ðHgeocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/3883/predicament08.htmlgeocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/3883/predicament08.htmldelayedx7¦ÕJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈÐc½5"OKtext/html †™ &5"ÿÿÿÿb‰.HTue, 17 Apr 2001 09:33:38 GMT›Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *7¦ÕJ5" Hiei's Predicament 08 Hiei's Predicament

by Queen Yokozuna

Part 8: The Last Resort

In Kurama's bedroom, Hiei keeps pacing the floor. Kurama is at his desk, and he seems to be contemplating something.

Hiei is starting to fume because there doesn't seem to be another way for him to get out of his predicament. Before splitting up with Yukina at the lake earlier today, she had asked him out again tomorrow, and he had no choice but to say yes to it.

"What could I possibly do to make her not want me anymore?" Hiei asks, more probably to himself.

Kurama remains silent.

"I can't tell her I don't like her, it'll break her heart."

"Yeah, I know," Kurama says.

"So what should I do?" Hiei asks.

"How 'bout this: reveal something about you that'll absolutely, just turn her off."

"Like what, that I used to kill a lot of --"

"No, that won't work. She won't give a damn about what you did in the past."

"Then I'll kill someone now."

"C'mon, Hiei, that's silly."

"Alright, what do you propose, then, huh?" Hiei stands before Kurama, crossing his arms.

"Well..." Kurama states, "promise me first you won't overreact."

Hiei stares at him. "I'll try."

"Okay, here goes." Kurama takes a deep breath. "Tell Yukina, that you're...gay."

"The hell?!" Hiei explodes.

Kurama puts his head in his hands. "I knew it," he says.

"I'm not gay!" Hiei protests, looking like a little boy throwing a tantrum.

"I know that. Then just pretend you are."

"Is this the most ingenious solution you can come up with?"

"If you don't like it then you come up with a solution." With that, Kurama faces his desk, turning his side to Hiei. "I still have some homework here to do, so just tell me when you're through coming up with something."

As Kurama opens his books, Hiei scowlingly sits on the bed and tries to rack his brains of another, more desirable, solution. 'Tell her I'm gay, not on your life,' Hiei muses.

Kurama concentrates on his homework, but a faint smile plays on his lips.

After a full minute, Hiei gets up from the bed and starts to walk to the window.

"What," Kurama asks him.

"I'll tell her now," Hiei resolutely declares.

"Tell her what?"

"That I'm gay, okay?!" Hiei seems exasperated now.

Kurama stands up from his chair. "I'm going with you."

"What the hell for?"

"Well, in case she doesn't believe you right away, tell her I'm your boyfriend."

Hiei explodes once again. "What?!"

"Okay, so it's your choice. Don't blame me if --"

"Alright, alright, geezuz!"

Grumbling, Hiei now jumps out of the window. Kurama follows him, a wide amused grin plastered on his face.

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