aid just 
in time.
     "Whew!" gasped Raye.  "Thank goodness, I thought I 
was going to drop the whole load before I got up here.  Thanks guys."
     "Never mind the thanks," interrupted Serena, 
smacking her lips.  "What about the food - what all did 
you bring up?  I didn't have anything but a few cookies 
last night before, well," she broke off, seeing the 
others' smirks, "that little accident."
     "Serena," Amy interjected, "your 'little accident' 
had the potential of causing an international incident -- 
just what were you thinking??"
     Serena tried to look innocent.  "My, ahhh...foot 
     "I can only imagine what your mother had to say 
about the whole thing."
     "Alot."  The Moon princess sighed wearily.  
"Honestly though, Amy, why do you have to always play 
the mother hen at times like these.  I said it was an 
accident and I already got enough of Mother's 
reprimanding last night without you putting in your two 
bits.  Besides, what matters is that arrogant son of a 
gun had it coming."
     "So you admit it!"  Lita pounced on the remark 
like a lion on a gazelle.
     Serena had to struggle to hide her guiltiness.  
"I never said that...exactly."
     "Let's drop it," muttered Raye irritably.  "The 
food is getting cold and I refuse, absolutely REFUSE to 
go back into that kitchen and warm it up.  So Serena, 
unless you have a hankering for cold eggs and lukewarm 
bacon I suggest you work you mouth at chewing rather 
than talking."
     "Temper temper," replied Serena, stuffing a 
biscuit in her mouth.

