Stuff About Ange
19 years
March 07, 1980
It varies.. Usually brown, or red or blonde.. or somewhere in between. ;)
They also vary, through no fault of my own.. Green - blue - greyish, and any shade in between.
5'11. Goodness I'm tall! And I
haven't measured in about four or five years, in fear of actually one day being 6".
Tsk, you shouldn't be asking that! Around 135 or higher, not sure anymore. ;)
Lina, Doris, Ange
Spending time with friends, MUCKing, chatting online, doing anything that doesn't require effort and/or thought. Really, that's it. She just wants to sit around and become a big pile of mush. Or something like that. ;)
Where to be found online:
Anime MUCK , or Anime Infinium MUCK , because they're the coolest places on earth. :)
Favorite food?
Anything edible? Or pizza.. or chinese.. or something else.
Nifty quote:
My momma always said life is like a box of chocolates... hold on too tight, and you end up with a sh*tty brown mess.
General stuff:
Well, I'm not the most interesting of people, I'm sure.. There are a great many people more interesting than I, but I suppose you can't find them, seeing as you're here. :p In any event, I'm Ange, and I am what I am. Whatever that is, might change from time to time, but somewhere in there, it's usually the same.. The coolest bands in existence, in my opinion, would have to be Rancid, Bad Religion, No Use For A Name, and.. well, punk in general. ;) Anyhow, my screen is kind of flashing right now, making it really hard for me to type, so I think I'll just stop at that. ;)
