ðHgeocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/3883/machiei00.htmlgeocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/3883/machiei00.htmldelayedx¦ÕJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈpè¼ËYOKtext/html€š &ËYÿÿÿÿb‰.HMon, 30 Apr 2001 09:36:10 GMT€Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *¦ÕJËY MacHiei Prologue DISCLAIMER!: Yuu Yuu Hakusho belongs to Togashi Yoshihiro, Shonen Jump and... whoever owns them. Macbeth, as far as I'm concerned, belongs to Shakespeare... (but he isn't around to see me poach... so...) I don't own anyone, don't want to anyway and am not making ANY money out of this... so please keep your money and don't sue me! ^_^x


by Pan


I would like to sincerely congratulate everybody from Yuu Yuu
Hakusho for their successful acting out of season one without a hitch. In
fact, my faculties are so pleased that I have decided to challenge our Yuu
Yuu Hakusho characters with one of the most explicit, intriguing, intricate,
abstract, heedless, deep and just totally out of this world play.

Macbeth by William Shakespeare.

 Before you all cry out at how easily the Yuu Yuu Hakushoers would
finish off this job, let us examine the themes of the play and then point
out how difficult it is to actually stage a thing like this.
 The increasing image of evil.

Yomi: Good... very good... hohohohoh... more and more interesting, if it
gets more and more evil...

 Thank you, Yomi. Now let's talk about imagery in blood.

Hiei: Yoshi. *flips through script and smiles more and more* I think this
play is going to be great.

 All right, Hiei, for your initial encouragement, you may rest
backstage while I cast you a good role. Now then, the role of clothes in the
play of Macbeth.

Kurama: "Why do you dress me in borrowed robes?"

 You're too serious, Kurama, I haven't cast the role of Macbeth yet.

Kurama: I know, I was trying to memorize the whole script so that whichever
role I get cast into, I won't have to do anymore memorization.

 That's a silly line of reasoning for a 1000 year old fox, Kurama.
Anyway, our next theme is on the line of deception and masks.

Mukuro: That is youkai feed. I could do that without even acting.

 If you say so, Mukuro. All right, there are so many themes in the
play Macbeth that we can explore and then outrightly apply to our modern
times. They shall not all be covered in this prologue, themes to do with
kingship and ambition, of order and disorder, where darkness and light also
plays a role as a theme, and of course, prophecies and the natural standings
of a person in general... Irony, is still the greatest theme pungent in
smell even throughout the entire play.

Yuusuke: Just, get on with it.

 If that be your wish. I shall now cast the roles in the Yuu Yuu
Hakusho Shakespeare Tales: Macbeth. Would the character of Macbeth, played
by Hiei, please take center-stage now.

(Scuffling sounds backstage, then Hiei is pushed out wearing his trademark
I'm-having-a-problem-with-the-world scowl)

 Thank you MacHiei. Now would the character of Lady Macbeth, Yukina
please take places beside your reel husband now.

(Yukina walks out, looking as sweet and as innocent as ever, standing beside
a totally frozen Hiei.)

Kuwabara: Objection!

 Your objection has been denied, Kuwabara. Please remain backstage
until your role has been called.

Kuwabara: But why does the shrimp get to playact as Yukina-san's husband?

 Like I said, your objection shall not be acted upon. But if you're
really so interested to know, it's because I wanted to make fun of the fire
demon. Ouch, watch out there Hiei, a Kokuryuuha is not a good thing to set
loose in this ceiling covered theatre when YUKINA is beside you. Okay, now
would the character of Banquo, played by Kurama take your entrance now.

(Kurama walks out of the curtains, flipping through the script, then smiling
at the swooning audience in the theatre.)

 Welcome on stage, BanKuramaQuo. Would his counterparts in general
warfare Ross and Lennox combined characters played by Koenma step out

(A dazed looking baby Koenma walks out of backstage curtains, apparently
having just rode on a Botan Express Oar Service ride.)

 I'm sorry, KoenmaRoss, you were supposed to come as someone older
and taller. But anyway, would King Duncan and his son Malcolm played by
Raizen and Kuwabara respectively come and take places.

(Raizen strides out, Kuwabara trailing behind dejectedly, keeping his glares
to Hiei only, however.)

 Thank you for your swift entrance, King Raizencan and Prince of
Cucumberland Kuwabaracolm. May you allow me to now ask our three
distinguished guest stars of the witches in the play Macbeth to make their
grand entrance, Mukuro, Shizuru and Genkai.

(A puff of smoke, and our three witches appear.)

 Forgive me, WiMukuroTch, WiShizuruTch and WiGenkaiTch. But the
description says, "must look like men and women", so I had no choice.

Genkai: Kurama and Koenma could replace me and Shizuru.

 Oh no, I'm so sorry, they can't. The script says "look like men and
women", but those two look too much like women, and not like men at all, so
we should have to do with this. At least all you have to do is to control
your reiki so it doesn't make you young and beautiful again. Shizuru has no
problems being a boy...

Shizuru: *nod*

 And Mukuro could pass off as a boy as and when she likes.

Mukuro: *nod*

 May I now entreat our Macduff play actor, Yuusuke to come out with
his family of Lady Macduff and their son.

(Yuusuke, Keiko and Puu walks calmly out, each holding a copy of their

 Thank you for being extremely cooperative.

Yuusuke: Anytime.

 We now introduce to our audiences Banquo's son Fleance to be played
by Hatanaka Shuuichi. Hatanaka Shuuichi please.

(Kurama's stepbrother walks... I mean, rollerblades into the stage center
and almost ends up falling on Yuusuke, and almost ends up triggering a
domino effect...)

 A rolling good entrance, FleShuuichiance. I would ask your brother
to foot the bills for stage floor reparations. Finally, the last few of our
major characters in this play, now dubbed MacHiei, the three murderers who
kills BanKuramaQuo in this version. Karasu, Yomi and Kuronue please.

(Each of the three dark youkais comes out in their own distinct style and
take stage center. Yomi bows, Karasu does nothing and Kuronue gives a little
sinister watch-out-for-your-wallet smile.)

Karasu: I finally get to kill Kurama, it's like a dream come true... will I
get to keep him with me after all this is over?

 No, because Kurama doesn't really die. He just pretends that he's
dead, but he can't be, because I have future plans for him in a future
fanfic. Unless Kurama wants to be 'kept' by you...

Kurama: I DO NOT!

 ... well in that case, I'm so sorry Karasu.

Karasu: Aaaaaaawwww...

 This is all for our major characters introduction in this prologue.
Everybody, you know your stage directions, you know your lines, you have
your scripts, you've got your own prompters and special effects, your own
distinct acting styles and unique voices... you have exactly three days to
memorize your scripts.
 May the force be with you while you slug your brains out. I'll be
expecting the first recording in three days time.

(Everybody gets into a fluster, bumps into each other, reminds each other
of lines and phrases, curse Shakespeare for writing English that's not
English, and generally creates an upheaval.)


Act One

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