Later that day, Serena was walking around her garden 
having fun simply knowing that it was a beautiful 
afternoon and she was a part of it.
     Part of her good mood was attributed to the fact 
that the Moon Kingdomer had written up a nice sized 
piece about the ball and her behavior towards Prince 
Darien.  "The imperial princess Serena," the article 
quoted, "was radiant and charming as always, excepting 
her attitude about dealing with his highness Prince 
Darien of the Earth who also attended the royal ball.  
This was brought to public light after she and he 
exchanged a few words and after a particularly nasty 
accident, sent the princess to her chambers and the 
prince storming home to Earth."
     Serena could scarcely hold in her laughter as her 
mother had read her the article in chastisment.  So 
Darien had left in a raging huff! she thought.  Serves 
him right.  I hope his planet's newspapers took note of 
     The only downside, (even though in Serena's 
opinion it was a slight one) was that her mother had 
been fuming.  She had not gone as far as sending word 
to the Kingdomer editor that she was displeased, but 
had somehow found the time to give Serena another one 
of her famous lectures to which Serena had been no 
stranger since Darien came on the scene.
     The princess sighed.  But it was well worth it.  
At least she didn't see the article they wrote up in 
"Royal Grapevine", she thought with a giggle.
     "Highness?"  A voice came from behind and when 
Serena turned to see who it was she smiled even wider.
     "Gretchen," she addressed the maid.  "What can I 
do for you?"
     "Your mother requests your presence in the drawing room."
     "What for?" Serena asked.  Maybe she DOES know 
about the Grapevine article! her mind thought 
feverishly.  Oh, she'll just KILL me when she realizes 
I knew and I didn't tell her...but if I keep it cool...  
Her silent plans distracted her so much that she almost 
missed what Gretchen's reply was.
     "There are some visitors here to see you and your 
     "Guests!!" laughed Serena.  "Probably some 
duchess and her son or something, oh that's all right 
Gretchen, you don't have to tell me who, I'd rather be 
surprised!"  She skipped off, leaving the maid far 
behind.  Her good mood was back.  Guests were so much 
fun!  And when they were REALLY important people from 
other kingdoms her mother served those yummy cookies 
and tea!  Oh, this really was an event to look forward to!
     Once she reached the drawing room, she brushed off 
her dress and made sure she looked presentable.  Good 
thing her gown was appropriate for a meeting...it was a 
light baby blue with two little bows tied onto her 
pigtails and Morocco slippers the shade of icicles.  
Amy had helped her pick it out at a Mercurian boutique, 
which explained the color.
     Serena whipped around, her pigtails creating a 
temporary curtain around her.  "Huh??  Who's there?"
     A shrub appeared to be talking!  "Serena, who's 
that hottie??"
     The leaves sprouted four heads: Mina's, Lita's, 
Amy's and Raye's.  "That guy!" whispered Mina.  "Some 
guy just walked into the drawing room...we saw him with 
our own eyes!"
     Serena put her hands on her hips.  "And just WHAT 
do you four think you're doing spying?"
     "We're not SPYING," hissed Raye.  "We just 
happened to be walking by at the same moment...right 
after we watched that neat transportation beam land 
and those people get out."
     "They made me," Amy insisted.
     Serena sighed.  "I have to go in, okay?  My 
mother and whoever else is in there has requested my 
     "Put in a good word for me!" Mina insisted.  
"With that guy, the blonde one!  Remember, her royal 
highness Princess Mina Victoria of Venus, daughter of 
Stefanie and Tyrell...the royal monarchs of Venus.  I 
enjoy dancing, watching the stars..."
     Serena chose to ignore her friend's babbling and 
instead opened the door and peered inside.  She saw her 
mother, radiant as always, seated on the love seat.  
Opposite her were the two arm chairs, one holding a 
woman who looked a little familiar, but not so much the 
princess could name her right off the bat.  And in the 
other chair...
     "Bruce!" Serena squealed.  "Oh it just can't be!!!!
But it is!"
     Her mother and the other woman stood and smiled as 
the tall, fair haired man she had greeted ran to hug her.  
"Serena, my heavens, it's been ages!!"
     "Ages upon ages on ages!" she laughed as he 
twirled her around in his arms.
     It had indeed been a long time since Serena had 
laid eyes on her friend, Prince Bruce of the planet 
Lerence.  Their mothers were cousins distantly related, 
and also old friends.  Serena and Bruce had often 
gotten together when they were younger, though the 
last time they'd seen each other they'd been just two 
little kids.  Serena figured that she herself couldn't 
have been more than six or seven.
     After that Bruce had gone off to academy, as most 
young nobles did.  He stayed on Lerence year round, and 
she'd never heard of him coming to the Moon's realm, 
which was an entirely different galaxy, for business or 
anything recently.  She wondered briefly why he was 
there now, but dismissed the question in her head 
     "Surprised?" asked Serenity from beside Queen 
Estelle, Bruce's mother.  "I thought you might be.  
Bruce and Estelle here were not supposed to be due in 
for awhile, but I had them come up now."  The two 
queens looked at each other with faces that Serena 
could not read.
     Bruce did not notice, and was still staring at 
Serena.  "Darling, how lovely you look, and how grown 
up.  Last time I saw you, why...you were scarcely knee 
high to a grass hopper!"
     "And I suppose you were so much taller," she 
teased back.  "Honestly, Bruce, we were practically 
the same height...and still are!!"  It was true, their 
builds were almost just the same.  They looked almost 
like twins...blonde hair, laughing smiles... If it 
wasn't for Bruce's green eyes they would have been a 
close call to identical.
     Bruce chuckled and nodded.  "I stand corrected!"  
He then leaned over her hand and kissed her fingers, a 
lock of golden hair falling in his face.
     Serena giggled as he rose back up.  "You're such a 
charming gentleman, my dear Bruce!  Unlike SOME certain 
princes who SHALL remain nameless..."
     "Dear," reprimanded Serenity.  "Not here."
     Bruce looked at her with a puzzled expression as 
did Estelle.  Serena sighed and rolled her eyes.  "So, 
anyway, Bruce, why are you here?"
     Bruce looked quickly at his mother, who looked at 
Serenity.  "You mean you haven't told her?" exclaimed 
Queen Estelle in awe.
     Serenity shook her head calmly.  "No, I hadn't 
gotten around to it, the time...hasn't been right."
     Serena felt an odd sensation at the pit of her 
stomach.  Like something was about to happen.  "What?"
     Her mother glanced at Bruce and then at Serena.  
"Well, you see, Prince Bruce and Queen Estelle aren't 
just here for a small and meaningless visit.  You and 
Bruce have been betrothed to each other since you were 
born, daughter, and now is the time to carry out the 
     The princess looked at the three people blankly.  
"I...I don't understand."
     "Serena," Serenity said patiently.  "Bruce has 
come to marry you."
     At that moment the world fell out from underneath 
Serena's feet and things went hazy.  Why is it getting 
dark? she thought to herself sleepily, it's not night 
time yet..., right before she blacked out.

Does it seem as if Serena is always fainting in my 
stories?  (see "The End of the Sailor Soldiers" - 
Dancing and Romancing to see what I mean).  She's a 
very emotional young girl, and I think that a fainting 
spell was in order to capture the essence of the 
     Tune in next time for Chapter 4, in which the 
Inner Princesses learn of the wedding as well as 
another very important character that we all know and 
love...Darien.  What are their reactions?  The truth 
may shock you.  See you then!  E-mail SlrUnico@aol.com 
to comment!

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