ðHgeocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/6229/jokes.htmgeocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/6229/jokes.htm.delayedx:«ÕJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈàPÍ OKtext/htmlpaš & ÿÿÿÿb‰.HMon, 24 Apr 2000 16:10:57 GMT!Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *9«ÕJ Untitled Normal Page


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What did the elephant say when he saw a dead ant on the road?
-- Deadant! Deadant! Deadant!!! (to be sung).
What did he say when he saw a live ant on the road?
-- He stamped it to death and then said "Deadant! Deadant! Deadant!!!".

Q: Why do all the marching elephants suddenly raise their right leg ?
A: Just for kicks!!

Q: How will you stop an elephant from passing through the eye of a needle?
A: Just tie a knot on its tail!!

Q: How do you kill a blue elephant?
A: With a blue elephant shooting gun!!
Q: How do you kill a pink elephant?
A: First you scare it. It turns blue. Shoot it with the blue elephant
shooting gun. (if the other person answers pink elephant shooting gun,
say, technology has not advanced to that stage)
Q: How do you kill a white elephant?
A: Tickle it. It turns pink. Scare it. It turns blue. Then ..
(if the other person says scare the white elephant, say, they are fearless

Q: What time is it when and elephant sits on your fence?
A: Time to get a new fence.

Q: How do you tell if there's an elephant under your bed?
A: Your nose touches the ceiling.

Note : I am soon gonna add few more pages. This section is under work