1 FEB 2004

Farewell, Cain.

My heart dies with him today.

When I read the Last book in Cain's series.

It is all over, with my love.

6 years ago, I was still in the University.

I have never heard of Yuki Kaori, nor Cain's series when I first read Count Cain 6 years ago.

It was the time when I can be so crazy about a manga.

I spent 2 hours in travel, just to purchase a set of Cain's series.

What made me so obsessed was quite hard to tell.

May be his miserable past.

His bond with Lief.

His talent in poison and as a sharpshooter.

His different sense of Justice.

No, what's special was Kaori sensei way of telling stories.

Angel Sanctuary (what I read afterwards) was also a good work, but Cain is even better.

She said she planned the plots (Lief's real identity) at the beginning.

"If you betrayed me, I will go to die." (Cain told Lief in Kafka)

"Lief would never betrayed me." (Cain told Jezebel at the end of Kafka)

You know, when I first realized Lief betrayal, and Cain's preparation of the tomb, I thought he will sacrifice himself to get Lief back. (I thought it was his own tomb) Then Merry inherited every thing and married Oscar.

But the ending of God Child was even better.

Whole. Completed. No more God Child Part 2.

Cain's life was tough enough for a Part 2.

I don't want him to suffer more.


When I first read Count Cain, it was the time when there were not much homepages about Cain.

Most of them don't even exist any more now.

I don't want to get update of this site anymore.

My heart died.

If you really want to know anything about Cain,

Find a copy of Count Cain now and READ IT YOURSELF.